(and Lochlin coming with him is up to you)
(and Lochlin coming with him is up to you)
(Where would he stay? On their couch?)
(lmao yeah I guess)
(Uhh sure
Macha would absolutely hate it, lmao)
(they could just magically have a guest room?
but yeah it'd be kinda weird though lol)
He’d probably rather sleep on the floor, tbh
But the tension between Macha and Locky would be fun to write, so I’m up for it if you are
Do you want to do anything with North? Or just abandon her?)
(lol yeah that'd be fun
and I think i'll just abandon her, maybe she can come back later like older or something)
(oof sure)
(If you don't mind, could we just start with him coming home now and then figure out the details later. I'm dying for some fluff)
(Same oml please let’s do that)
(yeyeyashdkfskdfjdfaka I can start in a sec)
Tyler walked up to the house, his stomach churning nervously. She will be happy to see me, right? He thought to himself, immediately overrun with guilt for doubting her love. He adjusted his jacket, shifting anxiously before knocking gently on the door.
(sorry that was short, i'm switching classes)
(sorry I keep taking forever to respond)
Macha, who was scribbling furiously at her desk on the second floor, didn't hear the knock. Morrigan, however did. Grumbling quietly under her breath, she tugged her tangled mass of hair down from its bun and opened the door. But, as her vision was obstructed by her mess of dark locks for the time being, she didn't see who was there. "If you're selling Thin Mints, come in. If not, go away."
Tyler laughed softly, his smile stretching wide across his face. “Do I really have to have to give you cookies just to see my wife?” He asked, glancing inside.
Morrigan's head snapped up. Her dark eyes grew to the size of saucers, round and wide in shock. "Oh my god…." she breathed, clapping a hand over her mouth. "Oh my god!"
Tyler sighed happily. “Hi Morrigan,” he said, taking a step into the house before stopping and looking at Morrigan. “Is it okay with you? Can I come in?” he laughed.
Morrigan stood there, gaping at him for a moment, before she finally cleared her throat and snapped out of her daze. "It's–It's your house. Um, she's—she's upstairs."
Tyler smiled gratefully and stepped inside, slipping his shoes off. “Thank you,” he whispered, walking upstairs almost silently. He could barely contain his excitement as he leaned against the doorframe of their room.
Macha pushed a pair of reading glasses further up the bridge of her nose, barely registering the presence at the door. Engrossed in her pages of writing, she dragged a hand through her hair, chewing on her bottom lip. "Hey, Morrigan," she murmured absently, not looking up, "I'll be down for breakfast in a second…"
(can it be lunchtime? lol)
(Lol Yeah)
(Today this guy that I’m pretty sure has a crush on me said (about geometry) “I’m pretty sure nothing’s straight.” And I whispered, “not even me.” And then proceeded to laugh for the rest of class.)
“I’m afraid you’ve missed it, darling. I’ll be happy to join you for lunch though.” Tyler said, biting his lip and holding back a shout of happiness at the sight of her.
( l m a o )
Macha jolted, shock overtaking her features. Her head snapped up, eyes locking with his, several sheets of paper spilling from her hands and onto the floor. A cry parted her lips as she leapt from her seat and into his arms, crushing him in a huge bear hug.
Tyler hummed happily and spun her around, holding her close against his chest. He buried his head in her hair and breathed in deeply, tears pricking at his eyes.
(Sorry these are so short)
(dw about it, mine are short too)
"Tyler—Oh my god—–when did you get out??" Macha pulled away from him just enough to cup his face in her hands, searching it for any signs of harm. Her heart soared, elation filling her to the brim. Tyler was back—her Tyler was back.
(Kk :)
“About an hour ago,” Tyler said quietly, looking down at her, his expression immediately turning to worry. “Have you eaten? Have you been sleeping at all?”
Macha pushed past his questions and let out an embarrassing squeak, pressing her face against his chest. "You're back, oh my god—"
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