forum The Hero and The Villain (Closed)
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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“Well…I hate all the people that just act like sheep, perfectly content to live their peaceful lives never questioning anything. It’s the wolves that I’m looking for hun, the ones who do what they want, and turns out the majority of them are here.” He paused, hesitating before asking nervously “what do you think of all this anyway? Dark Ride and Electrica? All of that stuff…”


Kyle frowned a little in thought, his foot tapping to a beat of four as he looked to the ground before replying, “Honestly… It’s good that Electrica is doing all of this. Without her we’d be in even more chaos. Dark Ride on the other hand…” He sighed, foot still tapping, “You can’t have the hero without the villain, it’s the way it works. I just want everything to settle down so we can live somewhat normally again but with them running around we can’t. It’s just becoming a nuisance.”