forum You Could Put An Ocean Between Our Love//OxO//CLOSED
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

You could put an ocean between our love
It won't keep us apart
You could build a wall, I would run it up
Just to get to your heart
If we're caught in a wave
Baby, we'll make a way
You could put an ocean between our love
*It won't keep us apart
So this song, Ocean by Khalid and Martin Garix, has, once again, sparked an idea. So like Person A is a pirate and Person B is like a prince/princess or something important. And Person B is sailing somewhere then they get attacked or something by Person A and their crew. Stuff happens and they fall in love and so on.

Just a few things~
-andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules
-Please try to use proper grammar, some mistakes are totally fine though
-Swearing is perfectly fine
-LQBTQ+ zone, if you don't like it, please leave
-Keep it pg-13, I'm not comfortable with writing smut and that kind of thing
-No one-liners, please. It's okay at times though

So yeah.

Deleted user

Not at all! But I would like to be Person B if that's ok with you, if that changes anything.


Nah that changes nothing. I was kind of hoping for Person A anyways lol. So which ship type are we doing? MxF? MxM? FxF?

Deleted user

Perfect lol. I really don't care, do you have a preference?

Deleted user

At this point, I'm always in a gay mood lol so MxM or FxF I guess

Deleted user

Maybe no templates? And I was thinking more medieval-ish times, but more modern is good with me as well.
And don't worry about it, life happens. It doesn't do anything for me.


No templates and medieval-ish sounds good. I’m assuming very basic guns would be a thing?
Also thanks for understanding.

Deleted user

Yeah, basic guns for sure
I just realized it's kinda-ish like Pirates of the Caribbean, ya know?
Of course!

Deleted user

Oh yeah lol, very true. I don't watch many pirate movies so that's probably why I immediately thought of that movie.

Deleted user

Lol yeah. So is there anything I'm missing? Sometimes I forget things lol.


Mmmmm we got characters, ship type, a general plot, and world setting. I think we’re good. Except I’m heading off the night. So start tomorrow?

Deleted user

Good morning! Do you want me to start or do you have something in mind?

Deleted user

(Ok, great!)

The sea. A wonderful, beautiful, and dangerous thing. Adelina De Clare wasn't the biggest fan of being on it, but she loved watching it. She was excited to be away from home, but not for the reason of being away. She was being taken to another kingdom to meet a prince that her father had arranged for her to marry. She'd rather go to a new kingdom to meet the people of it and explore the village, meeting a person to marry of her own. But no, her father expected her to comply with his instructions, after all, the prince is of a wealthier and more powerful kingdom than themselves.
Adelina was sitting on the deck, watching the endless waves. She was sewing to pass the time, almost done with a dress she had started a few days earlier.


Cicada had gotten word from merchants at the last place they docked that there was a ship with important cargo on it. After that the rest of their old sea tales and flown right in and out of the young captian's ears. She had set sale with her crew in search of this ship and eventually through other word of mouth, and the few prisoners the Firefly had taken, that the cargo was in fact the damn princess being taken to her new fiance. If the marriage was to go through two already powerful kingdoms would join together, putting Cicada's entire occupation in jeopardy considering how wanted she was in either kingdom. And finally, after days of searching the ship was insight, how could she tell? Why the back of the boat had the Royal crest on it so of course the princess was on that.

Deleted user

"Mistress? Would you please let me escort you to your quarters?" Asked a young man. He was part of the ship's crew, and one of the servants from the kingdom.
"Of course. If I may ask, why am I needed in my quarters?" Asked Adelina, with a slight look of confusion. They hadn't run into anything so far, so it was all but expected to run into something sooner or later. She stood up, scanning the sea for anything to give her a clue as to what was going on.
"A ship has been spotted, we would rather you be in the safety of your quarters if they are hostile. Please follow me, miss." He said, walking across the deck. He didn't want to tell her of the pirate aboard the ship. He didn't want to even mention that it was about a pirate so that he wouldn't scare her.