forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Quinn shrugged. "Nah, it's not that. It's just that I don't bother going…like, "is this a breakfast food?" I just kind of make whatever I wanna eat, because…I mean, I live alone." He shrugged a little, still working on the flapjacks.


Quinn finished making the flapjacks. "Can you take these to the table, and I'll get out the condiments?" He said, holding the plate of hot flapjacks out to Tony.


"Of course," Antonio replied taking the plates with a smile. He walked it over to the table assuming Quinn was getting syrup and not ketchup.


Quinn was indeed getting syrup, along with some butter, carrying them carefully to the table. He set them there, and then picked up plates and silverware, setting them on the table.