forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Deleted user

Nick kept up the pace and wrapped his hands around Jas's waist.
(XD YAAAAAAAAAAAS except mine is hot chocolate with double marshmallows and some rainbow sprinkles)


(same…i don't like tea…it just seemed apprpriate…XDXXD)
He groaned softly and leaned into his hold "I love you Nick…." he murmured against his lips "so, so, so much"

Deleted user

(Thank you someone who doesn't like tea. All my friends love tea and I'm no I drink hot coco XD)
"I love you too Jas," Nick smiled and kissed Jas. Nick started to sit up so Jas was now on his lap sitting up as well. "I will never let go of you Jas. Even if you die, you still have a home in my heart forever and ever. My light for you will never fade."


(ahh same! I'm down for hot chocolate anytime over tea)
Jas looked up at him adoringly and brought his hand up to stroke his features "the same goes for you my love, never will someone occupy a space in my heart bigger than yours." he pressed their forheads together and closed his eyes
(damnit music! staaaaaap this works too well!!!!)

Deleted user

(XDXDXDXD same tho)
The silence was nice. I felt calm, sweet, cherishable. At that moment Nick could never ask for anything more. "I thought that I was the only one in hurt heart. Struck in the heart Jas. Right here," Nick teased.


jas laughed "my heart is only accesable to very few people, you being one of them." he kissed him softly "there are a few others though. thought you could have me selfishly to yourself dearest one?"

Deleted user

"Indeed I did. I thought that every part of you was mine. I guess that wasn't the case. Let me tell you something. All of me, every single cell in my body belongs to you and you alone. No one else may have me, but you. All of me loves all of you Jas."


Jas shook his head adoringly at nick "I'm all yours my love. every inch, every bit of me is yours. No one will have me but you. but their are parts in my heart reserved for other. My mother, my close friends, my future children. all of them have a part of my love. you have a part." he pulled him into a kiss "I'm yours." he reasured "allof me."

Deleted user

(You spelled allof XD)
"That is amazing to hear you just put my heart back together," Nick smiled and kissed Jas, running his fingers through Jas's hair.


(the heck? where….oh…there…. honestly thats not the worst spelling error i've done)
He laughed into the kiss, arching up so jas was slightly taller than nick. "I'm glad I fixed you're temporarily broken heart love." he murmered.

Deleted user

(Same thing XD)
“I’m glad you fixed me,” Nick smiled as his hands snuck up Jas’s shirt.


Jas shivered slightly "whatcha doing there my savior?" he asked breathily, gently nipping at nick's bottom lip

Deleted user

(I ran out of leggings so now I have to wear jeans and they’re pretty uncomfortable)
“Just trying to make you feel good. I won’t go beyond your boundaries. I promise,” Nick let his mouth open so Jas could come him. Nick raised his hands higher trancing every dent.


(Nuuuu thats the worst! want some chocolate chips?)
"I know love." he sighed softly,melting against nick with pur. he filled the empty space with his tongue, pressing it against his insisor.

Deleted user

(You know I do!!! XD)
A slight moan had escaped Nick’s mouth. “You sure do pur a lot,” Nick mumbled against Jas’s lips.


(i ran out….XD)
"hm, i know," he blushed and kissed him softly before pulling back "ready to sleep yet or still?"

Deleted user

(Nooooooo, how could this happen to meeee)
“I’m ready if you are,” Nick smiled and pecked Jas on the lips one more time.


(…i've made my mistakes!)
he nodded and layed back on the bed with a content sigh, pulling Nick along with so he was trapped beneath the other

Deleted user

Nick smiled and held Jas close as he drifted off to sleeping mumbling an I love you.


jas peeked over and nick and smiled "I love you too," he murmered, kissing his cheek before drifting off to sleep

Deleted user

(Heartfelt moments right there XD)
Nick woke up before Jas and started to rub his eyes. He sat up and then looked to his side. Jas was there sleeping soundly. Nick didn’t want to wake him, but he gets to be annoyed. It’s a perk of the finance. He got out of bed and grabbed a pan and a spatula. He walked in the room and started banging them together. “Wake up my darling!” Nick yelled with a smiled.


(oh my Lord….XD)
Jas slowly opened his eyes slowly afd glared up at his beloved "imma bout to wack you with that pan." He growled from beneath the covers, pulling them over his head

Deleted user

(I swear that’s my mom except she turns on the lights and yells RISE AND SHIN XD)
“Then do it,” Nick teased and walked up right to Jas’s ear and gave a big hard bang.


Jas burried his head deeper into the sheets "I'm gonna kill you once I decide to get up." He muttered, peeking over the edge and glaring at Nick "might want to start running."

Deleted user

“I’m note scared of you. Nice try though. I will to another big one if you don’t get up,” Nick warned, getting ready to hit again.