forum The Hero and The Villain (Closed)
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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‘Too freaking cute’ he thought and grinned like an idiot. He slightly tightened his grip around Kyle’s waist. It wasn’t in a threatening way, just more of a ‘I want you close’ you know just typical gay stuff.


Caleb smiled and gently swayed to the music. Still there was that voice that tried to push into his head, the voice that told him none of this would work out. He pushed it away…he wanted to find a way to make this work.


Kyle smiled softly and closed his eyes, letting himself relax. He hoped they could do this again soon. He hoped he could spend time with Caleb again because he hadn't felt so relaxed and comfortable in a long time.


Kyle tightened his grip around Caleb a little, almost as if he was going to disappear on him. It almost felt like a dream to him, and if it was he never wanted to wake up.