forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

people_alt 45 followers


Same omg
Maybe she’s been avoiding the coffee shop for like a week but she’s tired one morning and walks in without realizing?)



The whole week had been an endless blur of studying and sleepless long nights, days smudging together until it seemed a miracle that any time had actually passed at all.

Bleary-eyed and only half awake, Macha pushed open the door of the coffee shop closest to her home. What time is it..? she wondered hazily—the sun had barely risen. Why was this place open?


Rowan hummed quietly to himself as he went around, serving the few people in the shop that looked about ready to pass out from exhaustion. He spotted Macha and took a couple steps backward, resting his hands on the counter in front of him and flashing her a dazzling smile. “What can I get you this fine morning?” He asked, wondering if she even realized which shop she was in.


The familiar voice sent a shock through Macha—she froze up. Shit. Shit. Through the fog clouding her mind, she’d comoletely forgotten which cafe she was walking into. But she cleared her throat and stepped up to the counter. “Hi—Um. Same as last time, but one more shot of espresso. And a croissant—please.”


Rowan nodded. “Of course. I’ll have it for you in a minute.” He said cheerily, sliding over to the case of pastries and taking one out for her. He paused, glancing up at Machca. “To go?”


Macha turned her head to peer out the front window of the café……. only to see that it was currently pouring rain. "I'll have it to stay," she murmured after a moment, not daring to look Rowan in the eye. Behind them, thunder boomed.


"Right then." Rowan put her food on a small plate and nearly dropped it at the sound of thunder, muttering angrily about the rain as he made her coffee. "Here you are." He smiled, setting it down in front of her. "Enjoy."


Macha flinched as lighting flashed, chasing the shadows away, but payed and went to sit down.

The coffee, like yesterday, was overwhelmingly bitter. But, considering the fact that she was practically living on caffeine at this point, it wasn't too bad. Bearable when washed down with a bite of croissant.


Rowan went back to work, not wanting to bother Macha again but occasionally glancing over to her table to see if she was okay.


maybe he apologizes for making he nervous yesterday? and they talk about architecture or something? Maybe he… invites her to join a study group?)


"Of course it's not. I love you for who you are." He kissed her softly again, feeling a rush of affection for her.

okay sorry I’ll respond in a minute)


Rowan glared up at the ceiling every time there was a crash of thunder, wondering why Mother Nature had to curse him like this, especially during his shift. He had nearly dropped three peoples coffees because of the thunder, which wasn’t giving him the best tips.
His shift had about five minutes left but the shop wasn’t that busy so he made his way of to Macha, making sure to be careful of what he said so as to not repeat what happened a couple days earlier. “Liking everything okay, I assume?” He asked gently, approaching her slowly.



Macha's eyes flickered up from her second cup of very caffeinated coffee. "Yes, definitely," she answered quietly, somewhat shy. "Thank you."


(I love in the beginning of this rp cause they were just so pure And in love and agahhhhhhskdksksksk)

“My pleasure.” Rowan smiled. “And I..uh..I’m sorry about the other day. I shouldn’t have told you all that..” He said quietly, casting his eyes down.


(sjhkdsk yes)

Macha sucked in a sharp breath at the reminder. "It's not your fault," she hastened to say. "I–I shouldn't have overreacted. It's…… a very touchy subject."


“You can overreact as much as you like. And I wish you two the best of luck, really.” Rowan sighed softly.


Rowan took a deep breath and looked away for a moment, flinching at the sudden flash of lightning. “Anyways, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing you twice now, do you have a name?” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, still slightly nervous.


Apparently, this man wanted to strike up a conversation with her. Macha didn't object, as much as she wanted to be left alone, and lifted one shoulder. "Macha," she responded slowly, fully prepared for him to mispronounce it.