forum See You Again // One-On-One // CLOSED
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he sighed and walked over to her, wrapping the hood around her and sitting on the ground, glancing up the sky

Deleted user

Maya pushed the hood off. She liked the cold. She always had. It felt like home.


"More warmth for me." he took the hood and wrapped it around himself, surrounding himself in her scent. "Dads worried." he mutterd


"Doesn't change the fact that he's still worried about you. and don't say that you're old enough to take care of yourself and that you don't need anyone looking after you. I know that already." he said from his spot

Deleted user

"He's worried about me? Sure. Last time I ran away and then came back he slapped me a few times. I'm sure that's how he shows his love."


"hey, o never said his parenting methods were right, I just said he was worried." He raised his hands in defense "he's never been the same since mom left…"

Deleted user

"Why do you bother defending him? He treats you no better."


He sighed and turned in his spot to better confront her "cuz he's the only parent I have left. Mom left us for a drug addict and sis left us for a drunk, it's a freaking miracle he hasn't killed himself yet and right now I'm the only one keeping him on this earth. No matter how poorly he treats me, I still want him in my life. I'll talk to him about putting a hand on you but understand that I'm all he's got."

Deleted user

"And you need to understand that my mum is all I've got! She's my only family! I've never considered anyone else my family except her!"


He shook his head "we're not starting this again Maya," he leaned back against the fountain "why do we always fight…"