@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
She looked at him. "Я не я, о, здорово. Sorry babe." She said rubbing her face. She perked up taking a bite. "Это действительно вкусно, что вы положили в этот раз?"
She looked at him. "Я не я, о, здорово. Sorry babe." She said rubbing her face. She perked up taking a bite. "Это действительно вкусно, что вы положили в этот раз?"
"I put in a few extra sices because I know that's the way you like it," he smiled. "It's okay." Raven had picked up Russian while living with Ira and was now fluent in the langue.
She smiled. "Ты меня так сильно любишь. Спасибо, детка." She laughed.
"I do love you. I love you more than anything," he smiled. "No problem."
She smiled warmly and continued to eat. "Same with me." She mumbled in between bites.
Rave chuckled slightly almost done eating. "Chew with your mouth closed."
She stuck out her lip and swallowed. "Sorry babe." She replied leaning on her palm.
Once he finished he placed his pkate in the sink and turned around. "Все еще готов к этому шагу?"
She scrunched her brow. "какой шаг детка?" she asked confused.
(I spelled movie wrong and wrote move XD forgive me)
"кино, простите, я немного ржавый" he shook his head with a chuckle.
She nodded. "о да, дай мне около пяти минут." She walked towards their room and went to get changed.
"я буду ждать!" he said as he started to clean the dishes.
She had washed her face and changed into a form fitting black dress. She redid her makeup, and hair, and headed back into the kitchen. "Alright Rave, let's get going. You ready?" She asked smiling.
"This okay or should I change into something less formal?" he asked looking down.
She shook her head. "I think you look hot." She kissed his cheek. "What theater are we going to?" She slung an arm over his shoulder.
"How about…The usual place because we just ate so there is no need for a dine in," he opened then door letting Ira out first then closing and locking the door. "Do you want popcorn or any snacks?"
She bit her lip trying to decide. "Oh probably." She sauntered over to the car. "What about you?"
"I could take some popcorn," he shrugged as they walked to the car unlocking the doors and getting in.
She slid into the passenger seat and clicked the seat belt. She clicked through the radio station coming to a popular music one. She half sang as an Ariana Grande song hummed on the radio.
Raven just started to drive as he listened to the voice of his lover. Soon they were there and parked in front of the movie theater. "We. Are. Here." Raven removed the key from the slot turning of the car engine and the music.
Ira had shut her eyes as he drove, they fluttered open at his voice. "Alright, I'll get snacks." She replied sliding out of the front seat. She walked towards the front entrance to get the door for him. "Вот ты детка." She kissed his cheek as he walked through.
"Why thank you," He quickly bought the tickets, popcorn, and snacks. "6A…ah here," he looked up walking into the theater. "Thank you for reminding me, моя любовь,"
She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Я люблю вас." Ira said slipping into the theater.
"私もあなたを愛してます," he smiled, finding the seat for both of them. "This movie should be good, I've been wanting to see it forever!" he whisper yelled.
She giggled some sitting down. She gently placed a leg on his after he sat down. "You deserve this babe."
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