Quinn ran his fingers through his hair, pocketing his phone and turning his face away. "I-It's fine…" He murmured gently, shuffling slightly. "I'm just… I don't understand why-" He started, sighing deeply. "Could we stop at a Verizon or something sometime?"
"We can go now if you want? We have a little time to spare." Ollie said as he scanned his card, quickly grabbing the receipt and placing it in the plastic bag with all their items.
"Are you sure? I don't want to take up all your time for today." He murmured softly, biting his lip. "I'm sorry."
Ollie turned over his shoulder and stood on his toes to kiss Quinn’s cheek, “Don’t be sorry, not your fault. Besides, I didn’t mind you taking up my time.”
Quinn wrapped an arm around Ollie in a gentle and careful hug. He smiled weakly and sighed deeply. “I’m going to be broke pretty soon if I have to replace everything…”
"If you need any help I can play for some stuff. I have quite a bit saved up." Ollie said, grabbing the bag and starting to head out the store.
“Oh! No!. You’re not allowed to pay for anything of mine. It’s my own problem, but thank you Ollie.” He offered just hand once more now that they could carry things easier, smiling weakly once more.
Ollie pouted, taking Quinn's hand with his free one, "I wanna help though. I don't want you to do this all alone."
Quinn nuzzled into the side of Ollie’s head, inhaling gently. “Just having you here is enough to help me. I’m glad it was you who found me.”
Ollie smirked softly, giving Quinn’s hand a squeeze, “In glad I found you too.”
Quinn giggled softly and sighed deeply. “You’re my favorite person in the world.” He purred. His mood seemed to be picking up with the help of his boyfriend.
Ollie blushed lightly, rolling his eyes playfully, "Oh shush. Stop flirting, you're making me red again."
“I like flirting with you. Your face goes red and it’s cute and fun.” He hummed, swinging their arms playfully as they walked.
"It is not cute." Ollie protested, "It's very embarrassing, actually since I can't do the same to you."
“Oh, Ollie. Of course you can do the same to me. You just have to know what to say~” he grinned wickedly, tugging the smaller male towards a lonely store he recognized to be the Verizon he wanted.
Ollie opened his mouth to protest but shut it as he nearly stumbled when Quinn tugged him towards the store, “Well I don’t know what to do so…” He mumbled.
Quinn ran a loving hand through Ollie's hair as he opened the store's door for him. "You'll learn, don't worry. I can help you too, by telling you a few things that fluster me."
(Happy new year <3)
Ollie hummed slightly, sighing quietly as he walked into the store, "Why would you do that? To help your downfall? Kinda stupid sounding to me but I'm not complaining."
(Happy new year!! I’m totally not up at 4 AM)
“I hardly count this as my downfall.” He smiled softly and gently nudged Ollie. “Thank you again for being patient with me.”
Quinn seemed to hesitate as he pulled his phone out, staring at its darkened screen. He sighed loudly before walking up to the counter to ask for help.
(Fammmm go to sleeeeep)
Ollie smiled up at Quinn, "No need to thank me." He felt very out of place in this store, he'd never actually been the best at technology.
(Nah. The ground whispers to me now. I have to hear what it’s gotta day XD)
Quinn smiled softly at Ollie. He watched him out of the corner of his eye as the lady at the counter walked him through policies. He hardly listened, already knowing which he was going to get.
When she finally quit talking and pulled out the paperwork for it, Quinn sighed deeply and began the process.
He was back at Ollie’s side with a working phone, a new plan, and a new number within minutes. He looked exhausted as he pocketed his wallet and offered Ollie his hand.
“Let’s head back now. I need a nap and some cuddles.”
Ollie gladly took Quinn's hand and nodded, ready to leave. He hadn't even been paying attention to what the woman was saying and his brain hurt, "Me too, let's get going."
(I’m good I fell asleep haha)
Quinn’s feet felt like they were dragging. He whined softly as they walked, pressing his forehead against Ollie’s head.
Ollie giggled, pushing Quinn off of him so he wouldn’t colapse under the others weight, “Stop whining.”
“But I’m tireeeed.” He complained, grinning brightly as he leaned more of his weight against Ollie.