forum “You are terrifying, and strange, and beautiful... something not everybody knows how to love.”// No more people please // OcxOc
Started by @michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

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Pogo smiled, a look of relief of his own on his face.

"Yeah. I-I'm sure it'll be okay, just gotta… keep an eye out, you know?"

You made a pun.

Pogo sighed. Please. Please, not today.

"Hey, have you ever been to a park before?"

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"Well, I remember on my way to work, there's always a park I pass by. I think it's got a pond, now that I think about it — which might mean ducks."

His little 5'5'' self stood on his tip-toes, trying to get a glimpse of where said park might be.

"Hmm… you ever see ducks before? Not sure if they run on a schedule of some kind."

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Pogo pulled Ender along, deciding he'd just follow the path he usually took to get to work. Lo and behold, the park was eventually in sight.

It was a quaint little place, a refreshing sight of green in the midst of city gray. In the middle of the park was a small pond, benches adorning its corners. In the pond, a little family of four ducks.

"These ducks aren't radioactive, but I can't speak for any other substances they might have," he chuckled. "Actually, wait here. I'll be right back."

He left Ender's side, making his way towards a bakery. He couldn't splurge on a meal, but he could afford a piece of bread.

Pogo eventually returned with said bread, breaking it in half and handing half to Ender.

"People feed the ducks sometimes — probably explains why ducks hang around here so often to begin with."

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(hi hi im really sorry these past couple of days have been ungodly amounts of busy and i got a couple other rps to respond to)

"Yeah! They get a little pissy if you bother them too much, but as long as you let them come to you, they're pretty okay."

He approached the pond, and the ducks approached him. He tore off a chunk of his bread and tossed it into the water, and the ducks immediately began diving after it.

"See? They're just hungry."

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(hbbbb no you're alright!!)

Pogo cracked a smile. Admittedly, he'd never really taken the time to sit and feed the ducks — never saw the point in it. But now, watching Ender, he realized why people did it.

It made them happy. And it made him happy watching Ender.

"Just be careful not to get too close to the pond. I can't speak for the friendliness of other critters if you fall in."

Gods, you're weird. They're just ducks, not a philosophy lesson, Kapnos muttered.

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Pogo seated himself next to Ender, tossing a few crumbs from his own bread and watching in amusement as the ducks fished around for them.

"Y'know, if you really wanted to, you could—"

And why exactly would he want to do that? If you're not willing to give up your life in the city, you shouldn't expect him to give up his in the forest.

Pogo closed his mouth, gritting his teeth.

"—could, uh… come here. Anytime."

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

Ender smiled slightly. “I might….I’d miss Dad though…..” Ender’s attention was drawn away from the ducks when a car revved its engine. Loudly. Ender flinched, covering his ears. A few eyes showed up on his arms. The driver didn’t seem to want to stop anytime soon.

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Pogo stood, almost instantly by Ender's side. He pulled him away from facing the car, cursing to himself.

"I-It's not gonna hurt you," he whispered frantically, attempting to reassure him. "They're just an asshole, tons of those people here. All they're looking for is attention."

He held Ender's arms just below the shoulder, covering Ender's arms with his own. "Deep breaths, alright?"

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

Ender tried to breathe slowly, but it wasn’t working much. He squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the warmth of Pogo’s hands. The revving stopped, and the driver got out of the car, leaning against the side.
“Don’t like loud noises, huh /insert r-slur here, for extra realism/?” The man chuckled. He stared at Ender, who was still cowering behind Pogo.
“What’s wrong with yer buddy there? Sure got a lotta scars…”

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"Fuck off," Pogo sneered, taking a threatening step towards the man — or, well, as threatening of a step as he could, given he was a measly 5'5" and not with much of a build, "and mind your own goddamn business."

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

Ender stepped behind Pogo, scared of the stranger.
“Heh, you’ve got a lotta nerve, kid. I’ll do what I wanna do. And I wanna know what’s wrong with that freak over there. He mute or somthin’?” The man snickered. “Hey freak! Say something!”
Ender didn’t speak. He was too afraid. This was exactly what he was scared would happen in the city. Humans were mean.

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Let me punch this dude's face in, Kapnos hissed.

In the middle of the city? Are you crazy?

Then taunt him, insisted Kapnos. Get him to hook, then let me at him.

Pogo sighed. This was, to put it plainly, a stupid decision. But he had never been all that good at de-escalation, and whether it was from poor social skills or the trigger-happy demon in his head, he didn't care anymore.

"I don't think you will," he sneered. "You ain't tough. You ain't got a bit of a spine on you, the way you're picking easy bait. I'll make a necklace out of the iron in your blood if you don't drop it."

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You don't scare him, Kapnos snickered. Just lemme take care of this. You owe me for not letting me finish my coffee.

Pogo grimaced. "… Alright, Kapnos. Just don't kill him."

No promises, they replied before taking over and facing the man before them with a newfound vigor. They pulled out their pocket knife, flicking up the blade and pulling the man down to their level by the collar of his shirt, a manic look in their eyes — eyes that were wide open and full of hatred.

"Now, I'm not one for repeating myself," they whispered, gesturing wildly with the knife, "so I'll say it one last time. Stop picking on the small folk, yeah? Or this knife'll give'ya a third nostril, given how much you love shoving your nose in places it doesn't belong."

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Kapnos's eyes widened and they ducked, aiming a punch of their own right in the man's stomach.

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That's all it took? asked Pogo, almost dumbfounded.

That's all it took. People like him play it tough to hide their cowardice, replied Kapnos, inspecting their knuckles. Damn Pogo's lanky form — that'd definitely bruise.

They shook the hand, freeing it of tension, before poking around in the man's car.

H-Hey! Don't steal!

Calm down, I'm not taking anything he'd miss.

Kapnos retrieved a bottle of water and a few dollars they found in the glove box, pocketing the money and taking a drink of water. They surely didn't need it, but they could feel how dehydrated Pogo's body was.

They made their way over to Ender, snickering at the sight of him.

"It's fine, dude. I kicked his ass. Thanks so much for your help, by the way."

Give him a break, Kap…