forum The Dragon Prince RP (tis closed)
Started by @Festive_Fenrir

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He nods and smiles, leaning into his beloved Ethari. "I'll definitely have to thank them later~" He purrs softly, gazing at Ethari with such love and awe. He leaned into the kiss, his eyes fluttering shut. This… this was perfect. Perfect in every way. He wraps his arms around Ethari, holding him as close as he could. One of his hands threads through Ethari's hair, playing with it a little as he pulls Ethari onto his lap.


Ethari pressed his body against Runaan’s when pulled into his lap, one hand resting on his chest while the other still cupped his cheek. He kissed him for a long moment before gently breaking away to take in a few breaths. He traced Runaan's lips, hi so gaze flicking up to meet Runaan’s. He had no words to describe the feeling right now. He wouldn’t dare call it Love, it was something more than that. What they had was far beyond anything that could be said with a simple word. He pressed their foreheads together and gently tucked a piece of hair behind Runaan’s ear, smiling softly and pressing small kisses to the corners of his mouth


Runaan loved having Ethari so close to him, wanting nothing more than to hold him like this for eternity. His arms wrapped gently around Ethari's waist as they kissed, slow and a little awkward, but he quickly got the hang of it. There were no words to describe how he felt about Ethari, how utterly magnificent the other was. So he just gazed in awe of the other and nuzzled closer. He loved those small kisses, the way Ethari's hands felt on his chest and cheek. He nuzzled their noses together before pressing another soft kiss to Ethari's lips. Oh his darling Ethari. How quickly the other had ensnared him in those beautiful eyes, his heart warmed as he held the other. This was the peace he had ached for.


He laughed softly and kissed back, a light blush on his cheeks. He swore to himself he wouldn’t be happier than with his precious Runaan. A bright smile graced his features, an uncontrollable laugh of just pure joy escaping him. He gently traced Runaan’s features, mesmerizing each feature, just with a brush of his fingertips. “My savior, you have my heart. Completely and wholly yours.” He murmured, pressing another kiss to Runaan’s lips. “I love you Runaan. More than I ever thought possible.” His Runaan. His gorgeous Runaan. Gods and spirits above, what had he done to be graced by such a beautiful creature?


(Oki cool!)
It had been almost three years since Ethari had found his partner, Runaan. 3 amazing years of pure happiness. Ethari had moved out of Airites home and into his own little hut with Runaan after the second year, at first a bit nervous but still very much excited. He had finalized his training as a messenger elf as well as mastered his own personal talent as a tinker. He couldn’t think things could get better, well…maybe one. He had left Runaan asleep, leaving a small note on the nightstand next to him before dressing and gathering a few things and heading to the aviary.
Going out to work on a few projects in the Aviary. All the best of luck on your first day as dragon guard leader. Go easy on the new students, my love. Find me when your done. I have a surprise for tonight.
Yours forever, Ethari
Almost immediately as he arrived at the aviary, both Trice and Lithe came flying over, twining with each other before they landed on Ethari’s arm. He laughed softly and shook his head at the two. “I see you two have been getting close lately.” He cooed, walking to the center of the Aviary which had been set up as a mini training center, seeing that a few young elves were becoming interested in what Ethari did. He waved his arm to let the two bird fly off and settled in a large tree.
He glanced around before pulling out a rings from his bag, an obsidian band with delicate engraved filagree surrounding the words “forever, my love.”
He took a deep breath, watching as Trice flew over, cawing softly and tilting her head. He gently rubbed her head and smiled, “Of course I’m nervous.”


The past three years had been heaven for Runaan. 3 years of perfection, love, and happiness for the assassin. When they had moved in together it had been the most nerve racking thing in the world but he never regretted it. He was finally a full fledged assassin. While his friends had moved on to the dragon guard, he had become leader of the Moonshadow Elf Assassins. Runaan was aware of his beloved leaving so early in the morning, but didn't question it. He was proud of his beloved Ethari, he was his own tinker and a wall respected one at that. He finally woke up when he needed to, getting ready before heading over to training camp. He was training the new students until he received a mission from the higher ups.
However, a he trained his students, Ethari's words rang in his head. He held the note in his pocket as he helped train, before of course calling the class to an end later on in the evening. He inhaled quietly before preparing himself mentally. Whatever this had to be it had to be important. He went for the Aviary, since that's where Ethari said he would be working. Of course, Runaan would also check in their spots if he wasn't there.


Ethari has been working on a few trinkets here and there throughout most of the day, mostly specialized weapons for the assassins. He glanced up as he saw the sun set, allowing himself a blissful moment to watch it go down before truly setting his plan in motion. He gathered his projects and set them aside. He pulled out a small table and a few chairs, setting them up by the fountain. He ran back and forth from the house, gathering food and a few decorations. He set up a few garland, coaxing some of the fireflies to gather around the area. He took a step back and smiled, proud with the little dinner he had managed to make in the few hours he had given himself. Ethari changed quickly into clothes he had brought with him and arranged a few flowers around the area, placing a few in his hair to keep himself from fidgeting. Spirits help him, he adored Runnan, so very much. But was this right? Was he moving too fast? Maybe Runaan didn’t want to be bound to Ethari in such a way. He shook himself from his thoughts and took a deep breath. He loved Runaan, he wouldn’t make him feel restricted. He sighed softly and smiled softly, “you have my heart, always and forever my love, no matter what you may choose.”
He returned back to his weapons and started to train a bit, copying some of the moves he had seen Runaan and the other assassin students use in training. Though he knew basic combat skills, he knew most of them wouldn’t help in a serious situation so he decided to take up a little training on his own time.


Runaan had no idea what he was getting into. All he knew is that he was going to get cleaned up and go see his beloved Ethari. Today had been a rough day, but he allowed himself to bask in the sunset for a moment, a small smile on his lips as he watched the moon slowly rise overhead. He braids his hair again, making sure to keep it out of his face as he scaled the trees. He hummed as he walked home, his chest getting lighter and lighter as he made it to the house. He smiled softly when he saw the other training, silently walking to his side. "Your form is getting better, my love." He murmured gently, helping fix his stance a little. He pressed a soft kiss to Ethari's cheek and his smile grew a little. Ethari was the only blessed soul to see that gentle smile.


Ethari jumped when Runaan came up behind him, careful not to attack him with the swords in his hand. He smiled softly and leaned into Runaan’s hold. “Thank you, I learn from the best.” He laughed softly and returned the kiss. “Though I don’t think my stance would be much use if I can’t hear what’s coming behind me.” He straightened and turned, flicking the blades back into the handle. He set them aside and gently took Runaan’s hand in his own, pressing kisses to his fingertips. “How did training go?” He asked softly, pulling him into a walk in the direction of the Aviary. “Hopefully not too bad on your first day as a leader?” He mused, lightly brushing the back of Runaan’s hand with his thumb.


(I'm not really in the mood? If that makes sense? I love your rp style, and I love the dragon prince, but I'm not sure if I'm playing Runaan right, and there are times where I do want to rp this, because I love it so much, but there are also moments where I don't feel like rping the dragon prince if that makes sense?)


(Yes it does! I completely understand! I can tell you right now that you’re doing an amazing job at playing Runaan in My opinion, but I do get it. Please, take your time replying if you feel like it, I do hope to continue this with you but I get it if you want to drop out. I’ll be booping this occasionally just so it doesn’t be get lost. If we do end up ending this, I do hope to rp with you in the future, I love your style of writing and think you do a great job at writing characters!)