forum The Dragon Prince RP (tis closed)
Started by @Fenrir

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(Nah it’s okay! I’m just poking.)
Ethari glanced over after a while and smirked. He raised himself into a crouched position and launched himself at Runaan, causing them both to roll around a bit a scare the fluffy creatures. “I thought you were trained to be prepared for anything?” Ethari asked, Lansing on top of Runaan and pinning him down


Runaan cried out in surprise before laughing as they rolled around in the cool grass. "How bold of you to assume I'd let you win that easily!" He teases as he flips their position, his face a mere few inches from the other. "Boo." He laughs, his eyes warm, his smile genuine.


“Ah But wouldn’t I let you assume you’ve won? Only to lead to you a troubling realization that you’ve in fact lost?” Ethari countered, not actually having a way of getting out of the situation. not that he wanted to. he gazed up at Runaan. He smirked and a closed the gap between them by a few centimeters “is that supposed to scare me assassin?” Ethari asked with a slight tilt of his head, his heart in his throat.


"Hmm… I don't see how I have." He smirked in reply, his eyes glistening in the moonlight. "Please, educate me so I might know." He purrs, his thumb running along the others cheek. He startles a little when the other moved closer, but didn't move from his position, staring at the other with a bright smile. "Not really. Unless you wanted it to." He replies, leaving mere millimeters. He could feel the others warm breath.


Ethari leaned into Rowan’s touch with a softly sigh. His gazed flicked down to Runaan’s lips than back up to his beautiful eyes. His breath hitched as the other moved closer, no, I’m terrified… He could feel the brush of Runaan’s lips against his with every word spoke. Ethari gave into his temptation and gripped Runaan by the collar. He pulled him close and kissed him roughly, lips drawing over Runaan’s with ferocity, as if he would only be allowed this once to be allowed anything so wonderful. He squeezed his eyes shut, fearing any sign of rejection.


Runaan's breathing was slightly shaky with having the other so close to him. He leaned down, only kissing him harder and faster in reply. His lips were so soft, and he was just- Everything about Ethari was breathtaking to me. He wanted nothing more then to kiss the other for such a long time. He pulled him closer, gently nipping at his lips.


Ethari hummed in surprise and relaxed against Runaan. He moved his hands from Runaan's collar over his shoulder and around his neck, pressing him closer to his form. He pulled away slightly to breath and blushed deeply "p-please t-tell me you use that as a tactic in training…" He looked away in embarrassment,trying hide his flush with his scarf


Runaan pulled away before laughing quietly and sighing happily. "I would if it was this effective against everyone. But no- I just used it on you." he beamed at the other, his hand cupping Ethari's cheek and tracing his lips with his thumb. "You're beautiful…" he mumbled quietly, his eyes are bright. He blushed when he realized what he said, hiding his face shyly. "Sorry."


He gently pressed a kiss to Runaan’s fingertips and blushed deeply “don’t be sorry, not too bad looking yourself.” He teased, nudging into Runaan’s touch. “I’m the one who should be sorry. That probably shouldn’t be the way to properly kiss someone.” He ducked his head in embarrassment and played with Runaan’s hair.


He laughed softly and set a gentle kiss to Ethari's nose, sighing happily as he looks down at the other, smiling a little. "No, no. You were a great kisser." He mutters, pressing another soft kiss to Ethari's forehead, before he fell to the side and gazed at the other before looking up at the stars. "I'm… I'm happy with this." He murmured after a moment.


Ethanol beamed at the other as he settled next to him, his hand gently tracing his features. “I am too,”
He breathed a laugh as he gently plucked one of the little creatures from Runaan’s hair. “Adorable little things,” He cooed, holding one in his palm “go with your little friends.” He set the creature down and watch it scoot away to its home


Runaan smiled a little bit and leans into Ethari's touch, kissing his palm softly. He laughed at the small creature in his hair before gazing at Ethari. "You're so sweet." He mutters, gazing at the other with a gentle gaze, his eyes warm and filled with love.


“Nothing compared to you.” He murmured, tracing his lips. He gazed back with as much love as the other and leaned closer, brushing his lips against Runaan’s in a feather soft kiss.


He laughed quietly, leaning into Ethari's touch. His touch was so gentle, so warm. It gave Runaan hope and happiness. He sighed at the feather soft kiss, moving forward to capture his lips in a real kiss. "I love you." He whispers quietly. "Is it odd for me to say so?"


Ethari jumped in surprise and tilted his head to deepen the kiss, reveling in the taste and feel of Runaan’s lips against his. He dug his hands into the other’s hair, gently tugging him even close to his form
“No, I don’t think it is, as long as we both feel the same that is.” He offered a small smile “I love you too Runaan.” He pressed a kiss to his nose and brought their heads together. “Does this count as a victory for me or for you? Cuz I’m pretty sure I won.”


Runaan kissed back slowly, his eyes shutting happily. Ethari's lips tasted like sugar and honey, he tasted so sweet. He leaned into the others hands, wrapping his arms around the others waist and smiling up at him. "I do love you." He mutters softly. "More than what is even possible. I would give Xadia for you to be happy." He whispers, caressing his cheek slowly. "I believe that when it comes to love, it is victory for both of us." He replies quietly, kissing his cheek softly.


"I only need you to be happy, Runaan. Nothing more." he leaned into the the touch, pressing his free hand to the on on his cheek and lacing their hands together. "that sounds right." he murmured softly with a smile. "if I knew you felt the same before, I might've attacked you earlier." Ethari laughed, picking out more of the creatures from Runaan's hair along with the grass


He smiled and nods a little bit. "Me too, my dear Ethari." He whispers, kissing the others cheek softly. He held Ethari's hands gently, his eyes shutting as he gazes up at Ethari. He was beautiful in every way, and made Runaan's heart flutter. He smiled at the other, kissing his lips sweetly. "And I you." He replies, a little laugh leaving his lips. He reached up and strokes Ethari's cheek lovingly.


"Really~ so you were thinking the same thing?" he chuckled softly pressing his lips to Runaan's hand "you were always the mysterious one." he shut his eyes with a small gasp when Runaan touched him and followed his hand, tilting his head whenever his hand moved. "My beautiful assassin, how dare you do this to me, mm?" he smiled teasingly and slowly sat up, not wanting to leave Runaan but also knowing that his mentor would be getting up soon


"You never leave my mind, my darling Ethari." he purrs in reply, a smile gracing his lips when he felt Ethari kiss his palm, his eyes shutting happily as he just basked in the warmth and comfort of the other. He looks up and smiles. "Dare to do what, beautiful?" He whispers, slowly sitting up as well, looking around them. He knew they should be heading back, but it was so beautiful like this.


“Dare to take my heart.” He replied softly, standing up and stretching. He offered his hand to Runaan and glanced around as the small creatures bounced forwards. He then glanced up at the moon bowed his head in a silent thank you for a beautiful night and glanced down at his beloved


(( I am so so sorry for disappearing from notebook. I was going through an absolute nightmare, but I'm better now, and I'm here. If you'd like to continue that is.))


(Hey! it's alright! t\his should be the least of your worries. I hope you're alright and life only gets better for you from here. I'd love to continue this!)