forum O/O (That 'tis closeth)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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Raven ended up forgetting his lunch at home. He didn't mind though. He had a meeting right before lunch ao that kept it off his mind. He smiled to himself during the meeting. I hope Ira realizes that I forgot my lunch and bring it for me, or else I'm fucked.

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"Do you have lunch today Mr. Ito?" his assistant asked. "Don't even think about giving me your lunch. My girlfriend bringing it for me." he stopped the assistant from trying anything.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Ira had driven way out of her way to bring him his stupid lunch. But she didn't care. She walked into the building and headed to his floor, looking for his assistant. She shot a text asking him what floor he was on.

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Raven looked at his phone and typed that he was on the 17th floor, office room 17 and that it was in the ar back.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She jogged up the stairs up to the seventeenth floor. She pushed the door open and walked down the hall to his office, her shoes echoing behind her. She found his room and looked to his assistant. "Hello, I'm Raven's girlfriend. Could you tell him I brought his lunch?" She asked with a stone-faced expression.

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"You can tell him yourself. I don't speak for other people that is not him," she said.
Ира, любовь моя, спасибо, что принесли мой обед, как насчет того, чтобы остаться немного?" he asked with a smiled taking the lunch. "Mind leaving us alone Ava?" the assistant nodded stepping out of the room closing the sound prof door.

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(You don’t know how long I have been looking for this!!!!! Sorry about that!!!!!)
“I know, but I just want to kiss you. Is that alright, моя сексуальная леди?” Raven asked with a smirk.

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“Are you avoiding my mouth on porpoise?” He chuckled, playing with Ira’s hair.

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“Okay, go back to your work and thank you for bringing my lunch,” he smiled pecking Ira on the lips.

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“Wha? How?” He scoffed. “Love you too,” he smiled and sat down started to eat his lunch. He looked at his shoes. “She wasn’t kidding…” he sighed and tied his laces. He went to sit up and hit his head on the desk. “Bloody hell!”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She giggled hearing the thump of his head hitting the desk. She clicked her heels as she went along down the stairs onto the first floor. "Poor baby." She cooed to herself. She made it to the first floor, and walked out the door onto the front steps. She saw some teens had gathered around the nice car she had driven and she smiled. She unlocked it and walked around to the drivers side, leaving all the boys astonished at the pretty lady getting into such a nice car. "I'd be careful boys, we don't want to scratch it." She said leaving an empty threat as they backed away from it.

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One of the boys whistled, “You got some sexy? Why don’t I take you home and we could, you know have a little alone time?” He asked licking his lips.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She scoffed. "Ты идиот, детка, мой парень может сломать тебя, как веточку, я могу сломать тебя, как веточку. Ты умрешь, прежде чем сможешь сказать, помоги мне." She scowled and started the car. "Вы шутка для мужчин и мертвых для женщин всех народов."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She let a smirk rest on her face, but her eyes held and icy stare. "You're all a bunch of children, if you don't know how to respect women better than to use her body for your own pleasure than, прыгать с обрыва." She growled.

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“Wha?” He stood back, snickered then walked away. “Bitch!”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She pulled up to the red light pulling out her phone. She shot a text to Raven.
'Tonight isn't a good night. I wouldn't try anything fancy.'

She sent her warning as the light turned green. She rolled down the streets to her apartment.