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Eden nodded at his statement, pulling herself to her feet. “Yeah. At least we have it together.”
Eden nodded at his statement, pulling herself to her feet. “Yeah. At least we have it together.”
Sterling slipped his arm around her waist as they started for the doors. “What do you say we go on another date on Saturday?”
Eden leaned into him and hummed in agreement. “Sounds good,” she murmured, her own arm around his waist. “Where will you be taking me?”
Sterling hummed in thought. “We could go out for lunch and then to the amusement park? How does that sound?”
"That sounds nice," Eden murmured, looking up at him and smiling. "I can't wait."
“There’s a salad place that just opened recently. We could go there. They’ve got all kinds of crazy salad combinations, and you can even make your own,” Sterling explained as they stepped into the school.
Eden ignored all the eyes of the students as she kept her attention on Sterling while he spoke. "Sounds interesting," she murmured. "We should probably go after the park. Riding after eating doesn't sound too good."
Sterling hummed, nodding slowly. “Probably… You know, it’s like they’ve never seen a couple before,” he muttered under his breath, shooting someone a look when they stared at them.
Eden chuckled, an amused look in her eyes, though her expression was guarded. "No, Sterling, they've never seen me in a relationship. Not as far as they can remember."
“Yeah, well… Whatever,” Sterling sighed, kissing the side of her head.
"Are you getting uncomfortable?" she murmured, peering up at him.
“No. No, not at all,” Sterling sighed. “Sorry. I’m actually used to this…”
"I could make them stop staring," Eden offered. "All I need is a glare and they'll look away."
“Babe, it’s fine, really,” Sterling said with a small chuckle. “Let them stare. They’ll see that I’m with the most powerful girl in school, and they’ll see that you’re with me. They’ll be baffled and confused. And they’ll hate it and it will be hilarious.”
Eden shook her head in amusement. "You forgot the handsome part," she teased before stopping to loop her arms around his neck. She stood on her toes and pressed her mouth to his as a way to claim him. He was hers. Then she pulled away and ran a hand through her hair. "Well, then, Sterling, I'll see you at the gymnasium."
“Hey, now,” Sterling laughed, wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her back to him for another, longer kiss. “There. Much better.”
A muffled sound escaped the girl's lips at his action. "You owe me a longer kiss than that later on," she grumbled under her breath.
“Deal,” Sterling breathed against her lips before pulling away. “I’ll see you later, beautiful.”
“I’ll see you later, handsome,” Eden smiled at the last word and turned around to walk into the girl’s locker room. The second she turned around, she rid herself of emotions. With Sterling, she could be Eden without worries. With him not around… she needed to be Blackhole.
His anger had always been explosive. It had always been harsh and cruel and it always ended with him hurting her.
Today was no different. Eden didn’t know what she had done wrong, but whatever it was, she knew it was her fault. She didn’t even need him to tell her anymore. It was always her fault.
”How many times have I told you to not lie to me?” Though his voice was soft, his words were cold. They were harsh. She flinched. ”You have one more chance. Tell me the truth if you know what’s good for you.”
It had never worked in her favor. He wanted to hear what he wanted from her lips. If he didn’t, he’d hurt her regardless of the truth. If he wanted to, he’d do it.
Eden stayed quiet. What was the point? It would always end the same way; her on the ground, body aching with the blows he’d given her. And then him holding her close and apologizing. And her forgiving him because he was the only one she had.
”Are you staying quiet?” he asked softly. He didn’t give her a chance to respond as his hand closed around her throat, slamming her to the wall. Pain flashed through her and Eden bit back a whimper, clawing at his hand for air. His grip tightened. “I wouldn’t do this if you didn’t compel me to, my pet. You do what I tell you to. And if you go whoring around again, I’ll mark you differently. Are we clear?”
Eden whimpered. “Yes…”
The cruel smile on his face widened. “Good girl…”
His grip on her throat did not loosen one bit, even when she cried and clawed.
Eden woke up with a start, gasping, nails digging into her neck. She gasped, panting for breath, tears leaking down her eyes and streaming down her cheeks. That dream again. Again and again and again. Never stopping. Never letting her breathe.
Bile rose up in her throat, and Eden greeted her old friend.
Heaving, Eden flushed the toilet and cleaned up her mess, stumbling to the sink and rinsing her mouth. She dared to look at herself in the mirror, and though her vision was blurry, Eden could clearly see the red scratch marks she’d unconsciously given herself. She cursed. She was meeting Sterling in a while and… how could she hide this? He would be picking her up in half an hour and… it wasn’t enough. Half an hour wasn’t enough. Eden had to force herself to turn away from the shower.
In fifteen minutes, she was dressed in a turtleneck shirt, a coat and blue jeans. Her shirt didn’t cover her entire neck, but she was sure it covered most of it. Enough for it to slip by Sterling. She hoped…
At the time he had said, Sterling pulled up to Eden’s apartment and rang to doorbell. He hoped they would have fun today, that she would have fun. She deserved it. The poor girl… He didn’t know everything that had happened to her, but what he did know, he didn’t like. Not of her, but what was done to her.
So now here he was, standing in front of her door and waiting for her to answer so they could go on their date. He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, hoping that she would come out soon. The fall weather was starting to get cooler now.
( without the jacket)
Eden looked over at herself in the mirror again. She had been paranoid about the bruises and the marks she’d given herself—the splotches turning blue and red and the scratches deeper than she had originally thought—, so she did as best as she could with makeup. Most of it vanished under it, while her shirt covered the rest. Eden sighed in relief. She had applied some lipstick and eye makeup to look far more refreshed, and had finished her look by tying her hair in a high ponytail, the front strands set loose.
When she heard the doorbell ring, she sighed deeply, grabbed her back and hurried to the door, her the heels of her boots clicking on the wooden floor. She took another deep breath when she paused in front of the door.
Go out there. Have fun. Let Sterling have a break. Do not bother him. Do not let anything show. Force yourself if you have to, but let Sterling have fun. It doesn’t matter what you’re feeling. Sterling’s the one who matters.
Eden opened and a smile wormed its way to her lips.
“Sterling,” his name slipped from her lips in a breathless whisper. “Hey.”
Sterling smiled down at Eden when she opened the door. “Hey, beautiful. You look great today,” he greeted her softly, than raised an eyebrow. “Can you still kiss your boyfriend with that lipstick on?”
Eden chuckled as she stepped outside and shutting the door behind herself. Her cheeks turned red at his comment. “I can,” she responded, turning around to lock the door before she faced him again. Her cheeks exploded with heat. Why did he look so handsome? She should feel disgusted at herself for thinking that right after that bloody nightmare, but she wasn’t. Her heart was hammering wildly in her chest and Eden felt like her tongue had been stolen. “You—um—you look—“
Sterling smiled down at her softly. Gosh, she was adorable when she stuttered like that. Even in just a casual outfit like he was wearing she was flustered by him. That was good to know…
“Thanks, babe,” he murmured, cupping her cheek and brushing his thumb over the skin. “Now, kiss me? Since you still can with that lipstick on.”
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