forum These Corona Blues Got Me Down (mlm anyone? ~ One on one ~ Closed)
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Oh no, I work from home." he giggled, gesturing back to his room.
"I uh, might get a bit loud. Some shit going down with the commentary crew and I'm livid.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“O-oh!” Evan blushed, turning his head to hide his embarrassment. “You’re alright. What do you do for a job? I’m jobless now, which isn’t great considering I have my share of rent to pay.” He sighed, but flashed a tired smile at Nico. “You can be as loud as you want. If you need company I’m going to be in my room looking for motivation to do something.” He chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I’ll make us something for lunch. Come out then if you can.”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico stared at him for a moment.
"Oh, I uh-" he looked for a way to phrase it without looking like a pornstar or a loser.
"I make videos online.. where I talk about, like, things that's going on in the-" he brought up his hands and made a gesture like he was hitting two rocks together,
"The community?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan smiled softly and ruffled Nico’s hair. “Sounds like a good job. Have fun while doing it, alright?” He pulled his hands back into his sides, rubbing his fingers out nervously. He wasn’t sure what else he wanted to say. He just wanted to keep talking with Nico. He liked it.

“What time do you have to start?”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Oh, there's not really a starting time… I just have to upload by Saturday. I usually put it off the last minute and stress about it, but I have nothing to do now so I've been pretty good with my schedule." he smiled,
"I have a meeting today where I have to talk things out with two of my friends, so that might a bit messy." Nico finished rambling, not really wanting to think about the situation any longer.
"So uh, yeah. I don't have a set time to start."

@Toxic_Persephone group

“I hope you get it all sorted out.” Evan awkwardly fell silent, looking as nervous as a highschooler asking their first crush out.

“I-I’ll let you go do that. I don’t want to hold you up on it any longer.” He finally said, tapping on the bathroom door again. “I’m going to fix myself up a bit. I’m a mess. Have a good work day, alright?” Evan quickly pecked Nico on the cheek before he blushed and hurried into the bathroom, embarrassed he had gotten so flustered. “H-Have a good day.”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico cocked his head,
why was he acting so strange?
Nico looked in the mirror and noticed his hollowed cheeks,
fuck, he better eat something. He shuffled to the kitchen and opened the fridge, scanning the shelves. He settled for a carrot. Low in calories, innit?
He slipped back into his room to set up his camera and make a dent in his work.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan silently cursed himself. He felt awkward for some reason, or maybe nervous. Nico made him giddy and he really liked the other.

Once Evan had cleaned himself up a little and put on a pair of sweatpants, he wandered into his room and flopped onto the bed, groaning.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico played with his hair a bit, making it seem somewhat presentable. He tried to cover the hollowed look on his face with makeup, counselling most of his bags and add a bit more colour to his face. He finally sat at his desk and checked himself in the viewfinder.
He was presentable, he supposed.
He turned the camera on and went through his usual routine; syncing sound and that. He pulled put his scripted and tried to get back in the head scape of an ADHD Youtuber.
"Hey Gamers, so this community's in a bit of a squabble right now-"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan didn’t get long to rest peacefully, as a ding from his phone interrupted the silence of the room.

He groaned loudly, lifting his phone up into the air to see who had text him. It was a few of his ‘friends’,most probably drunk as hell, telling him they were going to leave some alcohol for him at the door.
Evan grinned at that.

He was an alcoholic in some ways more than others, and he especially liked the taste of Vodka mixed with some fruity concoction. His ‘friends’ knew that well. If they could even be called friends. They were more like party buddies, people who pretended they didn’t know each other anytime that wasn’t spent in bars and clubs, grinding on strangers and getting drunk as hell.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"So, td;lr: my friends are fighting and I'm pissed as hell. This is so fucking stupid and could have been dealt with so many other ways. There's a very small chance they will recover from this, and will probably not be friends again. This suck, everything sucks, 2020 has gone to hell and I miss getting shitfaced with Dallas." he paused for comedic effect,

Nico had just sat on his bed went his laptop when off.
"Oh for fuck sake-" he moaned, taking his place at his desk. He answered the call and was greeted with 2 familiar faces.
"Hey man, you doing alright?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan danced out of his room and to the main door, opening it right on time to find the group of idiots he hung out with stumbling up to his door. They sported a heavy bounty of alcohol, which was carefully placed in a bag for Evan.

“Good god, you’d think you’re suffering. Look how excited he got!” Ven howled, their buzzed hair now dyed a strange color of green. They were the parental figure of the group - a non-binary, certified dumb-ass that cared deeply about the safety of the group. Ven was the leader.

“I haven’t been out, dumbass. How am I supposed to get alcohol?! Besides, I’m still not quite of age yet.” Evan retorted, giving Ven a hug.

