Ian glanced at her. “Here, take my jacket,” he said, giving it to her. It was just a normal green jacket, but Ian loved it for some reason.
Ian glanced at her. “Here, take my jacket,” he said, giving it to her. It was just a normal green jacket, but Ian loved it for some reason.
Cassie smiled slightly and took Ian's jacket, sitting for a moment before the doctor came to notify her. She rushed into the room, visibly quite worried, and hurried over to Nagi. "Are you alright? What happened? Do you need medicine, or should I call your mom?" She figured that no one liked the 'mom-friend,' but at the moment, she didn't care.
A nurse was helping Nagi get a cast on when Cassie can into the room and started asking a bunch of questions. "Well, It's broken, and they won't let me leave till my mom is here." It was a bit upsetting. Nagi tried to see if Cassie's mom was okay to come pick her up, but the doctor said it was impossible. "My mom can't leave work, she's under a lot of stress as is. Cassie, I don't know what to do." Nagi Sighed and looked at Cassie and noticed something was different. "Who's jacket is that?"
Cassie looked at her sleeves. "Ian's. But that's not important. Um… ok. Ok. We can do this. You really need to go home, I'll talk to the doctors. You're 15, surely you don't need your mom to pick you up."
"Sweetie, if she's not eighteen or older, she needs an adult relative to pick her up." The nurse told both girls. She seemed a bit rude, but since her mom is a doctor she understands the stress. Now if she was at the hospital it would be easier but since this is just urgent care her mom isn't here.
"Ok, I'm sorry, her mom cannot pick her up. That's just how it is. And we're not going to stay here until some unholy hours of the night, sitting on some cheap plastic chairs, just because she 'needs an adult relative to pick her up.' Sorry, but what exactly is that rule for? Is she going to run out there and immediately break her other wrist? No. She's going to go home and cry and eat some ice cream because her fucking wrist hurts," Cassie exploded.
Oh damn! Nagi had no idea Cassie could go off like that, but it made her feel happy that Cassie had her back. "I'm staying at her house, is there anyway her mom can come pick us up. We've know each other basically our whole lives." The nurse sighed and gave up. "Fine. Give her a call." Then she left the room. "Well, let's go. We can just say she's here. I honestly don't feel like taking a car, think we can walk. Plus, we need to go pick up my icecream for when I cry." She laughed and nudged her friend. "And the guys are probably worried."
"God, fucking finally," Cassie muttered angrily. Then she looked up. "I - I really don't want to walk back home," she said quietly.
"Well, let's go get something to eat, then we can head out. Our day at the beach didn't go as planned. Which reminds me, are you okay? They didn't do anything to you did they?" Nagi was extremely worried about Cassie, she was grateful that the boys were there to help. Nagi stood and walked out to where the boys were.
"Nagi!" Kaori greeted her. "You're okay now, yeah? Where's Cassie?"
Cassie hesitantly shook her head, walking back out. As soon as she saw Ian, she took off his jacket and carefully gave it back to him. "Sorry for stealing it for so long," she apologised.
“No problem,” Ian replied. “I’m just glad that you feel better. Is Nagi doing okay?”
Cassie nodded, wrapping her arms around herself again. "I - I think so."
“If there’s anything you—either of you—need, you can ask me,” Ian added. “I think Nagi has my number.”
"I'm fine. No need to worry." You should be worrying about Cassie, not me. It seems her and Ian have gotten close, maybe… "We were thinking of going to eat. Does anybody want to join?" Nagi smiled, hiding her pain. She didn't need anyone to worry, especially since she was just a side character. When she got home, then she will worry about herself.
Cassie nodded, then gasped as she remembered something and quickly dug through her bag to pull out an oversized hoodie. "I forgot I had this," she muttered, and slipped it on, putting her hands in the pockets.
Ian looked at Nagi when she asked. He wondered why she didn’t just want to go home after everything that had happened, but he supposed sitting around by herself wouldn’t do her any good. Then Ian glanced at Kaori. “Okay,” he said with a shrug.
"Wonderful." It sucks, I didn't even get to play in the water. Nagi sighed and pulled out her phone. "Does anyone have a place they want to go?" Maybe I can try and get Cassie and Ian alone. Why do I feel like cupid?
"Home," Cassie muttered quietly to herself.
Ian shrugged. “I dunno,” he replied, glancing at Cassie with concern again.
"Ian, how about you walk Cassie home and I can find some place for the rest of us to go." Nagi knew Cassie wanted to go home, but she didn't, Nagi never liked being inside too much. Plus it would give Ian and Cassie some time to get to know each other more.
Charlotte made it to the beach and picked up her cover-up, which was luckily still there. She made sure the creepy guys weren't around before starting to walk back.
Ian looked at Cassie again. “Do you want me to walk you home?” he asked.
Cassie looked down and nodded hesitantly. "If - only if it's not too much trouble. I - I could call my mom, if you don't want to."
“It’s fine,” Ian replied. “It’s no trouble at all.” He gave her brief smile.
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