forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Jas sighed softly into the kiss and wrapping his arms around his neck. "So I'm guessing we're avoiding the topic for now?" He asked, pulling away slightly and gazing up at Nick

Deleted user

“R-Right, okay so I did something really bad and it was stupid and now I’m caught in all the mess that I made. Remember that job I said I had. Yeah, well that was a lie. I’m not a cook I just know how to cook really well. That job is well it’s bad like really really bad. Like I used to…. I used to kill people. I’m better now and when I tried to get out they wouldn’t let me until I killed one person. Someone very special to me that I could never hurt even if I was loosing my mine. I don’t know what to do. I’m stuck. I know it doesn’t seem that bad, but for me and the rest of the institution it’s a big deal. I can’t. I also lied about a couple of other things as well. I was in the shower because I was mad, angry, and I felt stupid for lying to you and I, I’m sorry. I’m so stupid,” Nick shook his head trying to wipe away his tears.


Jas gently stroked his cheek, hating himself for pushing Nick to confess. "Hey, I'm sorry for pushing you. That wasn't my intention. I'm not mad at you and you don't have to be sorry," he kissed him softly and whiped away a few tears "who do these people want you to kill? Maybe we cab get them out of here before they find out they're not dead yet." He suggested

Deleted user

“Well, my dad has owed a debt to pay and when I found out I said I couldn’t so they wanted me to kill. I didn’t want to kill, but I had to and this was before the institution. I don’t think I can move the person I loved since the first day I saw them away. I couldn’t do that to them or me. I don’t know where I would be without them,” Nick dug his head in Jas’s shoulder.


Jas held Nick's close "when are they planning on killing him?" He asked softly, going through multiple plans in his mind. Since he had separated himself from the institute for a bit it had been easier to get back into the swing of things when it came to killings

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“Tomorrow. I don’t want you to die Jas. You have to be in my life. Without you I’m nothing and I’m useless. I can’t live with you Jas. Your my other half,” he wined.


(oh shoot they're killing has? I thought they were killing Nick's dad…..)
He pulled back slightly an stroked his cheek "you did a pretty good job without me before." He reminded gently

Deleted user

(Nick’s dad is dead. I’m pretty sure he abused him too XD)
“No I wasn’t. I was doing horrible without you. I was such a bad person before I met you. You made me better. Don’t you even think for a second I’m going to let you get killed!”


(oh my baby noooo)
He sighed softly and kissed his head "who says they're gonna kill me?" He asked softly, kissing Nick's temple

Deleted user

(I knooooooooooow)
"Y-You won't get killed because of me right? You won't die on me right?" Nick looked into Jas's eyes with tear stains on his face.


Jas shook his head "I'd always die for you, again and again and again. I can't promise you I won't." He kissed his cheeeks "I love you enough to die for you, to live for you."

Deleted user

"Thank you Jas," Nick tackled Jas in a hug. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, an infinity times I love you Jas!" Nick sniffled.


Jas laughed and hugged him back "I love you too baby," he kissed his cheek "but I still don't like these people who are tracking us down. We need to find them.before they find us."

Deleted user

"R-Right, can we find them tomorrow. I'm tired a-and I umm I j-just want to lay down with you," Nick stuttered.


He nodded "Fine, but tomorrow we're finding these people and putting an end to this." He layed back and curled up comfortably in the covers

Deleted user

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't w-want to bring you into this," Nick softly touched Jas's shoulder. "I'm s-sorry."


Jas laced their hands together and he pulled Nick close "I'm glad you did, plus, I was going to get involved either way." he kissed him softly "We'll get through this love. you're not going to love me, I promise."

Deleted user

(That was supposed to say lose right?)
Nick nodded and snuggled up with Jas. "I love you. So much and words can't explain it."


(shoot yeah..or is it…….)
He laughed softly "try," he said, snuggling into his neck and kissing his jawline

Deleted user

(le gasp!)
"You are special to me, I feel amazing when I spend time with you, You give me goosebumps, believe your intentions for me are always good, even when I cannot understand what you do, I appreciate your suggestions when you help me make difficult choices. Today when you went somewhere else with that guy I couldn't believe it, but then I realized that you wouldn't leave me like that. You love me and I love you. Like just now you created any possible situation to help me and I thank you for that. Most of all you make me a better person. I could never ask for anyone better than you to help me to become who I am now. Everything you remind me of why I love you. Your smile lights up the whole world and it makes my heart pound. Not to mention you stole my first, second, and third kiss in like 10 minutes. I proposed to you because I want to dedicate my life to you. I know all this might sound weird to you, but it's true. Every last detail is pulled straight from my heart. I love you Jas," Nick smiled.
(Wow that took 14 minutes to write!)


(XDXD that was so cute!)
Jas groaned and tilted his head back "tell me that wasn't another proposal speech?" he teased, glancing back up at Nick "you literally just stole my vows." He laughed and kissed him softly "you're my life nick. I refuse to think of it without you and refuse to live it with anyone else other than doesn't sound weird at all and don't you dare call it cheesy. My life is dedicated to you nick, whether that means loving you uncontrolably or saving your butt from situations you somehow find yourself in, I'm your love, only yours."

Deleted user

(It took me so long XD I think that was the most heartfelt confession I have ever wrote XD Yours is amazing and cute toooooooooooo)
Nick laughed at some parts. "I don't know maybe it was my propose speech maybe it wasn't. You have to marry me to fine out," Nick teased.


He laughed as well "Watch mine be google searched," he muttered with a smirk, wrapping his arms around nick's waist "I can't wait." he kissed him softly ,slow at first but then a bit rougher
(XD this is wholsome cinnamon rolls in love with a side of warm tea)