forum The Forbidden Forest // Small group RP // 5/5 CLOSED // STALKERS WELCOME
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Deleted user

(Anyway we should wait for Luna so she doesn’t get super lost)

@spacebluelily language

Her excursion to Ferncombe had been fruitless. She had asked the locals if they had seen Axel and while some had said they had, it had been when it was still quite early. Which meant Axel could be anywhere. She swore, that as soon as she found Axel, she would ground him for entirety. She blinks as she hears her own thoughts. Yikes, she really did sound like a mother. She had thought that Luz was kidding, but apparently not. For sometime, Destiny just stays standing in place, thinking on what to do next. She could return home and wait for Axel to return…but she knew fully well that Axel would come back days later if he had the choice. So, no that wasn't an option.

So she did what every sane person in her place would do. She started walking towards the forest. There was a chance that Axel would be there, with all the disappearances that were happening…that place was basically the holy grail for all idiots around the world. And then, she sees someone, someone that's making their way to the forest. And at first she thinks it's Axel. So she runs after them, and once they get closer, close enough that they're in the other person's eye range, she realizes that no, it wasn't Axel.

Her surprise at this is big, because what other idiot would even dare go into the forest? And she manages to fall onto the ground. She had not been looking where she was going while she had been running and had stumbled upon some sort of tree root. Now isn't that peachy.

Deleted user

(Alright, I’m gonna have to die soon- I’ll try to respond tomorrow morning)


"I have never been deep into these woods," she says, keeping an eye out on the surroundings. Something wasn't right. Something was watching them. "I'm Litherelm Wolfwalker, the wolf dog is Stormfast, and my horse's name is Gale." As she said the horse's name she gave a short winnie and snorted a warning of unknown people she knew. She gently quiets the horse. "I know, girl, I know," she says just loud enough for the others to hear then even quieter "Which way are they, girl?" The horse pins her ears back; as Litherelm pats her neck, they come forward. She has given the warning, now to see what her rider does. Stormfast gives a short bark and goes a little faster, making the others pick up a true jog to keep up.

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Emayra looked around uneasily at Elm's reaction. Sometimes she wished her hearing wasn't quite so good, even if it did come in handy with her children. The hair on the back of her neck rose and she fought the urge to reach for her knife. It was hard to hear over Gale's hooves and the others' footsteps, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.
"is there someone else out there?" she asked Elm quietly.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth gives a short nod at their introductions. Even got the animal’s names without asking. He shifted his wings uncomfortably. He was getting impatient waiting for whoever was watching to show up, but he knew it likely wouldn’t end well if he went looking. They’ll show themselves eventually if they’re following us. He decides to focus his attention on the search. That was why they were out here. Why did I ask if they needed help again? Oh, right. Because I still have too many morals.

Deleted user

Resh continued following the group, silent and invisible. They know I’m watching, they just can’t see me. He opened his mouth to say something, then caught movement in the corner of his vision. Is that a ghost? He turned in the direction of the movement, brandishing his knife. “Who’s there?” He pointed his knife at the person, narrowing his eyes.

Deleted user

(Welp we’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to pick this up)

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Emayra froze and stopped the horse. “Did anyone else hear that?” She focused on the sounds around her. Wind through the trees, her companions’ breathing, and-
There! A voice?
“Who is that?” She whispered.


Litherelm wipes around the bow drawn and an arrow on the string. "Whoever you are, I advise you make your presence known now," she said in a deadly calm voice. Stormfast's head came up as he walked next to Elm, growling a threat. Gale turned and, seeing Elm and Stormy stopping, she listened to the person on her back and came to a halt. Scanning the shadows she sees movement. "Stay calm, everyone. They clearly don't want to fight, or they would have attacked us by now," she says in a low whisper, trying to comfort the nervous girl.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth turns to face the voice, brandishing his sword threateningly. He only lowers it slightly when Litherelm gives her words of comfort. His wings are flared out partly as a subconscious form of intimidation. “Then I’d like to know why they’re following us.”

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Emayra took a deep shaky breath and drew her knife. She slid down from Gale's back and stood between Elm and Tseth, careful not to crowd either of them. She lit a small flame in her free palm at the last second and turned towards their stalker.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Resh stepped out of the shadows, his knife still pointed towards the stranger. He glanced at Elm, Tseth, and Emayra. He stayed completely silent, not sure how to communicate that he meant no harm.

@spacebluelily language

Destiny stared at Resh as he pointed his knife toward her. A quick flash.of something crossing her face but disappeaing as quickly as it had arrived. "I'm sorry," she said quickly. "I mean no harm!" Could a fae even cause harm without a weapon? Yes, if Axel was anything to go by.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Resh narrowed his eyes at Destiny, trying to read her expression, then put his knife away. “Sorry,” he mumbled. So, not a ghost. That’s good. He turned to face the others, still keeping an eye on Destiny. Just in case. He raised both his hands in a gesture he hoped would communicate that he meant no harm. He didn’t want to speak, his voice was already damaged enough.