“Well…I hate all the people that just act like sheep, perfectly content to live their peaceful lives never questioning anything. It’s the wolves that I’m looking for hun, the ones who do what they want, and turns out the majority of them are here.” He paused, hesitating before asking nervously “what do you think of all this anyway? Dark Ride and Electrica? All of that stuff…”
Kyle frowned a little in thought, his foot tapping to a beat of four as he looked to the ground before replying, “Honestly… It’s good that Electrica is doing all of this. Without her we’d be in even more chaos. Dark Ride on the other hand…” He sighed, foot still tapping, “You can’t have the hero without the villain, it’s the way it works. I just want everything to settle down so we can live somewhat normally again but with them running around we can’t. It’s just becoming a nuisance.”
He shrugged “I kinda have to disagree with you there babe. I mean…someone has to hold the government accountable for what they’re doing…” he looked over at him with a flash of concern “you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah, ‘course I am,” He looked up and smiled a little, “Why’d you ask?”
He shrugged, refusing to meet his eyes. He was a bit sensitive with this topic but he tried to hide that. Kyle shouldn’t have to deal with all that he locked up inside.
Kyle frowned a little, “Caleb? You know you can talk to me, right?” He placed a hand on his cheek gently.
“I know…just don’t wanna talk ‘bout it.” He mumbled, his usual air of overconfidence pretty much gone.
He nodded, pressing a small kiss to his cheek, “Okay. But when you want to talk I’ll be here for you.”
“Thanks…” He could never tell Kyle could he? There was no way he’d understand. Then again…could anyone understand the real reason he was scared of the government?
Kyle didn't press any further, not wanting to intrude. He kept quiet until it was there turn to order when he placed his.
Staying true to his word, he ordered a black coffee with no sugar. “Scoot over, I’m paying, and don’t even try to argue with me over it”
Kyle opened his mouth to protest, but promptly closed it and did as told. He frowned a little, and still stayed quiet.
He cast him a small smile, hoping to reassure him. ‘Maybe…we’re rushing into this…’ he thought but quickly pushed it out of his mind.
“I’m getting the next one, and that’s that.” He smiled and judged him gently.
“If you insist.” He replied, gently interlacing their fingers with a smile.
Kyle nodded a little, “I do. I do insist.” He said quietly, giving his hand a small squeeze.
“Okay then, it’s a deal.” His smile widened, a pleasant blush creeping up into his cheeks.
He giggled quietly, leaning his head on Caleb's shoulder, "Good. I'm going to hold you to that."
“Come on, lets go get a seat.” He said, already looking around. God bless empty corner seats.
Kyle nodded, grabbing their drinks before leading them over to the table.
He only let go of his hand when they sat down. He watched him with a small smile. FREAKING ADORABLE.
He took a small sip of his coffee, blushing when he noticed Caleb looking.
He smiled at him “I still don’t get how you can be this adorable” he purred.
His blush deepened and he pouted, "I-I'm not… You can't… stop ittttt."
He laughed “yes you aaaaaare! And now you’re even cuter!”