forum These Corona Blues Got Me Down (mlm anyone? ~ One on one ~ Closed)
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

It was a weird feeling, kissing lips you were unfamiliar with,
But fuckin' hell, was Nico ready to learn them better.
The kiss was long, and it mostly consisted of the two just pushing their lips together. Nico finally snapped and took control, rising to his knee's and starting to move his lips. They moved in a clumsy way for a while, till they became custom to the rhythm. Nico pulled apart and gave him a cheeky grin,
"How'd you like that then Mr Top Shagger?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan felt his soul leave his body.
Not only were the lips he was kissing soft, they were sweet and reminded him of something joyful.
Even as the kiss grew, and Nico took control, Evan held his place firmly, refusing to completely lose it in fear this moment would end all too quickly.
I’m the end, it did feel quick, but the lingering haze in his brain made him feel giddy.
“Good hell…. you’ve been this good of a kisser and you’ve only now decided to come over and play?” He teased, pulling Nico closer to his face by his collar. “I quite enjoyed it… are you making fun of me? I don’t suppose you top?”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

It was Nico's turn to feel his soul leave.
But he likes winding this guy up.
Let's but a cheeky cunt today, shall we?
"I don't know," he said nonchalantly, no break eye contact
"What do you think?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan grinned wickedly.
That’s the way Nico wanted to play? He could play along.
“Mm I’m not sure, but I can find out real quick… so tell me, Nico,” Evan suddenly pushed the other into the bed, pinning him below him. “Are you always so seductive? Or is this reserved for me?”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico smirked,
"Oh, it's only for you."
He reached up and cupped the boy's jaw,
"But I'll tell you what, I can do anything you want me too," his finger ran down his jaw to his neck, he lent up and kissed his ear,
"So use me."

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan seemed to be short circuiting. His mouth fell slightly open at the response, his eyes glazed over with a dark want.
His heart leapt into his throat and he found himself suddenly stricken by the boy beneath him.
Evan leaned down, brushing his lips against the soft skin of Nico’s neck, breathing him in.
“Are you really that willing to give yourself up to me…? It’s a dangerous game, Nico.”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico stuck his tongue out, no ready to give into the temptation of moaning from such little attention. He liked the idea of Evan using him, and he seemed do be into.
I wonder how far we can push him?
He giggled,
"I like dangerous games, daddy"

@Toxic_Persephone group

A soft groan left Evan’s throat. He pressed his face into the other’s neck, swallowing hard.
It was getting difficult to hold himself back. He didn’t want to do anything to scare off the one below him, but Nico was sending him all sorts of bombs to break his walls down.
It worked rather well.
Evan’s hands wandered across Nico’s body. They paused when they found the other’s wrists, slowly pinning them above his head.
“Do you really want to play~? I’ll take you here and now.”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Please~" Nico purred.
He wanted Evan to do all sort of things to him.
Thoughts swirled through his head, what was he into? what did he have in mind??
The thought itself excited him, he couldn't imagine what actually experiencing it would feel like.
"Please, please play with me.."

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan grinned wickedly, sliding his hands down once more. He pulled at Nico’s shirt, slowly lifting it off.
“I warned you~ you’re playing with a devil here, love~”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico whined as Evan took his time lifting his shirt, slowly running his hands up his sides,
"What are going to do to me?~" he whispered, catching the dangerous glint in Evans's eyes

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Now, that depends on what you really want, cutie~ I could fuck you senseless; I could edge you until you’re begging for release; I could even be sweet for you, slow and loving.” He dragged his hands back down Nico’s body, hooking his fingers into the other’s pants. “I’m going to make you feel good anyway you chose, or if you’d prefer, you could give me complete control~“

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"I want you to ruin me.." he huffed, already worked up from the boy just looking at him. Evan ran his hand down the boy's stomach,
"I want you to fuck me till I can't stand, till I can't talk."
Evan bent down and ran a line of kisses down his navel,
"show me how much of a slut I am for someone I just met."

@Toxic_Persephone group

(Want to continue here, in pms, or skip??)

How could he resist such sweet words? They made his pants feel too tight and his core heat in pleasure.

Evan had a really good feeling that this quarantine was going to end up much better than he had thought.

“Strip. Now.”

@Toxic_Persephone group

(Eeeyyyy here’s this btw, the last posted is below:)

Evan watched Nico more than he watched the actual movie. “Sleep tight.” He murmured, kissing Evan’s head. He Pulled the other closer, rocking the smaller male.

He was so cute. Evan wanted to keep Nico around forever.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico cracked his eyes open to the light kisses of dawn.
Why the fuck was he up so early?
He wriggled around a bit, trying to get up, before remembering he had his mystery roommate wrapped around him. He freed himself eventually, stuffing his way to the bathroom. He locked to door and stared at himself in the mirror for a minute.
What the fuck am I doing?
He quickly looked away and turned on the shower, stepping in and hoping to wash away last nights sins.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan always took a long time to wake up. He was a heavy sleeper once he actually got to sleep - which was hard with insomnia - and often times couldn’t be woken by anything.

He had slept through a fire drill one time. That was an interesting story to tell people.

When he finally did open his eyes he was met with a cold, empty bed and the sound of the shower. A soft groan left his throat and he resorted to hugging his pillow close to replace the comfort he had lost. It didnt feel the same.

Evan couldnt expect Nico to be with him 24/7 but he sure as hell wanted it to be that way.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico jumped out of the shower and dried off. His chest was heavy for some reason, giving his the sensation of not being able to breathe. He stopped drying himself suddenly and stared at the ground. He wasn't sure how long he had been in there, but his lips were going blue and cold shivers ran through his arms.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan waited patiently for the shower to turn off. He wouldn’t take one but he wanted to make sure everything was alright. He had made a really big step with Nico, and he was afraid it would drive the other off.

Moments passed, then minutes. Still no sounds and still no Nico. So Evan silently slipped out of bed and pulled on a pair of boxers. He bit his lip as he exited his room and stopped in front of the bathroom.

He knocked twice. “Nico…? Are you still in there…?”

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Are you feeling alright?” Evan tensed as he waited for an answer. “Are you sore? Sick? Is everything alright?” Did he come off as too worried?

Of course he’d be worried. He really liked his small and cute roommate. Even if he didn’t get to see him very often, Evan always got the butterflies each time they’d cross paths.

Now he was worried he had let his hormones take control and had lost Nico completely.

He wanted to at least be friends. Even if the first time they had really talked was over the emoji movie and a quick fuck.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico opened the do.or and forced a smile.
"I'm okay, just a bit cold."
He huffed a shivered breath.
"I, um, have to work, today."

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Be safe, okay? Tell me when you get back. I think we should talk.” Evan gulped, hoping and praying he didn’t come off as upset. He was just confused and anxious was all.

“I’m uh… I’m going to get ready for today. Don’t catch the virus, okay?”