Aurelie glanced at the charred wood from the fire as the remnants of the sparks let out a small hissing sound. “Okay, let’s go,” she said.
Aurelie glanced at the charred wood from the fire as the remnants of the sparks let out a small hissing sound. “Okay, let’s go,” she said.
Cat took Aurelie's hand. Leading her down the path through the woods.
Aurelie looked around them as she walked. The forest was quite pretty, just like the girl next to her. She blushed slightly at the thought, hoping Cat wouldn’t notice.
Cat glanced at her and saw the blush. "You're so cute," She whispered stopping the walk to give her a kiss on the cheek.
Aurelie smiled at that, blushing more. Of course she was pale, so it was painfully obvious when she was blushing.
Cat tightened her grip on her hand. Continuing the walk again.
Aurelie was practically floating, she felt so happy. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she hoped it would be a long time before they got back to the castle.
Cat held her hand as they walked closer to the village. "Put on your hood," she reminded.
"Oh, right." Aurelie said, putting it over her head with her other hand. She was certain that if anyone looked closely enough, they would recognize her, but luckily no one had been that curious yet.
Cat held her hand as they walked across the village. The castle came into view.
Aurelie sighed when she saw it. Getting close to the castle meant she would have to go home.
Cat swung their hands between them. She knew she shouldn't go any closer to the castle but she didnt want to leave Aurelie.
"I suppose this is where I leave you," Aurelie said, a bit sad to part ways.
Cat nodded. "I wish I could come in with you," She whispered. She let go of Aurelies hand.
"Me too," Aurelie agreed, giving her a quick peck. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
Cat smiled and nodded. "Can we meet here?" she asked.
“Of course,” Aurelie responded. “I’ll be here as soon as I can get away.”
Cat nodded. "I'll wait for you," She said smiling and taking a step back.
Aurelie began walking, pausing to turn around and blow a kiss at Cat. “See you,” she said, turning back around and walking away.
Cat laughed and watched her walk off. Once she knew Aurelie was safe Cat turned around.
Luckily, no one questioned Aurelie about where she had been, and she was able to get to her room unchallenged.
Cat whent back into town and got some things for tomorrow.
Aurelie sighed, undoing her hair and slipping out of her dress again. Tomorrow was the day before her birthday.
The next morning Cat sat down on a rock near were she left Aurelie the day before. A picnic basket rested on her lap.
Aurelie managed to get out without much trouble, but she knew today was the last day it would possibly be this easy. Her hair was down today, with nothing to stop her strawberry blonde waves from falling in her face. She held her cloak about her until she spotted Cat, hurrying over to her.
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