Natalie stepped up next to receive a hug. She was obviously very drunk and by the way Gwen’s hair was messed up, very… excited. Natalie and Gwen were the only two who talked outside of the group’s shenanigans. Their relationship was complicated, the two females obviously liked each other but they never made it official. They were more ‘friends with benefits’

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Yeah I guess," he sighed, throwing his head back,
"How are you then Jammy."
James smiled,
"I'm alright i suppose, just been recording a lot, figuring out the podcast…"
They sat silently for a minute, before Nico spoke up again,
"So, Dally's gonna bring them in, right?"
"Yeah, figured we'd better not let them know whats going on, otherwise they'd probably refuse."
They laughed at the little joke, just in time for Dallas to join the call,
"'Ello fellas, cat fight incoming."

@Toxic_Persephone group

Ven gave the drinks to Evan, patting him on the back. “You’re quite the fucker, we came here to give you a gift and you’re already taking back?” They teased, shaking their head. “I kid, I kid. Take the alcohol. We need to be leaving before we’re caught. Got a house party to throw. Have fun with your roommate~!” Ven snickered, waving goodbye to their friend and dragging Gwen and Natalie out the door.

Evan tilted his head as the door was shut, blinking in surprise. That was the quickest they had ever left. Usually they wanted to drink with him.

He shrugged it off and carried the alcohol back to his room, shutting the door and freezing.


He quickly pulled up his texts to Ven, blushing when he remembered he had taken a photo of Nico resting on him and sent it to his friend, letting them know he might have found the one.

He was half asleep… why had he done that?!

Maybe to tease Ven that he had a boyfriend and Ven was still looking for someone?

He groaned, shaking his head. That’s why they left so fast. The group was giving him alone time with his crush… how thoughtful but also embarrassing.

Evan popped open a bottle of something fruity and downed it, grunting at the burn in his throat.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Look, all I'm saying is-"
"I don't give a shit? It was MY idea, what gave you the right to run off with it like that?"
Nico's eyes rolled into the back of his head.
This was by far the most boring fight he had ever witnessed.
James ran his fingers through his hair,
"Look, you two need to figure this out, you're both fucking wrong and need take step away from each other and the media till you're in a place where you can make rational and well behaved thoughts."
Both fell silent and didn't speak as the call finish up. Nico took off his headphones and sighed. He threw himself on his bed and started to think about last night. His stomach fluttered,
What did Evan see in him?

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan was only confident in himself when he was drunk.

He knew that well. He could be confident in his looks all he wanted but when it came to his inner self he could only see wrong.
But somehow he managed to get over that last night with Nico. How he had managed that was a mystery. He liked it though.

And so another fruity drink was opened, this time mixed with a little bit of vodka. He took his time on this drink, sipping at it slowly as he thought.

Nico was warm. His skin felt like rose petals and he smelled so good… the way his voice rose and fall was heavenly, like an angel who had come down just for Evan.
He wanted to hold Nico again. Or at least sit and talk about life and random things.
Evan really did like Nico.
He had a crush on the other since they first moved in together.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico didn't really count how long he was laying there. His phone pinged a couple times, a grave reminder he still had to edit the video. Eventually, he just closed his eyes.
Life was crazy, you know?
He'd always thought that the start of a new decade could mean brilliant things for him, but he guessed he was wrong. Everything has been down hill and he desperately missed 2015.
He laid quietly, hoping to stay in this silence forever.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan grabbed an unopened bottle, sliding out of bed. The world tilted for a moment, but it stabilized as he leaned against the doorframe. He wasn’t drunk yet. Just tipsy.

He made his way over to Nico’s door and knocked quietly, wiping at the corner of his mouth. He was only going to offer the bottle of alcohol and then he was going back to his room. Alone. Where he had to sit with his own thoughts.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico what as the door swing open, disturbing his reflection time. Evan stood in the doorway, the light in the hall mixed with darkness of Nicos room provided him with an ominous looming figure. Holding the bottle up for the shorter boy to see, he spoke,

@Toxic_Persephone group

"Want some alcohol." He asked, a stupid grin lighting up his features. He laughed softly, shaking his head. "Sorry for the intrusion, my friends brought me a few drinks and I assumed you'd like some… you know." He took a sip of his own drink, shivering at the familiar taste and burn of vodka. It was his favorite.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Ah…. my bad.” Evan stood awkwardly in the doorway, his face slowly turning a light shade of pink. He turned and bit his lip. “S-Sorry for bothering you. I’m going to just uh… yeah…”

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan froze, turning to look at Nico. He nodded softly, taking a few steps back towards Nico. He smiled softly at the other, running his fingers through the other’s hair.
“Yeah. That’s fine. Lead the way.”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico wasn't quite sure what he wanted to talk about.
Boundaries, maybe?
Why he didn't like alcohol or eating?
He lead the other boy into his room and sat him down on the bed.
They both sat there, unwilling to speak.