forum The Dragon Prince RP (tis closed)
Started by @Fenrir

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"On my honor, I swear I won't kill anyone unless it is absolutely necessary." He places his hand over his chest and bowed his head a little bit. He smiled at the kiss and kisses his cheek in reply. He glances at the bird with curiosity, a bright smile on his lips. "She's beautiful." He murmured quietly, reaching his hand out and offering it to the bird so that she could at least check him out. He smiled over at Ethari, gently taking Ethari's hand and placing a soft kiss against the back of it and along his knuckles. He absolutely adored Ethari, that was no question.


Trice ruffled her feathers and spread her wings magestically when being called beautiful. She cocked her head at Runaan and gently nudged his hand with her head, cawing softly. Ethari laughed and transferred her to Runaan’s shoulder. “I see you approve.” He smiled adoringly at Runaan when he took his hand and leaned against his shoulder, reaching up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “What am I going to do with you my love, hm? First you take my heart and now my messenger bird.”


He chuckles a little bit at the actions of the bird, running his hands along her smooth feathers. Yes. She was very beautiful. However nothing could compare to the ethereal being beside him. He hummed at the kiss before chuckling at Ethari's words. "I had no intention of stealing either, but here we are." He chuckles and pulls Ethari close. He loved Ethari. He would do anything for the other.


Ethari wrapped his arm around Runaan’s waist and rested his head on his shoulder. “Yes we are, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” He hummed softly, trying to hold in a yawn as dawn’s sun peeked behind the tree line, barely visible from behind the cloak of magic the village was surrounded by. “You have all my heart.” He murmured, breaking gently away when they reached the little hut where he stayed with Airite. Trice gave Runaan an affectionate nudge before flying up into the sky and transforming into a messenger arrow for Ethari.


Runaan had to quell his tiredness as well, forcing back a yawn before smiling at his beloved Ethari. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here. Beside you." He chuckles quietly and brushes some hair from Ethari's face. "Rest well my love. I'll see you tonight, hm?" He presses a soft kiss to Ethari's lips. "You have all of mine.* He muttered softly, a bright smile on his lips. He hummed and watched as Trice flew off before waving goodbye to Ethari.


He hummed softly and leaned into the gentle gesture, kissing him back with a tired, yet adorable little smile. “Possibly, that is if you can find me.” He winked teasingly, watching as Runaan left. He sighed softly and headed inside, shutting the door behind him and leaning against the door for a quick moment, letting everything’s that had happened that night catch up to him. He bit his lip, thinking back to that first kiss and let out a small, joyful laugh. “Impulsive, reckless, assassin.” He whispered, feeling his cheeks warm. “The things you do to me.” He shook his head and snuck around the house to his small bedroom, not wanting to get caught by Airite.

“Tired young Ethari?” Airite asked, having woken up Ethari a few hours after he had finally managed to go to sleep. Ethari yawned and nodded.
“Eventful night I presume? It wouldn’t happen to have included a certain assassin in training we know would it?” Airite teased with a smile.
Ethari gaped at him “you knew?”
Airite rolled his eyes,” of course I knew, every time you and Runaan are together it’s almost impossible to separate you. I can only assume last night when you snuck out with him that you officially made your poorly hidden attraction to him known. Only confirmed when you came back basically joined at the hip.”
Ethari blushed and looked away “I did,” he said meekly, though a sweet smile crossed his lips.
Airite laughed and patted his apprentice’s shoulder “I’m happy you found a partner, and someone who is worthy of that loving heart of yours too, just be careful, please.”
Ethari tilted his head “Runaan wouldn’t hurt me.” He said, assuming Airite meant being careful with his feelings
Airite shook his head “no, he wouldn’t dare, but he is training to be an assassin. Things, especially now are gettin heated with the human kingdom. If things ever do go south with the war, Runaan as well as many of our fine warriors will Ben on the front lines. If anything were to happen to him, it would be devastating for you as well.
Ethari nodded, knowing that Runaan was quickly becoming one of if not the best assassin the moon elves have ever seen. With his skill and continued growth, Ethari wouldn’t be surprised ignorance he soon had his own group to teach and lead. He took a deep breath and looked up at his mentor. He knew the dangers, but he also knew there was no way even he was going to talk Runaan out of being an assassin.
“I know the risks. But I love him. I’m not going to force him to stay away from every battle and conflict.” He decided with a smile, reaching the green where they were going to train for the day and pulling out his bow and messenger arrows, aiming them straight for his mentor


Runaan bowed teasingly, "You doubt my skills love?" he teases, the smile on his lips only growing, and the affection in his heart swelled. Runaan jogged home, his cheeks a soft pink, his eyes bright and happy. It seemed like Ethari was the only reason why Runaan smiled anymore. The job of an assassin had done its work on Runaan, so the fact that he was smiling at all was a surprise and a small relief to those he knew. His cheeks were a soft pink as he finally made it home, sneaking into his quarters and settling onto his bed with a happy sigh. He adored Ethari. His long white hair fell across his shoulders as he finally managed to fall asleep.

