forum You'll See Just How Crazy I Can Be (rp with Icefire, feel free to stalk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik looked at Nik a moment.
"So, that's how it is," he said softly. He sighed, then smirked. He stood, holding Smoke in one hand and carrying Nik with the other. He started towards the door, humming a little.
"You see, I still quite like you, as a human. So, you're gonna be coming with me, but…" He chuckled a little.
"I'm not gonna be turning you back just yet. That's what you get for being defiant of a god."


Nik growled at him, squirming a little bit. He didn't speak though, unsure what he would even say, since anything he could think of would only make this worse.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik stepped through the door, heading out of the apartment building. He lifted Smoke up, carefully slipping the kitten into his jacket pocket. He then took Nik completely in his arms, not holding him by the scruff of his neck anymore.
"I'd suggest behaving," Derlik said calmly. "A cat isn't the only thing I could turn you into now, and I'm known for… Creative punishments." He laughed his maniac laugh again, patting Nik's head.


Smoke squirmed, poking his head out of the pocket and meowing quietly. Nik hissed, ducking away from the touch. "Put me down." he demanded angrily.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"What, so you can take off? You had your chance, but you decided to clam up and be an ass." Derlik held Nik close with one arm, making sure he couldn't jump down. He lifted his other hand up to pat Smoke's head lightly.
"Why can't you be more like your kitten? He behaves so well."


Nik glared at him. "He's a kitten. He doesn't understand what the hell is going on." he snapped, mismatched eyes angry. Smoke purred faintly at the gentle touch.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik continued to scratch Smoke's head, bring so much more gentle with him then with Nik.
"Well, even if he's a kitten, he's very well behaved." He cooed softly at Smoke, smiling at the kitten a little.
"And you seem to be the one who doesn't know what's going on. If you did, you wouldn't dare be talking to me this way."


Smoke leaned up into the touch, purring happily. Nik growled. "Well if I knew who you were and why you're doing this, maybe I'd be a bit calmer."

(woops my sweetheart characters are…not sweethearts sometimes. I didn't know Nik was going to be like this or I would have used someone else. Oh well)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(it's okay, this can definitely work! I've got so many ideas, mwahaha…)

"I did tell you, though," Derlik said calmly. "I'm Derlik, god of chaos. And I'm doing this because I like you. I wanna keep you for myself. Is that so bad?" Derlik kept his eyes on Smoke, smiling at the kitten as he showered attention on him.
"Though, I'm starting to like your cat more than you at this point."

(and no we're not going to have another Nix situation istg)


(jgsdhfgjb alrighty lmao)

Nik growled, shaking his head a little bit. "Yes. You aren't supposed to just…just take people! That's not…" he shook his head again. Smoke purred happily as he was petted.

(lmaoo i mean i wouldn't be averse to Smoke being turned human, but he'd only be like 16-18 so no shipping him. At least not with Derlik lol)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh Derlik, unlike some cough cough are not for that thing, or not consenting stuff)
(he'd just love the crap out of Smoke, human or cat either way)

"That's exactly how it works," Derlik said. "Gods have been doing it for eons." Derlik finally looked down at Nik, chuckling again.
"You're mine now, Nikolai."


(haha well good to know he has some sort of standards lmao)
(dfgabjdg Smoke as a human would be very confused)

Nik frowned. Well, frowned as much as a cat could frown, anyways. "Am not." he replied contrarily.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(well now that's definitely happening XD)

"Really? What makes you think that?" Derlik started away from the city, beginning to make his way into the forest.
"You're not even human right now. No one's going to agree with you. You're mine."


(XD okay)

He stuck out his tongue, squirming a little bit. "Am not." he replied again, glancing around a little fearfully. Smoke meowed again, unused to being outdoors.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik hummed a little as he walked. He looked down at Smoke, smiling a little. He lifted the kitten out of his pocket and they came to a clearing. It was spacious, but there wasn't much in it except a single large boulder. It looked like a seat. Derlik walked over and sat down on it. He set Smoke down on the ground, letting him explore. He then held Nik out in front of him.
"Are too," he said. He touched Nik's cheek, turning him back into a human. However… He was still small enough to fit in Derlik's hand.


Smoke blinked down at the ground, and pawed at a leaf curiously, cocking his head at it. Nik stumbled for a moment, then frowned up at Derlik, crossing his arms uncomfortably.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik glaced at Smoke, smiling at him. Then, he turned back to Nik. He crossed his legs, picking Nik up between thumb and forefinger gently and seeing him down on his knee.
"I'd make you normal sized," Derlik explained, "but I'm in no mood for a chase, and I know you'll just try to run away." He ruffled Nik's hair with a finger. "Still, I get to see your cute face when you're like this~" On Nik's wrist, another tattoo had appeared on the opposite arm of his original tattoo. Two crossed blades, to be exact.


Nik narrowed his eyes, ducking away from the touch and fixing his hair. "Leave me alone." he snapped, crossing his arms to hide how his hands were shaking. Smoke meowed faintly, playing with the leaf some more.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik glanced at Smoke, chuckling softly at the cat's actions. Then, he narrowed his eyes. He wrapped his hand around Nik, picking him up and holding him close to Derlik's face.
"I don't think I will," he said. Now, not his voice had lost the chaotic charm from before. It sounded dangerous.


Nik flinched when Derlik's hand closed over him, and he went very still, staring up at the god. He remained silent, unsure what to do. Smoke continued playing with the leaf happily.


Smoke, being a cat, didn't respond to his name being called, and continued playing with the leaf. Nik frowned, still glaring angrily up at Derlik.


Nik glanced around, debating the wisdom of running, but decided against it. He was too tiny for that. Smoke rolled over, looking up at Derlik and blinking innocently, the leaf caught in his teeth.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik smiled. He scratched under Smoke's chin, hand on the kitten's stomach. He enjoyed playing with the kitten, that was obvious. He glanced at Nik, patting his head.
"You're smart, for a human~" he complimented.