forum These Corona Blues Got Me Down (mlm anyone? ~ One on one ~ Closed)
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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@Toxic_Persephone group

(Nope! Let’s start! Here’s an intro:)

Evan was about three centimeters away from just throwing himself off a cliff. Quarantine was horrible. He couldn’t make it back home to be with his family and now he was stuck in an apartment with a roommate who he hardly even knew. It was absolute torture.

The first few days were fun. He slept in, ate in his bed, and watched a crap ton of his favorite shows. But the entire thing had lost its appeal by the third day. Now it was just plain boring. He wanted someone to talk to. Even if it was the roommate who didn’t seem to like him.

Multiple times he had stood outside of the other male’s room, ready to knock. And yet every time he turned away, thinking it was better to just not bother the other.

That’s how he found himself in the main room of the apartment, lounging on the couch with his head in his hands. He needed to escape, go to some park and watch for dogs.

“Ah it cant be that bad to get sick…” he grumbled to himself, placing his phone down.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico had just slid out of his room for a drink and was met with his mysterious roommate opening the front door,
"Where are you going?"
His voice was rough, he hadn't spoken in days. Evan stared at him, confused,
"I'm just going for a walk, what are you doing?"
Nico began to panic, "You can't!" He hissed,
"You'll get sick!"
Evan laughed, shaking his head. He didn't know the boy, but something about his anxiety makes him want to protect him, nurture.
"It's just a cold man, what do you care if I get sick?"
Nico puffed out his chest, his eyes dropping to the side in a nonchalant way,
"I'm not worried about you getting sick, asshole, I'm worried about you getting me sick!"
"Uh-huh," Evan opened the door wider, stepping out into the hallways.
"Wait!" In a last-ditch attempt to keep his roommate indoors, Nico grabbed his arm,
"There's a fine! If you get caught out there you get given a fine."
Evan thought about that for a moment, ponding what he had said. It's true, he was tight on cash, and being fined over a stupid walk seemed kinda daft. Plus, he was here, talking to his roommate. Now was his chance for some much need socializing.
"Okay, I'll stay," Nico let out a sigh,
"But you have to keep me company."

@Toxic_Persephone group

“But you’ll have to keep me company.”

Evan grinned stupidly at his own words. What a chance this was. Nico seemed to be taken aback by the phrase but Evan was only delighted.

He stepped back into the apartment, letting the door swing shut. His eyes softened as he took in Nico’s relieved features. Evan may act cold towards people at times, but he really did enjoy the company of others.

“You know, you can’t go this long without talking to someone. Your voice sounds terrible.” He mused, trying to tease the other in a playful manner. He had a bad habit of coming off as rude.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico narrowed his eyes,
"Your voice," Evan repeated, "It sounds awful"
He huffed. He knew the boy was joking, so why did it hurt to hear?
"Well-yeah. 'Cause I've been locked in my bedroom all week. Haven't talked to anyone."
Nico dropped onto the sofa, slouched down with his arm crossed.
Evan sat next to him, cocking an eyebrow,
"What, no one? Not even your mam and pa?"
Nico didn't answer, but his lip quivered. He quickly covered it up by taking a deep breath and sighing like he was fed up with his stupid pestering.
"So…" Evan drifted off, eyes wandering the barren living room,
"What were you doing in there?"
The blood drained from Nico's face as he tried to conjure up and excuse for his absence,
"N-Nothing!" He spluttered, face beat red. He didn't know the guy, why'd he have to know what he did alone.
In his room.
With his laptop.
And his webcam-
"Alright man, don't need to be weird about it." Evan laughed admiring the way the smaller boy face flourish with colour.

@Toxic_Persephone group

If Nico was any cuter, Evan might have died right on the spot. He tilted his head to try and catch sight of more of Nico’s face, flashing that dumb grin again.

“You can at least talk to something if you don’t want to talk with me. Have a conversation with your pillow or something… I don’t know.” He laughed, turning to look at the other boy.

