forum Werewolves and Chew Toys
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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"Love you too…" Larkin murmured softly, huddling closer and yawning again. It didn't take him too long to drift off to sleep in Samul's arms.


Larkin stayed asleep for the time being, looking like he was going to remain that way until morning.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul let out a quiet breath as he and his family finished the movie. He moved to stand when it was done, holding Larkin gently to his chest as he carried his lover to the spare bedroom.


Larkin stayed asleep in Samul's arms, seeming pretty content and comfortable. He huddled up on the bed when he was set down, and stayed asleep until morning.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul got dressed for bed, taking Larkin's collar off before laying down to cuddle. He was asleep not long after, smiling softly.
Mama came into the room in the morning, smiling.
"Morning, dears. It's time to get up."


"Mmmmm…" Larkin stirred a bit and opened his eyes, looking up at Samul's mother sleepily. "Hm…?"


"Mmm… yeah, always." Larkin yawned and stretched, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes. "We'll be out soon. Thank you so much, miss."


"Mmm… mornin~" Larkin returned the kiss and got to his feet so he could change into fresh clothes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yes, very," Samul agreed. He moved to change, walking over to Larkin when he finished to hug him from behind.
"Love you…" The man buried his face in Larkin's hair, letting out a small hum. He pressed a kiss to the back of Larkin's head, content where he was.


"Love you too…" Larkin murmured, turning so he could return the hug. He nuzzled against Samul's cheek affectionately, his tail wagging a bit. "Now c'mon. We gotta go get some breakfast. I'm starving."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul chuckled, holding Larkin close still.
"Of course, dear," he hummed, scooping Larkin up into his arms. He smirked a bit, holding the werewolf close to his chest as he made his way out to the kitchen.


Larkin flushed and buried his face in Samul's shoulder, reluctantly allowing the other to carry him. "Samul, you… you really don't have to do that…"


"…I dunno…" Larkin sighed softly, turning his ears back a bit as he buried his face further into Samul's shoulder. "I don't wanna bother them or anything…"


"But how do you know? A lot of people are uncomfortable with PDA, even if they're fine with us being gay or whatever…"


"Okay, okay… I just don't wanna bother anybody…" Larkin held a bit tighter to Samul, sighing softly.