"What kind of storm?" Lucas stood up and looked at the sky as well, although he didn't learn anything from it. I don't like storms…
"What kind of storm?" Lucas stood up and looked at the sky as well, although he didn't learn anything from it. I don't like storms…
"The bad kind." he said, "As soon as marco get's back we need to get moving and find shelter."
"Alright…" Lucas put out the fire and started gathering their things so they were ready to get moving when Marco returned.
Skye sheathed his blades and began to help him, looking to the trees to see when Marco would comeback.
Once everything was packed up, Lucas sat down beside Skye to wait for Marco.
Skye hummed, staying on his feet to pace anxiously.
After about ten minutes of silence, Marco finally arrived. Lucas stood up in preparation for leaving.
Skye shifted after explaining what was going on, and Marco nodded.
Lucas got onto Skye's back and held on tight as he took the group to a relatively close cave that would serve as good enough shelter from whatever storm was coming.
Skye hummed, letting Lucas slipp off of him, then summonging his aura, and setting up a shield at the mouth of the cave.
It had started raining on the way here, so Lucas's clothes and hair were wet. Pieces of wet hair were plastered onto his forehead, and his clothes hung upon his thin frame. Not to mention, it was freezing in here; at least to Lucas.
Skye sighed as he stayed to the next to the entrance, his fur damp from the rain.
Lucas sat beside Skye, shivering. He watched the rain rolling down the forcefield quietly, trying to push his hair out of his face.
Skye shifted back to human form when he noticed the other shivering, holding his amrs out for the other in an attempt to keep him warm.
Lucas hesitated before moving a little closer to Skye and leaning against him, folding his arms tightly around his own chest to preserve as much heat as he could.
Skye hesistantly wrapped his arms around him, trying to help him stay warm.
Lucas's shaking was strong enough to make Skye shake as well, and despite not liking physical contact, he stayed as close to Skye as he could. He really didn't want to get pneumonia, and he knew that letting Skye help him would be wise.
hummed softly, wrapping himself around the other so he would be a little warmer.
Lucas lay his head against Skye's shoulder, his breathing shaky. He felt cold enough that he thought he ought to have been seeing his breath cloud before him, but it didn't. I hope it's sunny again soon….
Skye eventually pulled him away from the entrance as it started pouring outside.
"Hey, Luke." Marco came up next to them, holding a piece of wood. "Could you light this? I'm starting a fire." Lucas nodded and set the wood on fire with magic before going back to huddling with Skye for warmth.
Skye moved them closer to the flames, pulling away for a second to shift to wolf form, figuring his fur would do a better job as he pressed against the other's side.
Lucas pet Skye gently, watching the flames dance. The fire helped a little bit, but he was still freezing. There was a crack of lightning followed by thunder, which made Lucas flinch.
Skye nuzzled against him comfortingly, trying to help.
Lucas continued petting Skye. He wasn't necessarily afraid of thunderstorms, but he was afraid of sudden loud noises. "W-When do you think this s-storm will be over?" He asked, still shivering.
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