forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

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(Oh, thank you! You too!
Sorry I haven’t been putting a whole lot of effort into this rp, length-wise)


Macha’s stomach twisted. Swallowing the bile that had risen to her throat, she lifted her head to look at the barista. “What has the most caffeine?”

Strange, how she had hit a new low, to be proud when her voice didn’t shake or quiver. The bar, once raised, had been set on the floor.


(Np it’s fine, I’m not that good at making things long so..)

Rowan let out a soft chuckle. “Well I can get you most anything that has extra shots of espresso.” He paused, noticing the exhaustion in her eyes. “You know what? Why don’t I make you up something and you just go have a seat.” He suggested kindly.


(Everyone writes differently, ig!)

Macha blinked at him, not quite understanding through the thick fog that shrouded her mind. “No… that’s fine. Um. Thank you, though.”

What, did she really look that pathetic? Nausea seeped through her gut. Of course she did… what hat she been expecting?


“Nonsense. You’re my last customer, I insist.” Rowan flashed another smile and nudged her shoulder slightly. “Off with you.”



Macha flinched away from the contact, brows drawing together. Why was he helping her if she was acting so pathetic? Shouldn’t her weakness cause him to hurt her more? Was that not how the world worked?

But she nodded, murmuring a quiet thank you and drifting away, almost as if through a dream.


Rowan glanced back at her occasionally, wondering why she looked so devastated. He made her coffee, taking his time, before walking over to her and setting it down. “Here you are, love.”



Macha stiffened slightly. It’s just the accent, she told herself, Brits do that.

Accepting the coffee, she tried for the best smile she could muster. “Thank you.”


“It’s no trouble. Are you getting on okay?” He asked, hoping she didn’t take it the wrong way.


Macha’s eyes narrowed instinctively. Who was this man? Why did he seem to care so much?

“Yeah, how come?” She respond slowly, the furrow never disappearing from her forehead.


“Just making sure.” He responded with a small smile. “Is there a chance you take any classes at the university? I feel as if I’ve seen you before.”


Macha nodded, wrapping her long fingers around the cup to warm her quivering hands. “Architecture, a few history courses. Poetry. You?”


“Ah, I thought I’d seen you before. I take architecture as well, art history, and French. That sorta thing.” Rowan said, his smile never seeming to fade from his lips as he spoke.


"Oh." The corners of Macha's lips tugged into the shape of a small frown. "Architecture? What year?" That was strange….why hadn't she noticed him over the course of the past two (three??) years?


(I’ll just say sophomore)

“Same as you, though I tend to keep to myself.” Rowan said. “And I’m usual there late and leaving early. Got a lot on my schedule.”



"Oh, I see," Macha responded, finally taking a tentative sip of the steaming drink. It was so unbearably bitter that she almost spat it out, but the rush of caffeine only prompted her to take another, much larger sip.


(maybe he asks for her number without seeing her ring? And she ends up saying no [obviously] but never tells him about Tyler? idek)



"Oh, I see," Macha responded, finally taking a tentative sip of the steaming drink. It was so unbearably bitter that she almost spat it out, but the rush of caffeine only prompted her to take another, much larger sip.

Rowan noticed her momentary disgust and ran a hand through his hair, a bit embarrassed. “Sorry that it’s so bitter, it’s loaded with caffeine. You’re quite the opposite though, if I do say so.”


"Don't apologize," Macha hastened to say, swallowing another large mouthful. "Caffeine is good. I need caffeine. And what do you mean, I'm the opposite? The opposite of bitter?"