It was early morning when he leaped out of bed. He had only gotten a few short hours, but that's what he was trained to handle. Lain did not seem pleased as he stepped out of his quarters, but Runaan knew that look of mischief and knowing in his friends eyes.
"So. Based off the reckless manner of you running off last night, I can boldly assume that you were with the tinkerer?" Lain gives him a knowing look. "If you're going to be an assassin, you might want to work on your stealth."
Runaan could practically feel his skin flush with embarrassment. Had he been that eager to go and see Ethari? He didn't doubt it. He loved Ethari with all his heart and he was pretty sure his two friends knew it. Tiadrin waves at the two of them and walks over to them. "Honestly, for an assassin in training, you're not very good at hiding your feelings. So did the two of you confess?" Tiadrin asks, a knowing smirk on her lips. He snorts softly, "Based on the look on your face, you already know the answer to that." He replies, and Lain laughs.
Tiadrin however had a very serious look on her face. "You need to be careful, Runaan. You're training to be an assassin." She warns gently.
"As are the two of you, but I have yet to see Lain own up to his feelings." Runaan replied bluntly. She chuckles and shakes her head before it fell again. "I just want you to be careful Runaan. I know you care deeply for him, but you must be careful and you must, please, you must keep his feelings into account. It's different for me and Lain, since we're both training to become Dragonguard. If we die, we die together. But, Runaan. You have fallen in love with a tinkerer. You may not return home one day. Is that what you want for Ethari?"
Runaan shook his head, his gaze turning heavy before an intense resolve filled him. "I will love him no matter what, and I will work my hardest to always return to his side. That, I swear."


Airite chuckled softly and shook his head “I only pray that he makes you happy for eternity, my young apprentice.”
Ethari smiled “he truly does.” He reassured, letting the arrow fly at his mentor before whistling low, commanding the arrow to shift into Trice, narrowly missing Airite by a few feathers.
“Bold move, I see you’re getting the hang of controlling your arrows as well as your birds.”
Ethari smiled softly at the praise, holding out his arm for Trice to land on. “Well, Trice is my first messenger bird, the rest of them are still getting used to it.” He said, pulling out a few more arrows and throwing them into the air, watching as each of them turned into messenger birds. Some looked like Trice slender build with beautiful wings. The largest of the bunch was a black bird, wings sleek like oil, eyes yellow. He was ethari a newest messenger bird, as well his most troublesome bird yet, though he was slowly gaining his trust. The black bird rested on Ethari’s shoulder while the rest had flown to nearby trees. Ethari let Trice fly off as well. He took a deep breath and tentatively reach towards the bird who eyes his hand wearily.
“You won’t be tamed, hm?” Ethari asked, gently petting the birds head as it slowly relaxed “ready Lithe?” He asked, glad that the bird at least responded well to the name.
Lithe seems to give Ethari a glare before reluctantly flying up into the air in a mass of black feathers and ash.
“A rare one indeed, it must have come from the Fire elves kingdom.” Airite mused.
“It seems to like you enough to comply with instructions, Thought getting him to comply with much else will be tricky.”
Ethari nodded, determined to work with the bird for as long as it took. “Let’s start off with a short delivery.” He suggested, whistling again to get Lithe’s attention. When the large bird landed on his arm, Ethari nudged its head gently before holding out a note for him to take. “I think you know who this is for.” He winked and let the bird fly off to find Runaan.


