forum Blood Oath (O/O CLOSED)
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Deleted user

I gasped dramatically. “You dare keep me away from my amusement? That is a crime, Isabella. It’s your entire fault I like to tease you.”


I twisted my torso to swat his shoulder, offering my best pout. “You tease me, I do the same by refusing to kiss you. It’s that simple, baby.

Deleted user

I groaned, throwing my head back. “I have a lover with a heart of stone. But it’s not really stone, because we both know the second I bring my lips closer to yours, it’ll melt.”

Deleted user

“With pleasure,” I licked my lips and brought my face closer to hers slowly, stopping when there was barely any space left. I looked right into her eyes. “Oh, there’s a speck of green in your eyes, too.”


My eyes flickered down to his mouth… had it always been this enticing? I swallowed hard and tore my gaze away, struggling to keep my composure.

Deleted user

I let my lips twist into a smirk, taking the bottom lip in my mouth just for the heck of it. “You seem to be having trouble, my love.”

Deleted user

I grinned. “Are you sure about that, sweetheart?”

We were interrupted by the waitress clearing her throat as she set our food on the table.


I tore my eyes away from him, stammering an awkward ‘thank-you’ in the waitress’s direction. Once she was gone, I reached for my plate.

Deleted user

I chuckled, taking my bowl of soup, too.

“I think we’ve become the center of everyone’s attention,” I noted. “Are you okay with that, love?”

Deleted user

I lifted a spoon, resting it against Elle’s lips.

“Here,” I murmured. “Eat.”


I shook my head.

After a pause, I tentatively parted my lips to drink the broth from the spoon, careful not to dribble any over my new dress.

Deleted user

“There we go,” I murmured, feeling like I had accomplished something major. “How does it taste?”

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Choosing not to fluster her some more, I dipped my spoon in the soup before taking it in my mouth. It didn’t really matter, because the spoon I was using had been in Elle’s mouth first.

“Mhm, it does,” I hummed, licking my lips afterwards. “Perhaps I should have it put on the school’s menu…”

Deleted user

“Agreed,” I nodded, swallowing another mouthful. “I’ll leave a tip. It’s really good.”

Deleted user

I rested my head on her chin, breathing in deeply.

“Yes,” I answered honestly. “I want to see you as Elle, not as anyone else. The girl I fell for is not a redhead.”

Deleted user

I thought over it for a while. “Ah, you’ll have your face, so I wouldn’t mind that.”