forum The Forbidden Forest // Small group RP // 5/5 CLOSED // STALKERS WELCOME
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

(I have a feeling someone (probably elm tree) will notice autism following them and think he’s one of the ghosts)

Deleted user

(Maybe they could meet each other and meet with the rest somehow- like goin back in time a bit idk)

(ah mayhaps)


Litherelm walks almost silently on the forest floor, following Stormfast close, but as they reach the edge of the woods, she makes sure her quiver is clear of her cloak. As they get near the woods, Gale rumbles deep in her chest a dislike of how her master was not on her back in the seemingly dangerous country. "Try not to wander off, and let's try to stay relatively quiet so we don't draw too much attention to ourselves," she says as she quiets Gale. Stormfast leads on, but his hackles raise as they enter into the woods.

Deleted user

Resh notices a group of people entering the forest. What are they doing? Do they have a death wish? He stands up and starts walking towards the group, following them at a distance. He keeps his footsteps silent as he follows them, drawing his cloak around himself to avoid it snagging on any twigs or bushes.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth is barely heard walking through the forest. The quieter we are, the less chance of meeting one of the ghosts. He pulls out one of his swords from a sheath on his side, just in case. He searches the forest for any signs of movement as they walk through it. He can’t shake the feeling of someone watching them as they enter. I better not be getting paranoid.

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Emayra took a breath as they went into the forest. “So… it’s Tseth, right? Do either of you know anything about this forest? I’ve heard about the disappearances but I keep away if I can- gods, I can’t believe Kalli went in, what if…” she couldn’t bring herself to finish the thought.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Tseth glances at Emayra. “All I know is it used to be safe, and then one day people started disappearing. The forest became… dangerous, after that.” He pauses. Kalli’s probably dead by now. We’ll be lucky to find a corpse. “I don’t think I caught either of your names.” Or the animal’s names. I can ask that later.

Deleted user

(Maybe he runs into autism (who’s currently stalking the others))

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

“I’m Emayra.” She swallowed hard at Tseth’s grim look. If he was thinking what it looked like he was thinking…
She shivered, lighting a tiny flame in her palm. She shielded it with her free hand and stared into it.

Deleted user

(DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A frickle frackle )