@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Phillips glanced over when he heard the cat. It wasn't one he recognized as one of the ship cats.
"Your cat?" He asked.
Phillips glanced over when he heard the cat. It wasn't one he recognized as one of the ship cats.
"Your cat?" He asked.
Jackson nodded and looked at hunter. "You've been following me, haven't you?" The cat meowed. He shook his head and sighed. "I told you to stay home." Jackson said, as if he could understand everything the cat said.
"Familiar?" Phillips asked, looking between the cat and Jackson. He figured Jackson was some kind of witch, with the flames he had summoned earlier.
Hunter looked at Phillips and hissed at him. "Woah, boy. He won't hurt you." Jackson made the flames on his hands dissapear and picked up Hunter. Hunter hissed at Phillips and then licked Jackson's hand.
Phillips rolled his eyes when Hunter hissed at him. He pulled his cigarette out, flicking some of the ash off and blowing smoke away from Jackson and the cat.
"We should head back down," he noted.
Jackson nodded and made his way down without dropping the cat. Which was quite impossible since to climb down you need both hands and he was not using any hands. The cat tilted his head at Jackson and in response Jackson only smiled.
Phillips grabbed onto a loose rope, walking his legs around it and sliding down. He landed gracefully next to Jackson.
"Com'on, it's-" Phillips was cut off by a bell.
"Chow time!!" One of the other crew mates called. Everyone started filing towards The entrance to below deck.
"Just- follow my lead if you want to sell this."
“Right, gotta make this as believable as possible.” He looked at Hunter for a moment and let him down. “Hunter, go hide until I get back, understood?” The cat meowed in response and Jackson smiled. “Good, now sho.” The cat ran off to his hiding spot.
Phillips watched quietly.
"Fair warning; you're gonna have to sit at my feet. You should stick as close to me as you can get; it can be really crowded." With that, Phillips turned to start heading down. The was a large table, crew members and various human pets crowded around. Those designated as pets wore collars, and were only given the scraps off of their owner's plates.
He wrote that down mentally and looked around. He couldn’t believe how many humans the pirates had as pets. It truly did shock him, he would be lying if he said he didn’t open his mouth in shock a couple of times.
Phillips sat down, motioning for Jackson to sit down as well. He recieved his food, just handing then entire plate to Jackson; he didn't eati nfront of others. There were perhaps a total of ten other pets on the ship. The one who stood out the most was actually standing, since there was no room for him elsewhere. He looked scarred and deadly, but his owner was petite girl with
light pink hair.
Jackson looked at the plate full of food. “Aren’t you going to eat first?” He whispered to Phillips. On his way inside he saw the human pets eat only the scraps of what the plate had left.
"I don't eat," Phillips said casually, leaning back on the bench.
"At least, not this kind of food."
He raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Jackson started eating, but ate only half of the plate. He then just pushed the plate away and then sighed.
Phillips sat there, half-listening to what the other crewmates were saying.
"Hey, Phillips," one said. "I thought you were saving up for that lass in the market; why you get this runt?" He nudged Jackson with his foot. Phillips shrugged.
"You're assuming I'm not still gonna get her."
Jackson closed his eyes and bit his tongue. He took a deep breath and payed no attention to Phillips and the other person. He wondered if Hunter brought his spell book.
"Really? I never saw you as someone to get one pet, let alone two. You gonna mate 'em and sell the kids in the market? Might be a good way to make some cash." Phillips shrugged, patting Jackson's head.
"Probably not."
"Why? You need the cash, last I checked, with that diet of yours. Cap'n can't cover all of your expenses."
Jackson tapped his fingers, then intertwined them together. He looked at them and frowned and then took them apart. It was obvious that he was bored.
"Says who? She's done so for a long time, I doubt she's gonna stop anytime soon."
"Still, you can't keep mooching off your sister like that." Phillips rolled his eyes, noting that Jackson was bored. Most of the others had filed off, back to work or to go to sleep. Phillips, because of this, reached down and easily pulled Jackson onto his lap, playing with his hair as he talked.
Jackson looked up at Phillips. His expression was natural, no hint of confusion, anger or anything. He noticed one of the human pets trying to leave its master and he sighed.
Poor person.
Both Phillips and the man he was talking to noticed, but they both ignored the situation. The master, a big burly man, smacked the pet, bringing her to her knees. The girl gave a small cry of pain, and the man bent down, picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder.
Finally, Phillips looked up when there was barely any light to see by.
"Guess it's time to go light the lanterns," he noted. The other nodded, getting up and leaving.
Jackson looked around the dim place. He was used to living in almost complete darkness so he saw perfectly good. Jackson eyes turned similar to the one of a cat and he smiled slightly.
Phillips's eyes were different too; they glowed softly, a long black slit going through his pupil.
"Shall we head to the bunks? There isn't much to do at night here. The night crew isn't very… lively." He chuckled, as if he had made a pun.
Jackson nodded as he looked around. He noticed a silver ring on the ground, picked it up and started inspecting it. There was a small gemstone in the middle of the ring and Jackson put it in his pockets.
Phillips raised an eyebrow at Jackson's actions.
"You sure about that? People here can get really possessive of their stuff." Phillips stood, stretching, acting as if he didn't care. In reality, if the owner of the ring found Jackson with it, Phillips would have to punish him, and he really didn't want to do that.
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