Tiadrin sighed quietly and shook her head. "How odd to see you falling in love, Runaan. But- I am glad that you have found someone you truly love." She chuckles quietly. "We get a day off today, since our trainer is ill. Why don't we go to the river? I heard the hot springs are nice this time of year."
Runaan shook his head. "As nice as that sounds, Tiadrin… I think I will practice on my own today." He chuckles and waves his friends off. Lain followed after her like a puppy. He had to admit it was rather cute, and seeing his friends getting along together was always nice. He sighed softly and walked off to the training area. He didn't want to necissarily become part of the dragon guard, while that was indeed a great honor, he wanted to keep close to home, and specifically to Ethari. Ethari was all he had other than his dear friends. He hummed quietly to himself as he took care of his weapon before starting to train. He wanted to become one of the best assassins in all of Xadia. He knew that he wanted to become the best of the best. So he trained, and trained and trained. He was thrown out of his rhythm when a bird came swooping at him. He almost hit it with his sword. He offered his hand to the bird and let it land, his lips spreading into a smile when he saw who the letter was from.


Lithe cawed before landing on Runaan’s hand, letting the note fall from his beak into his hand. He cocked his head and the note then looked up at the other male.
I’m not so cruel as to leave you in complete mystery. If you wish, tonight you may find me in the oldest part of Xadia. A place where very few visit but hundreds reside. I hope to see you soon,
Yours forever and always,
Lithesome cawed once again before swooping up into the air in a while of ash and embers before disappearing off back to where Ethari was training.
Ethari grinned and reached out his arm, rewarding Lithe with a treat and an affectionate nudge. “I see your liking this little job hm?”
Trice flew down And settles on Ethari’s shoulder, tilting her head curiously at Lithe.
Ethari watched at Lither fluffed his feathers, laughing when he lifted his head proudly, as of showing off to Thebes female bird.
He rolled his eyes and waved his arm, causing both to change into arrows so Ethari could continue to train before he had to go get ready for tonight.


Runaan read the note and nods his head in thanks towards the bird. He held the note close to his heart, his eyes shutting happily as he gently tucks it away with his things. He felt happiness bubbling up in his chest as he goes back to training. He was focused on his training so that he could go and spend time with Ethari in the evening. He was so happy. Lain and Tiadrin visited at some point and they shared a sparring match for a time before he noticed the sun beginning to set. His heart raced in his chest as he waved to his friend before hurrying off.
He wasn't sure how long it took to get ready, but he knew it wasn't long. He was eager to go and spend time with Ethari, it meant the world to him when he got to spend time with the other.


Ethari walked back Airite at the end of training, a happy little feeling in his stomach as he anticipated the rest of the night. Airite arched an eyebrow but kept quiet, guessing that Ethari was going to see Runaan.
Ethari dripped off his messenger birds in the aviary, watching as they flew around and nestled in the trees. He then went home to change and pick up a few things. He changed into a white tunic, with black lace up in the chest area. The sleeves were a bit a-skewed, slightly falling from his shoulders but not completely. He threw on some simple black pants as well as his normal books. He grabbed a blanket as well as a basket of fruits and cheeses. He set off towards Xadia’s ruins after saying to Airite he’d be safe and back for training in the morning.
Ethari had always loved the ruins in Xadia, the mystery as we’ll a set the legends surrounding them fascinated him as a child. When he finally got the chance to go, he had been breathtaken by the views as well as the spiritual essence he could feel only by standing at the ruin’s center. Standing there he could feel his ancestors watching him, smiling and urging him to have a wonder-filled night. He whispered a thank you before setting up the picnic along with a few candles before scaling a fallen building and perching on the edge, his back against a wall, his silhouette illuminated by the moonlight, looking over at the picturesque scenery.


Runaan needed to calm down and ease, needed to relax. It was Ethari… of course that's why he was tense. Because it was Ethari. The most beautiful, kind, strong… there were so many words to describe Ethari. Yet oddly, not enough. Runaan was this stone cold killer, but the moment Ethari came around his knees turned weak, butterflies ravaged his stomach. It made him feel odd but not horrible. He rather liked the feelings. He got into a simple shirt that looked somewhat representable and moveable pants. He was an assassin of course, he always had to be able to move. He inhales and hurries off towards the Ruins of Xadia.
Runaan took a deep breath as he made it to the Ruins. This place always held a comfort to him. It always bright a feeling of peace and comfort. He chuckles as he gazes around the ruins before seeing the candles and the picnic. It made his heart swell at the sight. He inhales and listens. "I know you're there my love." He chuckles softly as he calls out into the night. The moon was full tonight and he could feel the power coursing through him.


