Ollie's pout deepened, "You can't just kiss me like that and then not expect me to want more and then deny me like that. No fair." He sighed softly, shaking his head, "Let's go then."
Ollie's own bruises were visible, mainly the new one around his neck. It was a lot worse now then it had been in the morning, but he wasn't too worried, he knew no one at his school was going to care.
Quinn laughed gently, shaking his head. “I’m sorry about that, Ollie. I promise that when we get back I’ll make it up to you~” he smiled half-heartedly and tugged on Ollie’s shirt.
He looked out of it as they walked out the bar, his eyes staring unseeingly into the distance. “Ollie…? Could we… hide the fact we’re a thing while at school…? I-I’m afraid you or I will get hurt because of it.”
"Good, you'd better," He sighed softly. To Quinn's question he nodded, though he wasn't happy about it, but he'd respect Quinn's wish, "Yeah, of course we can, if that's what you want."
Quinn took Ollie’s hand shyly. “We can tell a few people… I’m just scared. I don’t want to be hurt again.” He shivered, his back arching at the memory of the rod and lamp against it.
Ollie gave Quinn's hand a squeeze, "I know… we won't show it to people, then. If you want to tell someone then that's okay, I don't care. It's up to you how we tell people."
“Thank you, Ollie.” He pressed a kiss to the other’s head and blushed lightly. He brought the collar of his loose t-shirt over his lower face, thinking. “I didn’t move too fast did I? You really want to be my boyfriend? It’s been only three or four days since I first met you… is it too soon?” He asked suddenly. His anxiety was starting to spike. He needed to get more of his meds sometime.
Ollie stop him, standing on his toes to kiss Quinn on the cheek, "You're not moving too fast, and yes I want to be your boyfriend. I don't think it's too soon, but if you're having second thoughts…"
“No!” He gasped, his voice a little louder than he wanted it to be. “No. I’m not having second thoughts. I full heartedly love you. I just want to make sure I’m not overbearing.”
"You're not, Quinn," Ollie squeezed his hand again, "I promise you you're not."
He pressed his head against Ollie’s, taking in a deep breath. “I love you, Ollie… thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” Ollie replied softly, giving Quinn a soft smile.
Quinn laughed gently and kissed Ollie’s cheek. “What if I want to though?”
Ollie shrugged a shoulder, "Then I guess you can."
He laughed, swinging their arms gently. He blushed lightly, happy to have such an amazing boyfriend.
Ollie hummed softly as they walked, trying to distract himself from the fact that he was going from one hellhole to another.
“Can we get lunch together?” He asked suddenly, looking over at Ollie.
Ollie looked up at Quinn and nodded, "Sure, of course we can."
“Thank you! I want to be by you still. I love you a lot, Ollie. I promise that I do.”
"I know you do," Ollie smiled, blushing very lightly, "And I love you too."
Quinn kissed his cheek and giggled. “You’re so cute.”
Ollie giggled and rolled his eyes, bumping Quinn with his hip, "I-I am not."
“You are to!” Quinn wrapped his arms around him and pulled him to a stop so he could muzzle into Ollie’s neck.
Ollie squeaked, giggling a little more and smiling, "No! I am not cute."
“You are the cutest. You make cute sounds and you look cute and you act cute.” Quinn picked Ollie up off the ground and spun them.
Ollie wrapped his arms around Quinn's neck, holding on in case Quinn dropped him, "Q-Quinn! P-Put me down you oaf!"