forum The Dragon Prince RP (tis closed)
Started by @Fenrir

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Ethari all but fell out of the tree as Runaan called up to him. He shook out some leaves from his hair and smiled up at the other male “thought you wouldn’t come, took you long enough.” He teased, waving him over to the gate. “Come on, I have a surprise I think you might like.” He said, grinning excitedly as he stepped out of the Protective shield around the camp.


He laughed softly before glancing at the other. "I always come. You know me well enough to know that." He teases in reply. He was glad to see the other in such high spirits. He follows after the other with a raised brow, a small smile on his lips. He took after the smaller male, humming to himself.


“I’m glad you do,” Ethari smiled over his shoulder. He ran his hand along the flowers and bushes around the trees before turning around and walking backwards. “Let’s see how well your training is going,” his bright blue eyes filled with challenge and adrenaline and broke into a jog


Runaan smiled a little at that before cleaning his throat and adjusting his hair so it was out of his face. He looks over at Ethari before raising a brow and laughing softly. "As you wish." He jogs after the other easily, a look of relaxation on his face. He glances up at the stars before returning his gaze to Ethari.


“Always so confident,” he shook his head with a laugh as he lengthened his stride. He broke off from their normal trail and made his way up one of the trees, using it’s thicker limbs as a trail. “So did they show you anything new?” He called from his place high in the trees.


He chuckles at the comment, "At times, but hubris will be ones downfall." He replies as he easily caught up with the other. He leaped into the trees, using them for his advantage. "Nothing much. We mostly sparred today." He shrugged a little bit as he moves alongside Ethari.


Ethari keep an even pace after that, wanting to talk more with Runaan than compete. “That’s fun, I mean not if you do it all the time but still could be fun.” He said, slowing his pace as the cane to a clearing. He jumped from the tree to the ground and glanced around, making sure no one else was around


Runnan laughed softly as they run, "I suppose so. It's fun but can get repetitive." He shrugged a little bit before glancing at the other. He slowed as well before leaping down beside Ethari. "Why are we here?"


“You'll see,” he smiled softly at him before heading over to what seemed a wall of moss. He pulled it aside and waved Runaan through “come on, it’s almost time.” He whispered, eyes bright in the shadow of the carved rock that let to what looked like rolling hills of long grass and flowers


He glanced at the other before following curiously. He felt safe here because he knew Ethari and trusted him whole heartedly. He follows into the area and scans it, a smile growing on his lips.


Wild flowers from moonglows to apharaeluses and green grasses grew everywhere. Ethari followed Runaan in with a wide smile, glancing up at the beautifully round moon that hung perfectly above them. He walked towards the middle of the field and sat down, smiling down at the little friends he found there


Runaan gasped softly as he looks around the area. "What is this place?" He asks softly as they walk to the center, returning the smile Ethari gave him. The moon was breathtaking, so was the field and the scenery, but his eyes could not help but wander to the male in the center of it all. He sat down beside the other, unsure what to do as he gazed at the creatures around them.


He shrugged and picked up one of the fluffy creatures. “I’m not sure. I just found it while wandering around the forest.” He lies back into the grass, careful not to crush any other the creatures. “I’m sure someone has found it before me but it’s still pretty neat.” He laughed softly when the creatures cling to his clothing, carefully pulling them off and setting them in the grass. He glanced up at Runaan and grinned, setting one of The spore like creatures on his knee “they’re friendly, for the most part.” He chuckled softly and whilst fully looked at the moon, completely at peace with himself


(I thought I replied! I'm so sorry!)

Runaan watched him with curiosity before smiling a little bit. He was slightly startled when the creatures climbed on him, but slowly eased when they appeared not to be a threat. Runaan nods a little at Etharis words before glancing down to see he was completely covered by the small, fluffy creatures. He jumps in surprise, beginning to pick them off. He glanced up at Ethari, about to day something but the words never left his throat. Ethari looked breathtaking, the moon casting a beautiful halo of light around the other. He inhaled sharply, swallowing back a lump in his throat.


(you’re good it’s oki)
Ethari glanced up at the other with an innocent tilt of his head “is something wrong?” He sat up, slightly concerned. He scooped up a few of the fluffy little creatures sat cross legged in front of Runaan. He shook his head slightly to get the creatures out of his hair. “We can go back to the village if you want.”


Runaan cleared his throat. You're acting like a fool… He shook his head and smiled a little. "No, no. I just wasn't paying attention and they crawled all over me. Took me by surprise is all." He laughed before sitting down and relaxing beside the other. "So… If I may ask… Why did you bring me here?"


Ethari relaxed and gently poked at the little creatures with a smile. "and here you had me thinking that you all were supposed to be fearless," his eyes gleaned teasingly as he shrugged "thought you might need a break from all the training and stress. This seemed the perfect spot to relax." he glanced around, fiddling with a nearby flower, trying to calm his racing heartbeat. Why did he brink Runaan here?"


Runaan laughed quietly as he sat down. "Just took my by surprise." He replies softly as he looked down and tapped one of the fuzzy creatures before smiling at the other as he picked a few of them up. "Well lets see…" He smiled and pets one of them slowly, his eyes shutting in bliss as he turned his face towards the moon.


Ethari blushed and smiled up at Runaan. How could someone be so beautiful and both so dangerous? He stood silently and scooped up a few of the fluffy creatures and placed them on runaan’s hair. He brushed his fingertips against his horns and sighed softly before gazing up at the moon, praying silently


Runaan was soaking in the moon peacefully when he felt Ethari place the small creatures in his hair. He laughed at this, before looking at Ethari. "They're quite cute." he says softly, not wanting to ruin the peace of the moment.


“They really are,” he agreed, holding runaan’s gaze for awhile before moving back to his original spot beside Runaan. He laughed softly as the creatures embedded themselves in Runaan’s hair, making a purring sound. “You’re not getting those out for a while now.”


I'm back! I'm so sorry about that!//

Runaan smiled a little bit as he felt the creatures crawl through his hair, "No… I don't think I am." He chuckles and settles so he can look at the sky. It was so peaceful here. "Thank you… for showing me this place." He mutters softly, glancing at Ethari.