forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Deleted user

"Yes actually, I'm having so much fun. Do you want to have fun to love?" He said walking closer to Jas. "You don't mind if I kiss you right?"


Jas backed away "touch me and you'll be begging to go back to hell" he made it to the hallway, back pressed against the wall

Deleted user

”Is that so, but I’m beloved you send me to hell, you send him to hell as well, ” he smirked as his finger trailed up Jas neck. ”How about one on the neck. Or something a little bit lower hm?”
Don’t touch him you sick son of a bitch! I swear once I get out of here I am going to make you pay do you here me!
”Your fiance is trying to fight back how cute, ” Nick teased.


jas's Breath became heavy, It was him, but not him at the same time, if he hurt whatever was possessing Nick, he's hurt nick as well. He glared up at him and snapped open a breach, pulling Nick with him "Yeah, he's a fighter alright." He back away and glanced around. He had breached them to a rooftop. He climbed up onto the roof's edge nd faced Nick "Last chance, ghosty."

Deleted user

"Or you'll do what. I don't care what the hell happens to you but Nick might. It might even brake him. Does he always scream this much? Making my head hurt," he complained


He smiled sadly and spread his arms wide "I love you nick, always and forever my savior." He leaned back and freefell from the ledge of the roof

Deleted user

No, Jas! Nick screamed and cried with anger. At least in his mind. "What the hell-" the fake Nick ran up to the edge reaching to grab Jas's hand. "I control him anymore! J-Jas!" Nick kept on switching back from fake to real until the real one stuck. "He's not dead right," he refused to look over.


Jas had breached to another building, hidden from view of the building he just fell from but still being able to see Nick "Please…please…please, love. Come back to me…" he whispered, watching Nick carefully, waiting for any sign that he had returned to normal

Deleted user

”Jas, you son of a mother fucking bitch, why would you leave me alone! I fucking love you! Why?” he cried out. ”I mother fucking love you!”


(I absolutely love this XD)
Jas breathed a sigh in relief at hearing Nick's yells. He stayed hidden for a few more minutes, wanting to make sure Nick was fully himself

Deleted user

(XD Thank you I thought hard about this XD)
"You know I can't live without you right?" he said softly trying to stop his tears. "Maybe I should too," Nick looked over to the edge and stood up walking towards it.

Deleted user

"Jas?" he said softly. Nick walked over to Jas angry. Nick slapped Jas and then hugged him. "You fucking scared me I thought I lost you. Don't you ever fucking do that again you hear me! I thought you were…You're a bitch you know that and I fucking love you!"


Jas was too numb to register the slap and hugged him back "only if you promise not to get possessed." He laughed and burried his face in Nick's shoulder "I won't love, I promise I won't. I love you too."

Deleted user

”Okay, I promise I won’t. I’ll try to at least, ” Nick chuckled. Nick kissed Jas passionately.


Jas, wrapped his arms around nick and kissed him back, he pulled away slightly "You're not allowed to get possessed any more." he murmured, "got that?" he poked Nick's chest purposefully

Deleted user

"Yeah okay. Then next time give me a heads up. Can I kill him now?" Nick asked.


"I did, you're the one who touched the guy." he glanced over at the dark figure and sighed "
If you touch him, he goes right back inside you."

Deleted user

"Then, I'll do without touching him. He touched up I can't forgive that," Nick Growled. "Speaking of which," Nick smirked kissed Jas's neck where the man had touched Jas earlier.


Jas moaned softly and nearly slumped against Nick "My love, not here, later." he murmured, nuzzling his ear with his lips

Deleted user

"I had erased his touch of you. Only that," Jas smiled. "So you never answered my question is that a yes or a no?"

Deleted user

"Yes!" Nick cheered. He kissed Jas one more time before starting to walk to his bike. A Nick walked he looked at the windows and broken glass on the floor. "I can't believe he did this."


Jas nodded bit said nothing "the schools gonna have to close until it's fixed." He stuck close to Nick in case the ghost thing came back

Deleted user

“Yeah, that parts good, but the reason not so much,” Nick sighed. “After this I’m going to take a nap and rest like there is no tomorrow.”