forum O/O (That 'tis closeth)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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"I deserve you too," he whispered and kissed Ira softly. He smiled and then pulled away.

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"You so deserve me, but you don't know it," Raven took his hand and intertwined their finger. "You must not know how much I love you."

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"You better," he whispered as the movie started. He took some popcorn and placed it in his mouth.

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The movie felt short and in the end, Raven had tears in his eyes. "The ending was so sad~!"

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Raven blushed slightly, tensing up. "Боже, ты одна сексуальная женщина."

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”Am I now?” He mumbled before connecting his lips with Ira’s.

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"Shall we go home, я буду ждать?" Raven said with a smirk, holding his hand out.

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Raven took Ira into the car, that he unlocked before. He turned the car on, then softly pushed his lips against Ira's.

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Raven bit his lip, "я люблю тебя даже больше," he smiled back, pulled a stand of hair behind Ira's ear.

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“This was always a 2 player game,” he chuckled putting their foreheads together. “ Никогда не забывай это хорошо?”

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“Good-“ a car honked behind him. The guy driving screamed “CAN YOU TWO GET OUT OF THE PARKING SPACE!”
“Fuck you! We were having a moment here!” raven yelled back, while moving the car out of the parking space.

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Raven started to laugh lightly. “Okay, my love,” he drove home making sure to lock the door when they got out. Raven walked into the building pressing the button the elevator, waiting for it to come down.

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The elevator dinged and Raven and Ira walked in pressed their floor. Raven kissed Ira wrapping his arms around her waist.