forum Wanting to do a o/o with my new character// Closed, but lurk if you so wish
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Deleted user

After a few more moments, Eli joined in, sniffing here and there as he finally calmed down.

Deleted user

He whispered a "Thank you," into Manon's ear, then picked up Emma, smiling despite the tearstains on his cheeks and the bloodshot tone of his eyes. "How'd you sleep?" he asked.
"Good. You woke me up."
"Well, I'm sorry."


Manon stood, clapping her hands together. "Do you have eggs? I think we should make breakfast, now that you are up." She directed the last part at Emma, as though looking for input.

Deleted user

She nodded. "In the fridge. Didya know chickens make eggs?"

Deleted user

"Landlord would kill me. Funny thought, though. Hey, is Jaiden still asleep?"
Emma nodded, xmiling. "I shut her door so she couldn't hear."


Manon blinked. He said that as though she lived there now. "Well, that is good. I am going to start making some eggs, Emma, would you like to assist me?"

Deleted user

Emma nodded, and Eli set her down, his smile disappearing as soon as the little girl's back was turned.


"You go check on Jaiden, and we will get started on the best breakfast you have ever had!" Manon smiled brightly, her eyes still a bit sad. She held out her hand to Emma.

Deleted user

He nodded, making his way up the stairs and coming back down with Jaiden a few minutes later.


She pulled Emma into the kitchen, lifting her and setting her on the counter as she pulled a few things from the fridge. "So how do you usually eat your eggs? Scramble? Fried?"

Deleted user

"Crunchy." Emma said as Eli laughed from the other room. "Eli isn't very good at cracking eggs."


"Ah, well, how about you try my eggs, and tell me what you think. And then next time, if you prefer them crunchy, we will have Eli crack them." Manon said, muffling her laughter with her hand as she cracked an egg with the free one, in a practiced motion.

Deleted user

"Hey, they aren't that bad," he said as he walked in, Jaiden following him.

Deleted user

"They are in Casa de Rogers." He smiled, watching her prepare. His eyes were so bloodshot it had looked like someone colored them in with a red marker, but the girls never noticed.


"Well, we are changing that, at least for today. Grab a pan and put it on the stove, set the burner on medium heat." She instructed, pointing at him with the fork she was about to whisk eggs with. "And I need butter."

Deleted user

"Alright." Jaiden made her way over to a pantry as Eli turned the bburner on, handing him a pan. "Thanks, baby girl," he said, kissing the top of her head, then walking over to the fridge and grabbing a stick of butter, setting the pan on the stovetop.

Deleted user

He grabbed a butter knife from the fridge and cut off a little slab, plopping it onto the pan and dragging it around to spread it out evenly.


She poured the eggs in as it started to melt, grabbing a spatula and using it to scrape the eggs as they cooked. "Is there anything else you three would like with your breakfast?"

Deleted user

"I'm fine," Emma said. "Fine," Jaiden echoed, which made Eli smile. "I'm good," he finished.