forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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He smiled and nodded "love, what did he mean when he…you had secrets?" Jas asked, tilted his head slightly

Deleted user

Nick became stiff and stopped walking. "H-How about we talk about this l-later and focus on c-catching this guy okay?" she nervously smiled.


Jas glanced over at him, noticing the nervousness in Nick's voice "fine, but I'm not letting this go." He gave him a pointed look before glancing around

Deleted user

"Y-Yeah," Nick started walking again while he looked to the side. Nick reached his bike putting his helmet on. "Ready, love?"

Deleted user

Nick nodded and and drove back to wear the man was still sitting in the corner. Nick got off his bike, took off his helmet, and walked over to the man throw a knife near his head. "Yo are so Lucy I can't beat the living shit out of you right now!"


Jas reached out a hand and held Nick's shoulder in a silent reminder "who are you." He demanded, facing the man and pulling out a white tinted knife

Deleted user

Nick snickered and turned his head.
”My name is Roger. Nice to meet you. How has your relationship gone? Have you two broken up yet? I would glad I take Jas as my loving husband right here right now, ” he smirked.
”listen here you little son of a mother fucking bitch. I will rate you apart if you lay a finger on Jas,” Nick was getting more angry the more this guy was talking.


Jas narrowed his eyes. he walked around Nick to crouch in front of Roger. His gaze flicked to his and drew the knife close.he breathed in a small sigh "you love hearing yourself talk, don't you?" He purred, his voice low "and you're really set on having me, arencha? What's wrong ghosty? Lonely?" He laughed softly and trailed the knife close to his neck "oh dear creature, don't worry, I want you too." He whispered

Deleted user

"Do you now? How about you get me out of this situation and we could go somewhere a little more private hm?" The man smirked.
"Jas?" Nick questioned. "What did you just say?" Nick's eyes had widened at this point.


Jas glanced over at him before turning back to Roger "done," he snapped his fingers and breached only him and roger of them to a secluded area

Deleted user

"What the fuck just happened. He didn't leave me, right? He couldn't have," Nick growled and got on his bike to search for Jas. If I was Jas where would I go to get away from everything?


Jas snapped his fingers again and breached Roger and him to a secluded park. No roads to and from the park. He rolled his shoulders and flipped the knife in his hand

Deleted user

"Are we going to have a little fun now?" Roger smirked and walked towards Jas.
"Jas you son of a- wait. I think I know where. The only place with no roads is…" he looked on the navigation system. "A park? Well, that's a weird place to have sex, but whatever." Nick shrugged and headed on over there.


Jas grinned and took a step back "yeah, we'll have our little fun. On one condition. You can't touch me. No possession of any kind, you stay in your body." He flipped the blade once more and tilted his head "okay?"

Deleted user

"Okay, okay I won't touch like I'm going places you. All I want to do is make you mine," he held up his hands like he was being arrested.
He got closer to his destination, but he had to go off-road which took him longer. Just hand on a little longer!


(ha Billie Eilish medly just came on and fits the mood perfectly XD I'm a strange child…..)
Jas tilted his head sharply, eyes slightly aglow, he same as the blade. "yours? oh my dear creatre, you misinterpreted me when i said i wanted you. Kind of." he started pacing around the little area they were in

Deleted user

(Nahhhh I get you and it does fit XD and aren't we all strange?)
"Then what did you mean?" He glared. "Maybe I shouldn't ask questions because I don't want to know what you meant."


(XDXDXD yes we are!)
"whats wrong Ghosty? scared of a Phantom?" he laughed softly and took a step closer, testing the waters a bit, his blade and eyes glowing brighter as they got closer to his target "aren't you jst a bit curious?"

Deleted user

"No, not really, the only thing I'm curious in is your body, it's a strange addiction," he smiled.


Jas rolled his eyes "you and you're weird obssessions…." he stood and stread his arms out wide "if you want me, then come and get me."he grinned sweetly, the effect coming out creepy as his eye glowed

Deleted user

"Don't mind if I do," he licked his lips and walked forward grabbing Jas's waist. "What is I kiss you, is that fine too?"


Jas's eye's turned from white to black the minute roger took hold of him "tell you what," he trailed the tip of the now black blade along his neck, his voice like honey "you can kiss me, when…well never." the only thing I want from you is your dead corpse on the ground." he plungded the plade into rodger abdemon and twisted it sharply

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Roger coughed out blood holding onto Jas for support.
Nick was close now after all the bumps he went through he finally got there. "Jas!" Nick called. "What are you doing with him?"


He ripped out the blade, his eyes finally returning back to normal. He crouched low to the still body "that's for possessing the one I love. For using his body as a weapon, for using his hands as means of destruction, and for invading his mind for your own personal gain." He whispered standeding straight and gazing at Nick "it's done love."