forum The Hero and The Villain (Closed)
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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Even though Kyle was excited to see Caleb, his tiredness over took it. Dressed in an oversized jumper, shorts that are probably too short for him yet he couldn't bring himself to care at this point, and his black glasses, he managed to not pass out on the way to Caleb's. His bag was over his shoulder with some work he needed to catch up on, not much but still too much in his opinion, he kept his head down as he walked, trying to act… normal.


She had been following him for awhile, silently watching. She remembered him from a few days ago. She didn’t believe he was a threat but…he’d attacked cops, so she had to take him down. Now there was just the matter of stopping him. She quickly absorbed the energy from a lamppost, casting the street into darkness.


Kyle stopped in his tracks when the light went out twisting on the spot but ultimately giving up after a few moments. He sighed, really not in the mood for anything right now but there was no stopping Electrica now is there?


He took a small step back, "Yes you can. It happened once and it's not going to happen again so you can let me go. I helped someone out, isn't that what you do?" He swallowed, "Come on, please?"


"You do have a choice, everyone has a choice. Can't we just do this tomorrow if you are gonna turn me in or whatever?" He took another small step back and tried to stop himself panicking more then he already was.


“We’re done talking. I have to turn you in. You don’t seem like a bad kid, all you have to do is get the government to understand that. You can’t do that by running away. I will take you by force if I have to.” She hated this part of her job and really hoped he wouldn’t fight back. That’s partially because her body still hurt from another fight with good old Darky the previous night.


Kyle sighed and bit his lip, looking down. He didn't have a choice in the matter, really. He had to go, "Can I at least text the guy I was going to meet and say tell him something came up and I can't see him?"


He nodded, quickly swinging his bag around and fishing out his phone.

Hey Caleb. Something's… come up and I can't come over right now. I might be able to later if you still want me over but I'm not sure. I'll text when I can - Kyle x
