forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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"Hmmm I could always meet you outside of wherever you work when you get off and then we go from there?" Antonio suggested.


"Oh, I mean that makes sense," Antonio replied lightly hitting his head, "You work with infected people and if I went to where you work I would be getting close to infected people."


"Heh, I feel silly suggesting that now," Antonio admitted with a slight laugh as he finished up, "But at least I realized my mistake."


Antonio had a very faint blush seeing Quinn's smirk. He was getting a little bit more embarresed by his little mistake, "Sooo you work a lot I'm guessing?"


"I probably don't," Antonio responded with a slight laugh. Except he did, there was not time to rest (or breaks) when you were a public figure. Especially one of Antonio's status, that's what made Quinn not knowing who he was such a nice change of pace for him.


Antonio took his plate and grabbed the bottle of syrup as well following after Quinn, "I can do the dishes if you want to go to bed."


"Oh, okay," Antonio replied with a smile. He had meant the gesture in good faith, but understood Quinn's slight confusion.


Antonio laughed as he followed after though he put his plate on the counter and went to grab the other condiments, "There was never another option dear Quinn."