forum The Dragon Prince RP (tis closed)
Started by @Fenrir

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Runaan smiled a little bit at that. The other was so handsome- Nope. None of that. He was training to be elite. No time for fooling around. He nods a little at the question. "Either that or the Moon Shadow Assassins. I wish to serve Xadia as well as I can." He replies, returning the admiring smile. Runaan walks after Ethari, having to jog a little to catch up to his side.


"a Moon Shadow Assassin? A dangerous job." He said in slight surprise "you must be very brave and talented." He clasped his hands behind him, holding the blade so that it wouldn't come out of it's hold in the handle. "Was there something you wanted to ask me before? Or did you just want to follow me?" He asked, turning on his heal to walk backwards, keeping his eyes trained on Runaan as they walked


His face hardened a little at that. "Yes. It is." He says quietly before shaking his head. "As dangerous as it may be, I'd like to serve Xadia. Runaan walked with his shoulders back, chest out. Everything about him radiated power and authority. He glanced at the other before smiling a little. "Oh yes. I was going to compliment you on your shot earlier. That was impressive." He chuckles.


"We all serve in our own way." He laughed softly at seeing Runaan's straightened posture and shook his head slightly. "an assassin is always precise and calculating, as well as very uptight and snobbish," he teased, turning around and slowing his pace to match Runaan's. "thank you, but anyone could have done that," he said with a slight blush, not used to being complimented.


Runaan shrugged at that. "That is true." He paused to listen to Ethari before chuckling quietly. "Precise and calculating, yes. Uptight, maybe. But snobbish? You wound me." He retorts, a playful smile on his lips. "As for anyone being able to do that, I would not be so sure. A few elves can't even seem to hit their target." He shook his head, laughing to himself.


"I truly meant no harm to you or your ego," he laughed and rolled his eyes playfully. You hit the target, I'm sure with a bit more practice many of the other elves will be able to hit the target as well." he argued lightly. "I've just had more practice than others." He shrugged, trying to hide his rising blush by looking off to the horizon of the fields. He stopped and turned to gaze up towards where a full moon hung in the pitch-black sky


He laughed at that as well before shaking his head. "Yes, I hit the target. But I didn't split it down the middle." He replies, raising a brow at the other. "Besides, not many have been able to hit it before." He stopped as well, his gaze on the other before turning to look at the mood. "The moon is bright tonight. A good omen." He said with a small smile on his lips.


"A good omen or the usual way moon phases occur?" he turned to Runaan, studying him carefully with a small smile playing at his lips "If your right and our beautiful moon by which our lives are based around does mean a good omen, what would be considered a good omen?" he tilted his curiously


"A good omen based on how bright the moon is." He laughed quietly before catching Ethari's eyes. "What?" He asks curiously. "Is there something on my face?" He asks as he turns to face Ethari fully.


Ethari blushed at being caught and quickly averted his gaze "uh sorry, er' no. Nothing's on your face. I was just thinking of something. Sorry for staring." He glanced back up at the moon and smiled "maybe it is a good omen." He bowed slightly to the glowing orb in the sky and started heading back to the main part of the village


Runaan smiled at that, "Oh? About what?" He asks curiously. He looked up at the moon as well, his eyes scanning the sky. He bowed as well before following after the other, his eyes in front of him but his mind wandering as he walked beside the other male.


"What a good omen could be? oh, it could be of many things, the birth of an elfling, the end of a war, a love found." He shrugged and clasped his hands behind his back "As for my thoughts, I think I'll keep those to myself for now." He chuckled lightly and tilted his head at Runaan "so are you specializing in any particular weapon for your training or just going for basic knowledge?"


Runaan listens intently, a small smile on his lips as he watched the other think. "Fair enough." He replies when the other said he would keep his thoughts to himself. "I'm currently practicing with a bow and swords." He shrugged a little. "Nothing special." He smiled a little at the male beside him.


"You should come by the shop one day. I'm sure Master Airite (making up names) would love to have a soon-to-be-assassin as a model for his armor." He smiled and sat by the pond with the enchanted flowers floating on it's surface. He gently touched on with his fingertips before nudging it away "so maticulacly crafted, I only hope to do the same for those in the coming years. to memorialize those who willingly give their lives to Xadia."


"I'll make sure to." He replies with a little. "Although I highly doubt I'll do for a model. I'm more of a fight while you can kind of elf." He chuckles as he sits down as well. He gazed at the flowers. That could be him one day. A life represented by a beautifully crafted flower. He smiled at the other. "I am sure that your hard work will be just the same, if not better" He offered.


Ethari gazed up at the other and smiled "and I'm sure with more practice, you'll be out greatest assassin Xadia has ever seen." His eyes sparkled with the reflection of the pond as he looked at the other make.
"There you are," a calm voice said from behind. Ethari turned around and smiled at his mentor "Airite, I was just talking with Runaan, is everything alright?"
The older elf looked at Runaan before nodding in respect and tilting his head back to the house up on the hill, "I'm sorry to inturupt but it's time to go back home." Ethari nodded but was a bit saddened "I'll see you again Runaan." He bowed and smiled at the other before following his mentor to the hut in the distance


It was late into the night when Ethari slipped away from his home. Stealth was never his strong suit but he wasn't bad at it. He slung his bow over his shoulder and carefully held his messenger arrow in his hand. Once a few yards away from the hut he crouched down in the grass. "You know your path, find him and deliver the message. He knocked the arrow into the bow and aimed it at the sky, letting fly and watching it turn into a messenger falcon. "find him," he whispered, watching the bird as it swooped with a soft cry and headed towards Runaan's home. Ethari smiled softly and started walking to the gates of the camp to wait.


Runnan was training for a little while, humming to himself. He looked focused, intent on finishing this round. He wiped his brow once finished and cleaned himself up. He pulled his hair back a little bit before looking up when the falcon landed on his porch. He chuckled softly and opened the message. He tucked it into his pocket, grabbing his dagger (he always took it with him) before hurrying out of his home to meet up with Ethari.


Ethari was waiting in a tree, hidden by leaves and new blooming flowers caused by his presence. He was excited as always to be out at night And to hang out with Runaan again. They’d been sneaking out for a few months now, using what time they could to talk and train. He was excited to show Runaan the meadow he had found. He flicked his blade out in slight nervousness before calming himself down and humming softly


Runnan made it to their meeting spot. He enjoyed his time with Ethari. The other elf was incredibly important to him. He was a friend, possibly Runnans closest friend. He smiled warmly, seeming to do that when he was around Ethari then anyone else. "Hello Ethari." He greets kindly as they meet up at the spot.