forum O/O (That 'tis closeth)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

people_alt 54 followers

Deleted user

Name: Raven
Age: (whatever age you want him to be)
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: 6 foot 1 in., dark-skinned, wears a leather jacket most of the time, only wears comfortable stuff and glasses at home, his hair is black and down to his shoulders, His eyes are hazel.
Other/Preferences: He's Japanese.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(I like him!)

Name: Ira Devenman

Age: (Somewhere late 20's?)

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance: Just gonna…., then also…. She's 5'10" with very definded curves and facial features. She most the time pulls her hair into a messy bun, but when it's down it's light and airy. She usually has a stoic expression.

Wearing: Dark clothing, and heels. Always, no matter what.

Other/Prefrences: Um yeah, she's Russian, and anytime I see a female Russian… well you know, they're like totally kick-butt women. So yeah.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Well, my character is like a secret hit woman basically. She's doing a job when yours walks in and sees her holding a gun to this guy's head. He's like completely terrified because duh, (I'm assuming they're dating) his girlfriend is about to kill some dude.