forum The Hero and The Villain (Closed)
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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“No problem.” Luckily the cafe was busy enough to where they wouldn’t be noticed too much. Which is how Caleb preferred it, he didn’t want them to be the center of attention.

In some other corner of the city….

Her shaking hands were covered in blood that she wished were her own. Fear coursed through her veins. How much time did she have? Maybe a day max until they found the body and a few more hours until they found out how he died. There was no way to explain how someone’s eardrums were blown out like that. They’d know it was someone with powers. They’d know it was her.


(Sorry, couldn't get on much today, classes were crazy)

Kyle stayed close to Caleb when the entered. He'd never been good with crowded spaces but he tried to forget about it, "What are you having?"


“How dare you call me boring! I’m quite insulted!” He chuckled, momentarily turning his gaze to the television. Like always, it was playing the government issued news.

“Early this morning, politician Greg Andersburg was found dead in his home. Mr. Andersburg was one of the many to be signing a document to register all superpowered citizens, this bill was supposed to be signed later this afternoon. However my sources have confirmed that this signing has been postponed. Is this another attack of the vigilante Dark Ride? Only time will tell. We now move to John who is coming live from the capital building. John?” The broadcast continued and Caleb sighed quietly.


Kyle shook his head at the broadcast, looking down at his feet, "Maybe I should move to the country and become a farmer when I can… It might be better then here."