@Becfromthedead group
"Stood up too fast," he lied, "I'll be good to go shortly."
Felix leaned up against the wall, trying to regain his balance and bearings.
"We should make sure Thyra knows we've left, too."
"Stood up too fast," he lied, "I'll be good to go shortly."
Felix leaned up against the wall, trying to regain his balance and bearings.
"We should make sure Thyra knows we've left, too."
Elipse nodded, "Should we leave a note or?"
"I think she'd prefer if I told her in person. Unless-"
His eyes wandered to a dresser, where the pitcher full of elixir still sat. It had a note on it for Felix, prompting for him to take it and giving him directions. He scowled as he looked at it and started to pass it by.
"We can leave a note."
Eclipse nodded, "You really don't like that elixir do you.." he said softly, watching him.
"Nope," he replied simply, although there was a lot more to it than just that.
Felix hated this whole situation so much. Getting injured like that was actually the worst. He hated having to ask for help. Even more, he hated how much he had to bare to his healer, even though he had known her forever. There were just bad associations all around.
"It makes me feel sick, if I'm being honest," he said.
He was trying to stay lighthearted despite the pain and general fogginess of his head, but he wasn't sure how much more he could do or how much longer he could do this.
Eclipse hummed softly, worried for the other, "You sure you're okay? I don't want you getting hurt on account of me…"
"Um… maybe…?" Felix replied, "I… I'm not sure. The pain keeps flaring a lot more than I expect. And have you gone through larger than normal amounts of blood loss? Because if you know what that feels like, I'm still really feeling that right now."
Eclipse nodded sadly, "You really shouldn't be moving if that's the case.." he said softly, "You might pass out…"
"You're probably right…" Felix sighed, "Even if it is frustrating."
He sat down in one of the chairs, holding a hand to his side. He examined his hand and fingertips. Thyra had been kind enough to clean off the blood, but there was still a little caked under his fingernails.
"I didn't want to be stuck here too long, but it looks like my body has other plans. Too bad I can't use magic to heal myself."
Eclipse hummed softly, "I wish I could help…" he said softly, watching Felix carefully.
Felix leaned back into the chair.
"I'm glad I'm not alone though," he said.
His eyes flickered over to Eclipse.
"How are your wounds doing, by the way, now that they've been treated some?"
"Better than what I'm used to…" he said softly, his eyes flicking to the floor.
"That's good, I guess… And you won't be gaining any new ones if I can help it, so… um… Thyra left some salve for us sitting behind the elixir, so if either of us needs to use it on the road, we can," Felix said.
He took his hair down and fixed it again, into a loose bun sitting at the back of his neck.
"I feel pretty okay sitting down, actually. That's something."
Eclipse nodded, "We still need that other form of transportation…." he said softly, glad the other was feeling better sitting down.
"Right… I have the money, and I should be able to sit down. We just have to get to the place and make the purchase and all that. Which is easier said than done with my current state. But it's fine. We'll figure it out," Felix replied.
Eclipse nodded quietly, not sure how they were gonna do it.
“Give me a little bit, maybe? I’ll see if I’m stable enough to go soon. I just woke up after all,” Felix suggested, “but don’t worry, we’ve got this.”
Eclipse nodded, hoping that was true as he watched the other for a moment.
Felix lifted the edge of his shirt up just far enough to reveal the bandaging on his side. He examined what he could from the outside. The wound had bled through the bandages a bit, but the blood was long dried.
He frowned.
“Old man got me good, didn’t he?”
Eclipse nodded, not sure what else to say about it, or if the other waned a response.
Felix cracked a smile. "It's okay to make jokes about it. For me, making light of the situation makes it hurt a little less. Doesn't work for everyone, but it keeps me from internalizing my anger and stress too much."
Eclipse nodded slowly, not quite understanding how that worked.
Felix slowly and carefully stood up. It hurt to move, but he wasn’t feeling quite as faint as the first time, but still a little bit.
“I’m just getting some water,” he said as he moved towards the kitchen.
He bit down on his lip a bit, then gritted his teeth to bear the pain that shot through his side. It made it hard to stand up straight.
Eclipse watched him worriedly, not sure if he should be moving just let, but not wanting to try and stop him unless the other got angry.
Ugh… I shouldn’t be up like this but I’m ashamed to ask for help… I barely know the guy.
Felix managed to get into the kitchen, where he hunched over the counter, panting softly.
There was a glass pitcher full of water from the well in town. Felix grabbed for it, and it skittered out of his hand and onto the floor, shattering into tiny pieces.
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