Nico looked back and for a moment Evan froze. Nico looked way more attractive up close and personal.

He couldn’t let his attraction get the best of him right now…

But… Nico was so cute.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Pft, bold of you to assume my pillow wants to talk to me." Nico joked, trying to fill his head with anything else other than his own racing heartbeat. Fuckin' 'ell, he's been living with this guy for the better part of 6 months, and he'd only just clocked how hot he was, goes to show how much of a dumbass he was.
"Man, quarantine sucks"
"Yeah," Evan smiled, but I don't think it'll be so bad if I'm locked up with you.."
Fuck, not again.
It's like this guy was saying things he knew would make his heat up,
"Whatever, virgin." He scoffed. Evan burst out laughing again, quite pleased with the result of his little comment

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Virgin? Me? I’ll have you know that I’ve fucked plenty of guys.” He scoffed, winking at Nico as he looked the other boy up and down. Handsome. He liked what we saw.

Nico only seemed to flush a brighter red, hiding his face away from Evan’s sight. “If anyone here would be a virgin, it’d be you, hun.”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico stared at him, in shock at the statement.
He wasn't a virgin!
Does giving a quickie count?
He shook his head and scoffed,
"That's not what I meant."
"Well, no" Evan shrugged, "But it's what you said."
They made eye contact for a second. The tension in the air around them was driving him crazy, It was suffocating him. Nico took a moment to explore the taller boy features.
Beautiful eyes, check.
Nice Jawline, oh fuck yes.
Soft lips-
Nico pulled away before he went any further, turning his gaze out the window.
Evan sighed quickly, disappointment evident,

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan tried to wipe the disappointment off his face. He didn’t want to let the other know of the huuuuuge crush he secretly had. For all he knew, Nico could have been straight this whole time.
That thought made Evan’s stomach lurch.
Now was not the time to be mourning already. One didn’t know until one tried, right?
“Soooo, we might be in this quarantine for a long time. And seeing as how we are living together, I think it’d be nice to get to know you… wanna hang out? I’ve got Netflix on my tv in my room. We could start a show or something, ya know?” Evan bit his lip, waiting for a response, any sort of response. He didn’t dare look at Nico, too afraid to see something he wouldn’t like.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico looked over, intrigued,
"Wanna watch the Emoji Movie?"
Evan snickered, surprised by the boy's sudden interest in such a shit movie,
Nico shrugged; the truth was he wanted to watch a boring movie so Evan attention would be on him, in hopes of getting so for of attention put right in his little, needy hands,
"I don't know…have you seen it?
"well, no,"
"Then come on!" Nico exclaimed, grabbing Evan hand,
"Let's go!"

@Toxic_Persephone group

The Emoji Movie? Evan was confused and yet amused. What kind of a person suggested a movie like the Emoji Movie?

But Nico had convinced him already with that cute tone of voice and look on his face. He let the other male grab his hand, grinning to himself as he was led to his own bedroom.

It was surprisingly clean for Evan, however, as it usually was a mess. He grabbed the remote for his tv and turned it on, sitting on the bed with a sigh.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico scanned the room. He's never been in here before.
It was quite cute; small and neat. He sat on the bed next to Evan, waiting for the movie to start.
"Hey, are you cold?" Evan asked, taking the slow opening of the movie as an opportunity to spark up a conversation,
"Mm." He mumbled, hugging his arms.
Evan turned around and pulled back his duvet, pulling it over them.
"Is this enough?"
Nico shrugged, it's not quite what he had in mind.
"Can I have a jumper?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Oh. Yeah, sure.” Evan rubbed at the back of his neck and stood. He grabbed one of his jumpers and turned it over to Nico. “There. How’s that one?” He asked sheepishly, laughing as he joined the other again. “Still cold? Sorry i kinda keep it cool in here. I can’t stand being hot.”

