"Are… are you sure?" Lucas asked quietly, looking up at Skye. He really didn't want to be any trouble.
"Are… are you sure?" Lucas asked quietly, looking up at Skye. He really didn't want to be any trouble.
"Yeah, I promise I'll be fine" he said.
Marco sighed, "He'll be exhausted later though .."
Lucas felt almost guilty, staring at the ground. "I just… I don't want you to have to do that for me…"
Skye placed a hand on the other's shoulder. "I promise I'll be fine, and to be quite honest if I had thought that there would be a chance that I'd be able to sleep I would've woken one of you and tried,"
Lucas nodded a bit. He felt like he was useless to the group, honestly. He couldn't hunt, and he couldn't even get from place to place on his own. He had to ride on Skye's back or he'd never be able to keep up.
Marco patted his shoulder, "Hey, don't get too down about it alright?" he said quietly.
"Okay…" Once they'd finished breakfast and gathered their things, they were on the (metaphorical) road again.
Skye kept to a pace equal to yesterdays, and Marco led the way from the air.
I wonder how long we'll be traveling like this… it would be nice to have a break for a couple days. Lucas held tightly to Skye so he wouldn't fall off. It was difficult without a saddle.
Skye kept to pace, letting the other find his balance.
There was the light sound of rustling in the bushes and Lucas looked over at them nervously. "Did you hear that?"
Skye was instantly alert, and tense, because he had heard it. Probing mentally he tensed even more. Marco we have company!! he called out.
(Bold is Skye's telepathy, only the one he is speaking to can hear him unless otherwise specified.)
Lucas held tightly to Skye's fur, watching the trees. He formed a weak forcefield around them just in case they were shot at.
Skye quickly reinforced it, watching as Marco came low.
"W-Who's there…?" Lucas asked quietly, more to himself than anyone else. The bushes moved again and he tensed up.
Skye stopped, crouching low, growling as several men came out of the trees. Marco landed and shifted back, sword drawn, and a blue aura swirling around him.
Lucas stood beside Skye, still inside the forcefield. He clenched his hands into fists that glowed with growing magic.
Skye hummed, shifting to human form and rising to his feet, drawing both blades as a surprisingly strong aura swirled around him.. "You're not capturing me!" He yelled, "I'll die before I let that happen!!"
Lucas stared down the men as confidently as he could, his hands shaking with the energy. He knew he could still attack through the forcefield. When the men approached, he held out his hands and threw them backwards with a powerful wave of energy.
Skye gave him a look of surprise, before grinning, "See, you are helping" he said with a grin as more hunters swarmed around them.
Lucas backed up a bit. He thought for a moment before seeming to come to a decision, stepping away from Skye and closing his eyes. He shook violently for a few seconds before a burst of radial energy shot back all of the men, the power magnified by Skye's aura. When the dust cleared, Lucas looked very unsteady.
Skye was even more surprised at that, but quickly pulled him back, leaving him near Marco as the rest of this particular clan cam out of the trees.
Lucas watched Skye as he leaned against Marco, still trembling. His chest hurt like hell now and he felt dangerously close to passing out, but several of the men were still unconscious. He'd at least helped some.
Skye nodded to Marco, trusting the other to protect Lucas while he dealt with the rest.
His aura suddenly flared throughout the whole clearing, causing many of the hunters to gasp.
Whenever the hunters tried to approach he and Marco, Lucas would emit bright lights from his hands to intimidate them. He knew he wouldn't be able to use any more powerful magic in this state, but the hunters didn't need to know that. He just needed to startle them long enough for Marco to have an opening.
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