"Sure," Cicada threw a plain-looking shirt and pants at the princess. She grabbed a pair similar for herself and slipped off her tank top revealing bare skin, "Get changed first and then we can talk. It'll be easier to maneuver the hammock without the dress."
Adelina sighed and went to the other side of the room and started untieing a bow and the top layer of her dress. The knife that she hid in her dress earlier clambered to the floor. Adelina winced and stepped on it, sliding it under a table before quickly looking back at Cicada.
Cicada heard the clatter and thought little of it. She pulled the plain shirt over her head before going to change out her pants. Once she finished she began to pull out the hammock set up. Letting the princess do her own thing.
Adelina let out a relieved breath. She continued taking off the dress, getting to the under layer of the dress. Once out of it all she quickly put on the plain shirt and pants. She took a few deep breaths, taking in her full lung capacity. She smiled slightly and turned around. "So, where should I put this?" She asked, refering to the dress.
"The floor is fine," Cicada responded with a light smirk finally getting the hammock out. She let it rest against the wardrobe as she noticed the mess of fabric on the floor, "Unless you would prefer under the bed?"
Adelina glanced at the bed then under the bed. "I will leave it here." She said nodding as if to convince herself it was fine to leave it on the floor, getting dirtier and more wrinkled by the minute. She looked at it once more before going over to Cicada to help with the hammock.
"I have two hooks. One on this side of the cabin, and one on the other," Cicada handed Adelina one end of the hammock. She gestured to the two hooks she was talking about not minding the dress on the floor. It would have gotten dirty anyway. She pointed to the hook closest to Cicada, "I'll take this one and you can hook it up to the other one.
Adelina nodded and looked back to where Cicada pointed. She spotted the hook and went over to hook it up. "Is that it? Or is there something else we need to do?" She asked, walking back to the pirate.
Cicada hooked up her end and watched as the hammock stayed sturdy on its own. She looked over at Adelina with a shrug, "Nope. That's everything. Go ahead and get to bed, you have a busy day tomorrow."
Adelina sighed and nodded, going over to the bed. She pulled back the blankets and slid in bed. Before she hadn't paid much attention to the comfort level of the bed, just assuming any discomfort was her dress. And she was right. It was surprisingly comfortable. "Good night."
Cicada laid back in the hammock no blanket covering her for the night. She shut her eyes as she swang slowly back and forth with the waves. She enjoyed her comfortable bed, but this would do for now, "Night princess."
A very small smile unconsciously grew on Adelina's lips. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep. She turned over and over, unable to sleep for at least an hour. Eventually, she did get to sleep, but it was a very light sleep.
Cicada fell asleep after some late night thoughts. She woke up earlier the next morning and wasted no time changing back into her captain's gear. Not caring if she woke Adelina or not.
Adelina woke the moment Cicada got out of the hammock. She tried to go back to sleep but she was very unsuccessful. She let out a loud, long groan. She was tired, still. Slowly, she sat up and rubbed her eyes in an attempt to wake up more.
Cicada was finishing with her belt around her waist and she looked over at the princess. She shot her a sly grin and stepped over, "Morning princess. Have a good night's sleep?"
Adelina sighed and fell back onto the bed. "Morning… not really, I was unable to get to sleep for a long time and even when I did, I felt like I woke up every ten minutes." She said in a quiet morning voice. She threw her arm over her eyes and lied there for a bit.
"I'm not surprised," Cicada responded putting on her coat and cap. She put her pistol onto her belt and her cutlass onto the other side. She stepped over to the princess, "You did sleep for most of the day. Now come on, get up. It's either the nice wake-up or the gunshot."
The second Adelina heard 'the gunshot' she sat up again. She quickly got out of the bed and made it. She looked over at her dress, sighing. There was no point in getting back into it. Wearing around the ship while doing other things would just make it dirtier, and she might as well get used to other clothes. "Should I wear this," motioning to the clothes she was wearing, "or should I wear something else?"
Cicada had a grin on and walked over to her wardrobe. She opened it up and gestured to it for the princess, "If you want strange looks feel free to leave in that. However, you can also take a pick at my own wardrobe. Take whatever looks appealing and if ya like nothing I'll ask Breeze to bring something for you."
Adelina nodded and walked over to the wardrobe and started looking through it. After a bit of searching, she found something that was suitable enough for her. She took the clothes and went over to her dress, deciding that's where any clothes would go. A lot quicker than the dress, she changed into the other clothes and dropped what she slept in on top of her dress.
Cicada nodded and offered the princess an arm. She wasn't going to be a total ass all the time, and Adelina had finally changed out of that dress. She smiled up at her, "Remember that gunshot I spoke of earlier? I was thinking we wake the rest of the crew so we can make it to land hopefully by tomorrow morn."
Adelina glanced at Cicada's arm, not immediately taking it. She took it hesitantly and softly smiled. She nodded listening to Cicada as they started out. "Where are we going?" She asked, looking over at the pirate, then back to the front.
"Out onto the deck.," Cicada responded with a shrug. She had a grin on and opened the door to see the deck still filled with sleeping pirates. She could already see Breeze moving around to the few who they weren't sure were going to make it through the night. The sigh brought a slight frown on, but she kept her smile on. Cicada caught Breeze's eyes and the two nodded carefully at each other. Normalcy was the best when they weren't sure what was going to happen next, "You might want to cover your ears princess."
Adelina nodded and did as Cicada told her to do. She wondered where they were going to dock, what town or village were they landing in? She decided it wasn't worth it to ask though, she didn't know much about places beside her's and her ex fiance's kingdoms.
Cicada pointed her pistol to the air and fired a shot off. Most of the crew that could shot up and even those that couldn't did so anyway. They groaned and laid back down and Cicada laughed letting go of Adelina's arm to walk down amongst the crew. She yelled out, "Yesterday was rough, but we all pulled through," she looked over hoping to catch Breeze confirming her statement. The medic stayed silent, "Well most of us did. We're running out of supplies and need to restock. We'll be holding a burial for those who didn't make it through the night onshore."