forum You Could Put An Ocean Between Our Love//OxO//CLOSED
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"That's the problem, I am stuck on a pirate ship. I do not enjoy being on the ocean, I would much rather watch it from the shore." Adelina explained. At least she didn't get seasick, that would make sure she wouldn't be on the ocean. But the pirate was right, her father couldn't care less about his daughter, he just wanted to be the most powerful he could be.


"As I said earlier," Cicada shrugged her comments off. She took a look over the princess and thought to herself that dress had to go. She hopped off the desk with little problem and walked over to what appeared to be a wardrobe. She had her back to the princess though she knew the door was locked so the little lady couldn't escape. She started to rummage through what clothes she had, "She tends to grow on ya. Now come on over here, you look too much like a princess for my taste."

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"Well to bad, I am a princess and clothes won't change that. I am not changing into anything from this ship." Adelina insisted. She coudn't get over the fact that she was stuck on a pirate ship, unable to see her family ever again, and unable to be part of the royal kingdom ever again.


Cicada turned around and raised an eyebrow at the princess. She leaned against the wardrobe the clothes she had already grabbed resting on her arm, "I am well aware clothes don't make a person. However, this is more to your benefit than my own. It would be so easy to keep you tied up in a contracting outfit like that."

Cicada could help the purr that came out with the last sentence. She was the princess's captor and while she was lenient there were certain things she wasn't going to budge on.

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"Why do you care what I am wearing? This is my body, my life. At least let me wear what I would like since I am stuck on here for all of my life and I can't really control much else of my life anymore." Adelina pleaded. It may not be much of anything, but it may be the only part of her that shows she's the princess left.


Cicada paused for a moment. The princess had a point. She dropped the clothes back into the wardrobe and closed the whole this up, “Very well then. You have a good point. Though I’m almost positive after a day or so you’ll be begging to get out of that stuffy dress.”

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"That may be true, but right now, I would like to stay in this dress," Adelina said. She looked around and found a chair and sat down in it. "So, since I am going to be here a while, who are you? I will not bother introducing myself since you most likely already know me."


Cicada thought for a moment before going to sit back on her desk. She eventually tipped her hat back so a full view of her face could be seen, “Captain Cicada of the Firefly at your service. And of course I know your the princess, but I have never heard your name said. Or at least was paying attention when it said.”

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"My name is Adelina De Clare, a… pleasure?… To meet you, Captian Cicada." Adelina said. She smiled ever so slightly. "What do you expect me to do here? I can not and will not work with your misfit crew on the ship. I would be as useless as a bag of sand."


“Oh you won’t stay that way for long,” Cicada responded grinning wildly, “I’m sure you’ve been taught basic domestic skills. You don’t need muscles to be of use, though it does tend to help. And as for will not, you won’t have a say in the matter.”

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Adelina sighed. "What is even the point of being on a ship, do you have a destination in mind? I have never and will never understand sailors." In most cases, Adelina never argued like this, but in the presence of a pirate and away from people of her kingdom, she didn't hesitate to argue or voice her opinion.


“Being on a ship gives you the freedom to go where you please,” Cicada responded growing slightly irritated. She knew Adelina was a princess but she was just dismissing an entire livelihood without much thought, “Something most common folk consider a privilege. We have no destination yet though we will most likely be heading not to yours or your ex fiance’s kingdom.”

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"That is obvious. If you went anywhere near those kingdoms, you would be chased down and captured." Adelina mumbled to herself. "I suppose. If you do not have a destination or a plan then you can make up your own, changing it if need be." She was slowly starting to understand.


Cicada nodded along taking a moment to understand what she was saying. She grinned and leaned back on the desk, "Exactly. See you're getting the appeal of this lifestyle. Now, you'll be staying with me for the moment unless you would like to stay with the boys?"

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Adelina was ready to object, opening her mouth, but she closed it quicker than she opened it. "No, I would rather stay with you than them, definitely." She said, nodding. She sighed, the fact that she was stuck here settling in.


Cicada gave a nod and stood up from the desk. She made her way towards the door, "Good choice. I'm going to go and check on the rest of my crew. Feel free to make yourself at home while I'm out."

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Adelina nodded and watched the pirate leave the room. She rested her head in her hands, reflecting on the past half hour. It was going to be a very big jump in lifestyle that she would rather not do, but she had no other choice. At least she wasn't being locked up in a cell below decks.


Cicada shut the door behind her and walked across the deck. From a first glance, it wasn't looking that well. No one appeared to be dead yet but based on her medic's, Breeze, fanatic movements a few had been fatally wounded. She let out a sigh and went down to see if she could help at all considering how few injuries she had.

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Adelina stayed in place for a while, thinking about the whole situation. She did eventually stand up from the chair and flop backward on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She felt the ship move with the waves, calming her slightly.


Cicada ran a hand through her hair and she ended up helping clean wounds on those less injured. It gave Breeze a needed break so the other girl could focus on the heavily wounded. As the remainder of the day passed it looked like most were going to make it through the night, but a few had a grim future. She was tired, hungry, and wanted to go to bed. Letting out a long sigh she made her way back to her cabin.

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With everything going on, Adelina's mind shut down and she fell asleep. It was the best way for her to cope with stress or fear or anger. She fell asleep not much after she got on the bed.


Cicada entered and saw Adelina on her bed, asleep. She took off her coat and hung it before shutting the door behind her. She let out a long sigh and walked over to her desk. She had neglected to set up a hammock earlier so she was sleeping in her chair. It would only be for a night and she could set the hammock up tomorrow.

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Adelina jolted awake, hearing the door open and close. She looked around, confused for a second, before what happened registered. She blinked a few times and saw Cicada. "Oh, hello… sorry I fell asleep. Uh, where am I supposed to be sleeping, assuming this bed is yours?"


Cicada looked over at Adelina and waved her off. She made her way over to the wardrobe with full intentions of changing into something more comfortable for sleeping, "You can use the bed. Though if you wouldn't mind helping me set up a hammock, that would be greatly appreciated."

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Adelina smiled a little, standing up from the bed. "I wouldn't mind, how may I help?" She asked walking to the other side of the bed, which was closer to Cicada. She went to the wardrobe as well. "Could I actually have something else to wear to bed? I am fine with this dress for the day, but it is a pain to sleep in."