Ethari smiled and swung his legs over the edge of the ledge that he had managed to climb up on. “It would have been very awkward if it were anyone else.” Ethari laughed softly and rested his head on his hands. “I see Lithe completed his little delivery quite well, though he seemed a bit irritated when he came back, you wouldn’t have anything do with that, hm?” He teased, carefully sliding down the edge of the ruins. “Though I suppose he does need to be reminded he’s not entirely invincible, that bird has quite the ego. I think Trice is getting attached.” He shook his head with a smile and looked up at Runaan, taking in his appearance. He looked comfortable yet still very much the calculating assassin, especially tonight with the full moon. Ethari had always heard that moon elves were their most powerful at a full moon. Personally, Ethari had always felt the same, full moon or not, maybe it was something he still yet to discover about himself. Looking at Runaan, he could see that the full moon had a larger impact on him, though appearance wise he looked normal, Ethari could feel the power seeping from him, begging to be let loose. He slowly walked up to him and gently caressed his cheek, tracing his lower lip and elf markings. “You never cease to amaze, don’t you love?”


He laughs a little bit at the others words and turns his attention up to his loves voice. "Yes, I suppose it would have been rather embarrassing." His voice was warm and filled with affection. He laughed as he gazed at the other, before shaking his head. "He seemed rather bothered when he arrived, but he was rather amazing." He smiled over at the other and shook his head in amusement. He walks to greet the other, his eyes warm as he gazed down at the smaller elf. He inhaled sharply at how beautiful and ethereal his love looked. Ethari always managed to amaze him. Always managed to make him fall deeper into love. The full moon offered much to Runaan, but he was not worried about that at the moment. He leaned into the others hand, shutting his eyes and held Ethari's hand to his cheek. "Ah, I believe it is you that never ceases to amaze me, my love." He murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Ethari's palm. "You look so beautiful, darling." He offers one of those rare smiles. But he always seemed to smile around Ethari.


“Hmm, He is amazing, Airite thinks he came from the Fire Elve’s kingdom.” He said with a smile. He blushed at the compliment, as well as the kiss and gently stroked the other’s cheek with his hand, stepping as close as he dared to the other, leavening centimeters between them. He replied with a small ‘thank you’, still trying to get used to all the affection and compliments. He matched Runaan’s smile and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, savoring the taste before gently pulling back and taking his hand. He pulled him towards the small picnic with a sheepish grin “I know it’s not much but I thought we could have a small dinner.” He said, glancing skyward as Trice flew above them, eventually landing in a tree. Ethari shook his head with a small laugh. “Pesky little bird.”


"Ah, that explains much." Runaan nods as if his questions had been answered. He hums softly as he leans into Ethari's hand, a look of peace falling over his features. Ethari was everything to him. He wrapped his arm gently around Ethari's waist, pulling him closer so that their bodies were touching. Hearing the small thank you another tiny smile twitched it's way onto his lips. He leaned into the kiss, his eyes shutting for a moment. He didn't want Ethari to pull away, his head slightly following the other, but he slowly pulled back. kissing Ethari always placed butterflies in his stomach. He walks towards the picnic area, his eyes brightening ever so slightly. "Oh, Ethari… It's wonderful." His voice was hushed and he squeezed Ethari's hand. He kissed Ethari's forehead before noticing the bird. He chuckles softly at the bird before settling down. "You never cease to amaze me, my love." He offers his hand to the other.


Ethari relaxed immensely when Runaan exclaimed his happiness and offered a soft smile, taking Runaan’s hand and lacing them together. “I’m glad you like it,” He replied, watching as Trice flew off, giving Runaan And ethari their privacy. He gently leaned against the other elf and took a few bites of food, too excited about just being with the one he loved and adored to eat much. He ran his free hand through his hair and breathed in deeply trying to relax his racing’s heart. It was the first time he’d been with Runaan as something more than friends, he wanted to do well, or at least give the impression that he wasn’t a flustered mess


Runaan seemed pleased by the way that the picnic had been set up. It was romantic and sweet. Runaan wouldn't give it up for the world. "I love it." He whispered quietly, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. He ate the food quietly and smiled, "Ethari, this is delicious." He murmured quietly, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of Etharis lips. He paused and chuckled. "You have something on your cheek." He gently wiped away an eyelash before pausing at how close they were. He smiled softly, his eyes gentle and warm.


(It’s ok! Just poking!)
“Thank Airite for stocking up.” He laughed softly, growing still as Runaan brushed his cheek. He gazed back, giving himself a moment to revel in the warmth before closing the gap between their lips, continuing the kiss that they had shared a few moments ago, but this time, not pulling away. Instead, he leaned in as close as he could, taking his free hand and violin. Runaan's cheek to hold him closely.