forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

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What? Once again, confusion flashed across her features. Her shoulders, which had previously been relaxed, pulled taught.

"Uh….Thank you….?"


Rowan noticed his compliment had clearly backfired but he smiled sweetly anyways. “It’s my pleasure.” He said quietly. “But I should leave you be now.”


Macha blinked, clearly perplexed. I'm sweet? What's that supposed to mean? "Oh–Um, alright, Thank you for the coffee—how much is it?"


“Don’t worry about it. It’s on me.” Rowan flashed another grin. “But would a pretty girl like you by chance give me her number?”


And suddenly, Macha felt incredibly stupid. The compliments, the kindness, they were because of this. How had she not realized?

Her hands gripped the cup until her knuckles turned white, beginning to tremble. What was she supposed to say to that? Eventually, she glued her eyes to the table, exhaling slowly. "I'll just pay for the drink."


(Ahhh pooor babies)

“Oh..right then. That’ll be $3.25, love.” Rowan said, taken aback for a second before forcing a smile back on his face.



Macha smothered a flinch and dug aroukd in her wallet before withdrawing a crumpled five dollar bill. “Sorry. Keep the change, I guess.”


Rowan took the five and got Macha change anyway, handing it back with a glance down at her. He suddenly spotted the engagement ring on her finger and his eyes widened immediately. “Oh my god I am so sorry!” He exclaimed. “Oh god. Oh..I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize you were..married and I’re just so pretty..” He stammered.


Oh, thank god. He understands. Macha’s shoulders sagged in relief. “Y-Yeah,” she stammered awkwardly, “But it’s fine. Not, um, not your fault. And it’s—It’s a bit complicated.”


Rowan sighed. “I am a thousand times sorry. Please, how can I make it up to you?” He asked desperately, still a bit curious where this husband, or wife, of hers was.


The moment the word ‘complicated’ left her mouth, a spike of regret speared Macha’s heart. Swallowing awkwardly, she averted her eyes. “It’s fine, you—You don’t have to do anything.”


Rowan paused for a second, taking in her expression before speaking again. “Are you okay?” He asked gently.



Stop asking me, Macha wanted to say, Don’t ask me these questions. I’m tired of lying.

But she didn’t.

“I’m fine.” The familiar lie, the one she told the most. Just nod and turn away.


(How are you?)

“I would believe you if you hadn’t just come in here and ordered a cup of caffeine. And if I’m assuming right, whoever gave you that ring isn’t around much.” Rowan said, leaning against the wall across from her, his mouth turning to a slight frown.


(I’m okay

Macha’s blood turned to ice.

Shit. This was getting much to personal for her to handle—already, her hands were trembling and her throat had begun to constrict.

“It’s none of your business,” she said quickly and rose to her feet, grabbing her bag from the floor.


(I’m okay)

Rowan took a small step forward. “Wait, please. I knew your husband, I think. I-I’m just realizing it now but I used to work in this cafe in a city near here and he used to come there a lot. He was always writing, every time he was there and he always had this picture..with him..and I think it was you.” He told her in a hurry, hoping what he remembered was actually her husband.



Macha froze. “What?” she whispered, memories taking hold of her again. “I—Must have been someone else. Thank you for the coffee.” Forcing her limbs to unlock, she pushed forward, trying to sidestep the barista. “Have a nice day.”


Rowan kept talking anyway, desperate to keep her listening. “I’m sorry but I would ask him what he was writing about and he said he was writing about how beautiful you looked when you were happy and how he was just trying to remember everything about you..”


Fuck. No. Macha’s desperation welled up along with her tears. Get out—I have to get out. If this man continued talking she was going to break down in front of the whole coffee shop. Tyler—

“Sir,” she started quietly, voice breaking. “Please—Please let me pass.”


“I’m sorry..but he always wanted you to be happy..” Rowan said, moving aside to let her through.


Macha was too busy escaping to respond. As soon as she set foot on the sidewalk outside, a huge weight slid off her shoulders and crashed to the ground. Tears began to blur her vision, distorting colours, shapes, people passing. Tyler.


(Idk she’s about to have a breakdown on the sidewalk and I feel like someone should be like there..idk)