forum You Could Put An Ocean Between Our Love//OxO//CLOSED
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Adelina jumped when Cicada shot the pistol, still able to hear it. She took her hands off her ears to listen and watch Cicada talk to her crew. "It wouldn't have been rough if you didn't kidnap me…" She mumbled under her breath.


Cicada began to bark out orders and watched as those who could begin to man the ship. Others went to check with Breeze to see who made it through, as did the captain. Taking a few breaths, Cicada returned back to Adelina's side. She was glad she made the call to do the attack, though her entire crew had agreed including the six of the fifty that were no longer walking on this plane. She looked to find James and gave him a nod. The first mate understood he was in charge until Cicada wasn't occupied. She returned to Adelina with a fake coy smile, "Well, how was that for a wake-up call?"

Deleted user

"I would much rather something less harsh and loud. But I am sorry about your losses." Adelina said sincerely. She looked around at everything going on, then out to the sea. "So, what exactly do you want me to do here?"


"For starters, I'll show ya around the Firefly," Cicada responded glad about the princess's sincerity. She let out a sigh and adjusted her hat, "Then you'll be helping Breeze taking care of the injured. They'll need help eating, sitting up, and redressing wounds. And everyone else is making sure we get to shore."

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Adelina nodded, listening to Cicada. She sighed as well. This work was for anyone else, not a princess. She wasn't happy about it, but she wasn't really in the position to go against her captor at this point. She watched a couple doing, most of which she had no idea what they were.


Cicada gave a nod back and offered an arm to the princess. She was grinning quite a bit, though it felt forced on her end. She waited for the princess, "Well, let's get started."

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Adelina nodded and took Cicada's arm again. She returned a small smile. She looked out at the ocean once more before going with Cicada.


Cicada lead her down from the little perch onto the main deck. She didn't bother saying much until they got below deck, "This is the crew quarters. And the med bay is in tbe back."

Deleted user

Adelina just nodded as she listened to Cicada. She looked all around to remember where everything was and how to get there. She didn't like it below decks as much as she did above. Below was stuffy and smelled slightly of fish, which was never a good thing in her book.


Cicada continued on walking past the numerous beds and hammocks. The med bay was a few quarantine beds and a whole area full of med. She continued on talking as they walked, "The mess hall is over there and the cargo hall is underneath us. We don't take a lot of prisoners but we keep them down there as well."

Deleted user

Adelina listened to Cicada while looking around. "Do you have any prisoners down there now?" She asked, a little nervous to hear the answer. Sure, her father kept prisoners, but she never liked the idea.


"Not at the moment," Cicada responded swinging the door open to prove it. All that was down there was a dwindling of supplies of food and other goods, "As I mentioned, we don't take prisoners often. Only if they have information we might need, or if they were being a particularly bastardly enemy during a raid. At that point their less of a prisoner and more of a punching bag."

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Adelina let a almost relieved sigh. She looked through the door then back to Cicada. "Is that everything? Or is there more I need to know before I start helping your medic?" She asked. She wasn't a big fan of the ship, but she would have to deal with it no matter what, as a prisoner or a member of ther crew.


"I believe you can start helping the medic," Cicada nodded and turned to leave the main hull, "Breeze probably needs our help considering how many people are still injured. Plus now we have… Others to deal with along with the injured."