@saor_illust school
"Yeah, I mean I know we aren't friends with Cassie, but it looks like she's being dragged away by a bunch of dirtbags. Come on," Kaori replied, his sense of morality kicking in like always.
"Yeah, I mean I know we aren't friends with Cassie, but it looks like she's being dragged away by a bunch of dirtbags. Come on," Kaori replied, his sense of morality kicking in like always.
Will followed him and they walked quickly over there.
"Hey! You! Dirtbags! Let go of Cassie!" he called out, and then turned to Nagi. "Hey, you okay?" he asked softly.
Will let Fuzz go after them. Though Fuzz wasn't scary usually be could seem scary.
Ian heard the screaming from the distance and hurried to where it was coming from, seeing Kaori and Will with Cassie and Nagi, who looked like they had been attacked or something. He glared. He may be mean sometimes but he wasn’t a complete piece of shit.
“What happened?” he asked, his usual cool demeanor gone, having been replaced with genuine concern. “Is everyone okay?”
Cassie wrapped her arms around herself, shaking, and went to sit by Nagi.
“Cassie, what happened? Are you alright?” Ian asked, clearly worried about her and Nagi.
Kaori glowered. "Those dirtbags think they can get away with hurting girls they don't even know," he looked back at Nagi. "Hey, is your wrist okay?"
Will got Fuzz back and sat down next to them. "Both of you alright?"
Cassie opened her mouth, but no sound came out. After a few moments, she seemed to regain her ability to speak. "I'm fine," she said hoarsely, looking over at Nagi. "Nagi's hurt."
“That is so not okay,” Ian muttered angrily. “Where are they so I can kick their sorry asses?” He sighed. “Never mind, that’s not important. Where does it hurt?”
Will looked at him. "Oh… You want to take out your anger that Johnny builds in you?" He laughed then pointed in a direction.
"Ian, that's not the best idea right now, they could be stronger than you," Kaori told Ian sternly. "You can go beat them up after we get Nagi to the hospital, ok?"
Cassie silently pulled out her phone and texted her mom: I'm coming home. "I - I have to go," she muttered.
"Would you like one of us to walk you?" Will asked and looked at her.
“If I ever get my hands on them, they’ll be sorry,” Ian added, but stayed where he was. “I can drive you home if you need,” Ian volunteered, turning to Cassie. “I mean, if you want to.”
"I'd - er - never mind, I need to stay with Nagi," she shook her head, retreating back into herself.
“Okay,” Ian said, trying to understand. Nagi was her best friend and she was hurt, and Ian knew if one of his friends was hurt he’d want to be there. “How badly is Nagi hurt?”
Cassie shook her head. "I - I don't know. I know she hurt her wrist. Is - is there an Urgent Care nearby?"
“I don’t know?” Ian said. “I think so. If someone knows the way, we use my car.”
"Down the street there's a place." Will replied.
Cassie nodded nervously, helping Nagi to her feet. "Where - where's your car?" She managed to ask.
“Just over there,” he pointed to a parking lot not too far away. “Come on, I’ll drive.”
Cassie nodded, starting to walk towards where Ian had pointed.
Charlotte reached her house and ran up to her room. She'd mostly relaxed, but she was still disgusted and had a deep pit in her stomach. She pulled on a comfortable sweater and pants, covering most of her skin. After that, she curled up on her bed with a sigh.
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