forum An angsty gay fantasy rp! (O/O)
Started by @MusicElle-is-here

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“Yes, actually,” Nick answered, still holding onto Cas. “We plan to get captured by pirates.”

“That’s incredibly dangerous,” Jane muttered. “But it could work. When?”

“Tomorrow, probably,” Nick replied. “Maybe even tonight, if we can find who we’re looking for.” Jane nodded.


"Mhmm… we'll have to change out of this stuff so we're recognizable." Cas told Nick. "Otherwise, they won't bother to take us."


"Mhmm." Cas nodded, pulling on the outfit he'd come in. It was just a simple 'princey' white shirt with black pants and a red sash. (so basically Roman's outfit)


(oh ok like sander’s sides roman?)

Nick stared at his outfit with a tinge of disgust for a moment before he started changing. Jane frowned and instantly turned the other way. “Thanks for the warning, Nick,” she said sarcastically. “God.”


“Yeah, I don’t see any point in waiting,” Nick replied.

“What do I do?” Jane asked.

“Pretend you don’t know about our plan,” Nick suggested. Jane bit her lip nervously.

“I’m really worried about you both.”


Cas went to the back entrance and left the castle. "We're going to have to find some way to get to the beach without being seen."


"Probably… I think a back way of some kind would be better, no?" Cas looked around, trying to figure out where to go.