((As much as I love suffering, I can’t hurt my children like that.
Kayla was never brought back. If Jonah knew what had happened to her he didn’t say.
((As much as I love suffering, I can’t hurt my children like that.
Kayla was never brought back. If Jonah knew what had happened to her he didn’t say.
(Ooft, mood)
Kyle was increasingly becoming more and more stressed as time ticked by. He kept contemplating whether to freeze the lock or not then ultimately giving up on the idea only to come back to it an hour later.
Jonah suddenly woke up and started laughing, actually sounding really happy. “Kyle! They’re here! We’re getting out of here!”
Kyle turned to Jonah’s voice in disbelief, “R-Really? We’re getting outta here for good?”
“Yup!” He was bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. With that, you could smell something burning, and then the sound of metal hitting the floor.
Kyle covered his nose with his hand, the excess jumper hanging loose, “Great. That’s great.”
Jonah coughed and yelled “come on V! You know how smoke bothers my lungs!” A girl around 20 years old skipped into view. “Sorry kiddo.” She grinned, “now let’s get you guys out of here”
“Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.” Kyle replied.
She chuckled slightly, melting the lock on Jonah’s first before moving to free Kyle. Jonah moves to stand behind her. He literally looked like a little angel with pale skin and perfect blonde hair. He was kinda short but I mean he’s eight.
Kyle held his hands in front of eyes as the lock melted. He hated fire and nothing to do with it. Maybe because his powers were the polar opposite, “Thanks.” He said once he stepped out.
“No problem.” The girl said
“Veronica, where’s Dark?”
“He went to go find that other girl, come on we have to go meet up with him!”
“Do I… Do I have to come with you guys? Can’t you just pass on my thanks to Dark and let me go on my way?”
“You can but it’ll be easier to get out if you just come with us. After that we’ll just leave you alone if you want.” Veronica said
“That would be great, thank you.” Kyle rubbed at the back of his neck.
“Don’t mention it…” she grumbled.
“We’re almost there!” Jonah spoke up suddenly, running ahead slightly.
Kyle chuckled quietly at Jonah's enthusiasm, wrapping his arms around himself.
Jonah came to an abrupt stop. “And we’re here.” Then there were gunshots from around the corner.
“Jonah please be careful!” Veronica sighed.
Then just as abruptly as they begun, the gunshots stopped. “Well that could either be good or bad” Jonah commented before peeking around the corner.
“You guys are clear! Hurry up!” Someone yelled from the other room.
((Sorry I disappeared there for a bit. School kicked me in the butt and I had some technology issues.
(All good, I had my own things I was dealing with and I took a break over the weekend anyway)
Kyle looked between Veronica and Jonah then walked into the other room cautiously. He was ready to use his powers at any point.
And there he was, ducked behind a large shipping container. Dark Ride. On the other side of the room a few guards were already out cold, maybe two left. “Watch yourself” He yelled, ducking at a sudden spray of bullets.
Kyle through his arm out a second later, ice forming in a wall as the bullets came raining down on everyone. The bullets hit the ice and he flinched slightly at the sound.
“Nice one! I’ll go take care of the rest of them” and just like that he darted off. They tried to shoot him but he was too quick. Long tendrils of dark matter knocked their guns out of their hands. Then they were out cold, looked like there were no more threats for now. He turned around “thanks for that” he said to Kyle.
Kyle shrugged, lowering his hand, "Consider it a favor for getting us out. Thanks for that, by the way."
“My pleasure.” He smiled, though no one could see it. Then he remembered the girl. “Crap!” He ran back to where he’d been before. He ran his hands along the wall before seeming to find what he was looking for. He stepped back, seeming to pull darkness out of the wall, a large orb actually. He snapped and it hit the ground where it cracked open, revealing an unconscious Kayla. “Thank goodness she’s still okay”
Kyle watched on nervously. Even though Ride had said she was okay she didn't look it.
“Dark she does not look okay.”
“V I was talking relatively. She’s alive and stable enough for us to get her out of here and that’s what’s important.”
He double checked for a pulse. It was still there, he breathed a quiet sigh of relief. The poor kid, he could already guess what they’d done to her. He’d experienced most of the same when he’d been trapped here.
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