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico slid the jumper on, engulfing him.
Evan jumped, looking concerned,
"What happened? Are you okay?"
"I-it's stuck on my piercing!"
Evan's eyes widened in panic,
"Oh fuck- just wait, I'll help-"
Evan sat for a second, unsure of what to do, before sliding up under the jumper.
His face was extremely close as Evan delicately slipped the loose strand of his septum ring.
It was quite intimate, being so close, having Evan touch his face, even if was accidental brushes of his pinkie as his shaky hand worked quickly

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan was aware that Nico's eyes were planted firmly on him as he worked. He had to refrain from staring into his eyes. The other was a absolutely adorable and he couldn't focus on the task at hand. "H-How did you manage to get it stuck?" He asked, his voice quiet and nervous. "It's cute though… the nose ring, suits you." He murmured gently, letting his green eyes flicker up to Nico's. He sucked in a breath, realizing just how close their faces really were.
And how kissable Nico's lips looked.

He flushed a bright red, glancing away. He didn't need to scare off his roommate… but Nico looked like he wanted it too. No… It was too early on. He had just barely, like minutes ago, started talking with the other person living with him.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico wanted nothing more than to plant his mouth firmly upon the others.
He's done weird stuff with strangers before, but that's over the internet.
I would hurt for a little smouch, would it?
But alas, Evan had removed the clutter and had pulled away, eyes now firmly locked on the tv in front of him.
Nico finished putting the hoodie on and looked down,
It completely engulfed him.
There wasn't much of a height difference between them, but Nico wasn't a very healthy weight, so its no wonder it hung low on his shoulders.
Evan laughed at the sight,
"Why is it so big on you? Were, like, the same height??"
Nico tensed up again, moving his eyes to the screen and pretending he didn't hear the question.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan tilted his head, wondering if he had said something wrong. Nico looked upset and he didn’t like that.

“Hey, either way it suits you… not to be gay on main but it’s pretty cute on you.” He shrugged, trying to play it off as casual even though his heart was racing. “Not bad. Not one bit. I’d smash.” He teased, gently elbowing the other before he chuckled and settled down to watch the movie.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Nico couldn't concentrate.
What did he mean he'd 'smash' ??
He sighed. the guy is obviously into him, why not just make a move?
with looking away from the movie, Nico shuffled closer, snuggling into his side.
"…this is nice…" He mumbled. placing his head in the crook of Evans's neck, his eyelashes brushed over the taller boys skin.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan tensed up, his eyes going wide at the affection. “Y-yeah… it’s really nice… I like it, a lot actually.” He murmured, shivering at the feeling of eyelashes against his skin.
He pressed closer to Nico, resting his head against the other’s. Was it just because he had gone so long without physical touch that his heart was racing? Or that he may or may not be slightly turned on by the other male.
Fuck. Why did he have to be so awkward?!
In an attempt to make a move on the smaller male, Evan slipped his arm around Nico’s waist, letting his thumb rub slow circles into the others skin.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

fuckfuckfuckfuck okay don't freak out
Nico knew he wasn't the most confident of guys, but when I came to physical contact, he knew what he was doing.
So why was he so wound up over a little affection?
One thing goes for sure, he definitely wasn't going to lose his virginity to the fucking Emoji Movie.
Nico removed his head and grab either side of Evan's face, searching for any sign of disapproval. He lent in a bit before an idea struck.
Let's make him do the work.
Nico sat still, waiting for the other boy to catch on and close the gap.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Evan was just starting to feel proud of himself when he felt two hands on his face and he was suddenly looking down at the cutest fucking face on the planet.
His lips parted in a surprised ‘o’ before they closed again, awaiting a kiss that didn’t come. He blinked at the other, a small wave of disappointment rushing over him until he realized what was going on.
What a cheeky little shit.
Evan loved it.
He closed the gap between them, pressing Nico closer with a flattened palm against his back.